Our helpless little girl.

Jack's pov.

"Why? " I ask him coldly.

There has to be some reason. What made him go against his own brothers?

Our body stiff, ready to pull out our guns any moment.

"All this could have been avoided Jack" Said Elijah sighing through his nose.

I felt the movement behind me, I immediately pulled out the gun and shot behind me.

A guard fell down with thud. From the corner of my eyes I saw Kevin doing the same.

A group of four guard, almost twice my size, attack me at the same moment, pinning me down.

One held my right arm down, the other held my left, the same with my legs.

And one hold a gun on my head.

Kevin was in same state.

"I asked you to kill sam, you didn't" He said pointing his index finger at me like a maniac.

He started walking inside, towards the lounge area.

Guard picked me up, one held my hands behind my back, other still holding a gun on my head.

The others surrounding me, ready to take me down any Instance I make a move.