“I am glad you text; we need to talk,” Amy said.
“Yes, we need to talk. When we are calm. Look, I do not want to drag this out, and I want to get to the point. I want you to know that you haven’t done anything wrong and that there was never a time that you were not good enough for me. I do not have the answers you are looking for, and I really do not understand all of this myself. All I do know and realize, is that you are miserable, and I feel responsible for some of it. I feel with the way things have become, and with regard to our circumstances, that you and I need to stop seeing each other,” Aiden said.
He sat on the porch swing looking at Amy awaiting the moment he knew would make him cringe when her reaction surfaced.
“What? I can’t believe you are breaking up with me. On our Christmas break of all times!” Amy shouted.
Aiden stood up to try to calm her, but Amy was too upset and was not hearing anything that Aiden was saying or what he was trying to do.