Inevitable Discovery

I warned you what would happen if you hit Janie again. Guess you didn't take me seriously." He shoves Trent. The lad stumbles back. "Maybe you forgot." Carl takes a step and then pushes him again.

"I... I remember what you said." Trent backs up. His foot slips off the curb. He stumbles onto the highway. Seeing an oncoming car, he jumps back on the lawn.

"Evidently not, seeing that Janie is almost dead." Horrid images suddenly come to mind. Carl pictures a dying mother with her deceased child in her arms. He then envisions her family grieving over her grave. Jannie and her baby aren't going to end up like them. He grabs Trent's shirt and slings him across the yard. The man's body thuds against the side of Carl's truck. With fire in his eyes, Carl stomps towards him.

Trent falls to his knees. "I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry. I'll never touch her again."