Chlorine (2)

"I will do it all over again until you realize that this isn't working for your part. Don't blame yourself as to why he cheated on you because I know you do. He was lousy in bed," Reinne chuckled at her words. "Those were your words not mine. But, Ivy, talking actually helps. I don't know the whole story but talking it out will help ease the pain."

Reinne sigh. "When's the wedding?" She changed the subject.

Deanne knew what her friend is doing but didn't push her. She knew Reinne's been through a lot and all she needs is someone who would tell her that everything's alright, but that person wasn't her or her friend Jubileen. She smiled and answered. "Two months from now."

"I never received an invitation."

"Chill your ass. I haven't sent it yet," Deanne giggled.

"I never agreed to be your maid of honor."

"You did!"

Reinne tried to run up her memory. "I did? When?"

"You promised me when we were 16! How can you forget?!" Deanne screeched.