Chapter 8

I woke up at seven in the evening. l touched my face it was wet. I fell asleep while crying. Stepping down from my bed I went to the bathroom. After washing my face I glared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and red my face was looking like a pumpkin.

I stepped out of the bathroom and went to my walk-in closet and took out clothes to change. While I was changing my clothes my stomach started growling. I placed my hand on it “I didn't even have my lunch I'm starving” whispered to myself. After I was done with changing l went down to the kitchen to find something to eat. When I entered the kitchen I saw aunt Jennifer was making some snacks. “You are up, I have prepared snacks for you. I came to wake you up during lunch but you were sleeping so I let you sleep. You didn't have your lunch, come

take a seat you must be hungry”, she said with a warm smile on her face making me remember my mother. I was still standing there and watching her.

How can mother and son be so different?

Aunt is so nice and her son is a devil. How is that possible?

“Why are you still standing? Come here, snacks will get cold,” she called me again. I went there and sat on the chair. I took the first bit "hmmm it is very tasty”, I complimented her.

“Thanks”, she replied with a smile on her face. There are so many servants but there is no cook. When I asked her why they don't have cooks she told me her family should eat food made by their mother. Aunt Jennifer likes to cook for her family and she cooks well. I have almost finished eating my snacks.

“Jane,” aunt Jennifer called me.

“Yes,” I said while eating the last bit of my snacks.

"Can you take this to my son's room?” l almost choked on my food.

"What,” I said while coughing a little.

“Are you ok Jane,” came Aunt Jennifer's worried voice now she was soothingly rubbing my back.

”Im ok,” l said while still coughing a little.

“Are you not feeling well dear?" she asked me in her worried voice.

“I'm totally fine”, I replied to her and this time without coughing. Listing to my reply her facial muscles relaxed.

“Will you take it to his room,” she asked me again after some time.

There was no reason to deny her finally I said “Yes”. I saw happiness in aunt Jennifer's eyes why was she happy because I'm taking snacks to his room. I don't get it. I took a tray from her hands.

What should I do now?

I will send it with a servant but the aunt is still standing there and looking at me. Why she is not going in the kitchen she is still standing there. I can't escape from it l have to take the tray to his room. I started climbing the stairs when I was halfway I turned my head and saw her. She was still standing there. I have to do it on my own.

"Good God please help me save me from that devil,” I did a little prayer to god and started talking my steps in his room direction. Now I was standing in front of his room. "What should I do now”. I will knock on his door and keeping the tray on the n floor and run away. What if he opens the door and catches me before I run away he can do it he is very fast. What should I do? Again this question arises in my mind.

Fina, lately I decided I will hand this tray to him first and run before he says something. Hmm, a good idea. I will hand him this tray. If he holds the tray he won't be able to cache me. After thinking for five minutes I gathered all my strength. I curled my fingers into a fist. Biting my lower lip I raised my hand to knock it with all my strength. My fist was about to touch the door when it suddenly opened and my Fist landed on his head. “Ouch,” came his angry voice.

Oh shit, I'm doomed now.

It was my first thought when I heard his angry voice. He was rubbing his forehead with his fingers which was red now and while doing it he saw at me with his ready to murder look. “what are you doing here?'' he asked me in his same angry voice.

I was praying for my safety. I pointed to the tray in front of him for an explanation. He took hold of a tray from my hands. Looking at the tray he asked me.

“What's this,” I said nothing I turned my body in direction of the stairs and started taking my steps. I don't want to talk with him. He is such a devil and what he did to me today. I'm not going to answer his questions anymore. Turning around I started walking fast. “Jane I asked you something.“

Don't look back, don't look back.

“Jane come back here or you won't like the outcomes of your behavior,” his angry voice was now coming from the distance. Don't look back he is just threatening you he won't do anything. I give myself courage. Now his voice had stopped coming.

“Aaaa finally I'm away from him” a smile spread on my face. I was about to thank god when someone grabbed my hand and pushed me again wall my body went stiff.'s him he pinned me both hands behind my back. I tried to get free from his grip but his grip became more strong. “When I ask you something you have to reply immediately understood,” he said in his pissed voice but I still didn't reply to him. I was just staring at his handsome face. I didn't say anything to him but I just kept staring at him.

He was demanding an answer from me but I didn't want to talk to him. What should I answer him was the big questions he was acting like he did nothing to me. But I can't forget he made me wait for Jack so long. His eyes were boring in me making holes in my body, now I had stopped resisting his grip he was still demanding an answer but I don't answer him he was staring back at me.

"Jane understood“ came his cold voice. I unconsciously nodded at him. After seeing my nodding he smirked at me and said “Good girl”

What is he complimenting me? And why the hell I nodded to his command.

Why is he so intimidating?

God, please save me from this devil.

Now his face was so near to mine. He was slowly moving his face to me now there was only an inch distance between our lips.

God, is he going to kiss me?

What should I do now? I start panicking from inside? What should I do? If I push him he would not like it. He doesn't like rejections and the same trick won't work on him. What should l do? I will push him it will make him more pissed but I have to do something, but his grip is so tight on my hands. How will I push him?

“Miss Jane, Miss Jane,” I heard someone calling me. That sound started coming near us “Miss Jane… ...Miss Jane, are you there “ it was one of the maid's voices. He also heard the voices but he was not letting me go. His grip was still strong on my hands. What if someone saw us, what will they think I started panicking. His face was still near to me. He was observing all my uneasiness. I looked at his face in distress.

He smirked at me looking at my distress. He knew that I was feeling uncomfortable but he believed in giving me though time then his gaze felt on my lips. That voice started coming very near I started panicking more seeing me like that he smirked again his lips were about to touch mine. I need to get out of these anyhow. With all my force I stamped on his toe.

“Aaaaaa shit “ came his pissed in pain voice his grip became loose on my hands. Slipping from his grip from the side I ran in direction of voices. I didn't turn back to see his face l just ran but I heard his angry voice" You are going to pay for it,” a shiver ran through my body. If this situation was different I would have fallen on the floor flat by hearing his words but I don' stopped running.

I managed to run without falling because I need to save my life (temporary). What should I do next?

I hit him twice today. He won't let me live in peace in this house.

He is going to make me pay for it…...

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