Chapter 16

Lahash led Brennen and Warrick through the corridor to the dark realm where the roaring heat singed their faces, and the wind in their eyes left them partially blind as they squinted to endure the unpleasant experience. Lahash seemed unaware and unaffected by the harsh conditions of the realm as he strolled through at his leisure. The distance to the dark one was not as far as it felt to Brennan as he was cowering with every step that he took. Warrick watched Brennan in satisfied silence watching him suffer in fear and physical discomfort. The three continued on in silence in anticipation of the progression of the meeting and the experience. Lahash ushered the guides in and stopped in a large cave that seemed uninhabited. There were several chairs, made out of stone from the cave itself, and a large round table in the center that held a centerpiece that was made up of flames. As the three beings took their seats a low and sinister voice spoke to them.