Argon (1)

Argon is the third most abundant gas in the earth's atmosphere.


"Thank you for doing this," Reinne said.

"Its nothing," Hayden said while starting the car. "We are just going to gate crash a wedding. No big deal."

"We are not gate crashing," Reinne put on her seatbelt and frown at his statement. "We are actually invited."

Hayden chuckled at her when she didn't get the joke. Reinne glance at the rearview mirror to see Drew's car following right behind them.

"They are curious of what you look like," Reinne chuckled when she remembered their conversation last night.

"You never told them about me?" Hayden asked glancing at her. He didn't know if he should be insulted with what she said. Not that, anyone knows about them at all but he has no plans of keeping their relationship a secret. He would gladly introduce her to everyone.