Childhood Haunts

Carl pulls up to his modest place on Beckwith Street. It's a white, single-level three-bedroom built by Millie's grandfather in 1920 and then given as a wedding gift to her mom and dad. Millie, the sole survivor, inherited it when they passed.

It's a quaint little residence with its large Oak trees hovering over the house and most of the sizable lawn. A row of hedges runs the full length of the porch. Lush rose bushes weave around the inner railing. The flowers send a heavenly scent across the spacious deck. The shrubbery and flowers were his late wife Millie's pride and joy. So, he tries to take care of them the best he can. With the generous help of his neighbor, he's been able to keep them alive.

Carl is collecting his things when he hears someone calling his name. He glances over to find Gladys running across the yard. She's a lanky woman measuring a little under six feet. Her short gray hair, boyish figure, and towering height cause many to mistake her for a man.