Chapter 7

After I heard the door slamming sound of my room I slowly opened the door of my bathroom. I peeped out to see if he was still there. I saw everything was destroyed in my room. It was looking like a storm had come here. After I was sure I came out of the bathroom. I started picking all the things after I was done. I went near the full-sized mirror of my dressing table to keep things on it. Now I was standing in front of the mirror l stared at my reflection.

“O my god he saw me like this In boy shorts" I never wanted him to see me like this. I completely forgot what I was wearing. Involuntarily my fingers started to touch the area where he kissed. There was a tickling sensation all over the place where his lips touched my skin. It feels so different when he touches me, “Jane removes those thoughts from your mind he just wants to rule your life he wants to bully you and you're not going to let him do that with you”.

I was laying on my bed thinking if he comes at night what will I do? Locking the door won't help me because he has keys. I need to take those keys from him. I have to steal it from him, the keys of my freedom. I don't know when I drifted to sleep.

The next day I was getting ready for the day out with Jack. After I was ready I went down for breakfast. Aunt Jennifer was placing breakfast on the table. I greeted her good morning. She greeted me back with a smile. I took my seat. I asked her where the uncle is. I didn't ask her about him.

Usually, he is here for breakfast at this time. She told me the uncle is busy with some work. He has an important breakfast meeting today. After some time he came down and sat opposite me. While eating my breakfast I took a look at him and he was straight staring at me. When my eyes met with his cold one my heart started beating fast. I immediately averted my gaze back to my breakfast.

Through breakfast, I didn't dare to look at him. He was staring at me without blinking his eyes. He was not eating his breakfast. I tried to focus on my meal but something was strange. He was just staring at me. Not giving me a death glare. It was like he didn't care if I went out with Jack anymore. Good with this thought I continued eating.

” What happened to your hand,” came aunt Jennifer's worried voice. I saw my hands, nothing was wrong with it, then I saw the aunt was examining his hands. His hand knuckles were bleeding “how did you get this injury,” she asked.

I was looking at him and he was looking at his mother then he turned and looked straight in my eyes and said: “my hand smacked on the wall”.

Yesterday's smacking sound on the wall was of his hand.

"What! how can your hand get smacked like that can't you be a little careful,” aunt Jennifer started scolding him. He was not listening to her, he was looking at me. "Wait here I will bandage it. I'll go and get the first-aid box" saying she went into the kitchen to get a first-aid box after some time she came with a first-aid box.

“Jennifer, Jennifer honey I'm not getting my important file please come here find it. I'm getting late coming here fast,” came the uncle's voice. She kept a first-aid box on the table and told her son to wait for her to come in some time. He told her he is getting late so she can bandage it afterward. “No”, aunt Jennifer shouted at him. She told him she can't let him go out with a bleeding hand. I was looking at them when the aunt turned and looked at me and she asked me to bandage him.

“What,” came from my mouth unintentionally now the aunt was looking at me in confusion. Seeing her expression I told her "of course I'll do it," She smiled at me and said thank you and went to her room to help my uncle. I took the first-aid box and sat on a chair near to him. I took his hand and immediately he withdrew it from my hand. "What is your problem,” I asked him.

"You,” he said in a cold voice and a shiver ran to my body.

“What”? I asked him with a scowl on my face.

"You asked me what is my problem, you are my problem,” he said in his cold voice passing a shiver to my spine. His words made me shut my mouth. I didn't say anything to him, I just kept quiet. I was silent then he spoke. He said that he doesn't need my help. "I will bandage it on my own."

"ok," I said in my calm tone and gave him a first-aid kit. He glared at me with anger. I think he didn't expect this answer. I sat there observing him. He was not able to do it on his own. In frustration, he looked at me. I smirked at him and this made him angrier in anger he was about to throw a first-aid kit. I grabbed it, again I took his hand.

His hand was rough but so warm and this time he again tried to snatch it from my hands but I made my grip strong on his injured hand. It was clearly written on his face that his actions are causing him pain. I told him to "stop struggling or it will cause you more pain" saying that I started bandaging it while I was bandaging him. He was staring at me. It made me uncomfortable but I had to bandage his injured hand.

“Why are you bandaging my hand,” he asked me in a cold voice.

I lifted my head and looked at him “because aunt requested me to do it, she has trust in me that's why I'm bandaging your hand" I said while bandaging it a little bit tight. Listening to me his expression changed he yanked his hand away from mine with an angry face. He stood up from his chair in anger. By the time the aunt came down, he was going in the direction of the main door.

“Before leaving, finish your breakfast,” she said in a concerned voice. Now he was at the main door. I'm not hungry anymore. He shouted in an angry voice and slammed closed the door.

"What happened to him," the aunt Jennifer asked me.

I replied "I don't know," She asked me when Jack was coming to pick me up. “Maybe in an hour our movie starts at 12,” I told her. “I'm gonna wait in the living room. I'll watch TV till he comes,” I said and she nodded at me then went to the kitchen to do something. I was in the living room watching TV. I saw the clock was showing at 2 o'clock. “Why is he so late? Did he forget we had planned to see the movie, something happened why didn't he call and inform me,” all sorts of questions were coming in my mind and I heard the main door opening sound.

Finally, he came.

I turned to ask him why he was late but Jack was not there instead of him he was staring there he walked in my direction with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and I returned and continued watching TV.

Why is he not coming?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by his voice “are you going out" he asked me. The smirk was still on his face.

Why is he smirking at me and why is he asking like that. Yesterday night he created such a big scene and today he forgot about it.

Anger aroused in me. But I still answer him calmly “I'm going out with Jack.”

He smirked at me and in his smirk, there was an evil laugh. “Oh, I totally forgot. He called me today and told me to inform you that he won't come today, something urgent has come he needs to handle it first,” he told me this while smirking all the time.

“When did he call you?” I asked him.

“He called me in the morning,” he said pretending like he was thinking.

“And why are you telling me so late?" I asked with clenched teeth.

“I forgot,” he said in a cold voice like he was so innocent and he genuinely forgot about it. Anger aroused in me.

"You intentionally didn't tell me. you made me wait for him so long” I shouted in an angry voice. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes but I didn't let them come out. I wanted to cry. I turned to run in the direction of my room but he caught my hand and my body went stiff.

My back was facing his front, his hands encircled around my waist. I tried to remove his hands but his grip got more strong then he moved my hair side from my neck and whispered in my ear “I told you don't mess with me I can make your life hell” and he kissed on back of my neck my heart started beating fast. He removed his hand from my waist letting me go. I ran to my bedroom and locked my room. I don't care if he has a key. I still locked the door and started crying.

“I was waiting for Jack for so long. I didn't have my lunch too, he is so evil he knew it still he didn't inform me he is the devil”, I whispered while sobbing..…..

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