Grave Reality

The captain is at his desk, trying to find a new lead. He's been at it for hours and doesn't feel like he's accomplished a thing. Another dead end, just like the others. He slams his fist on the desk. Small scraps of paper fall to the floor. "Wonderful." He's cleaning the mess when he notices a forensic tech crossing the room. I hope they've found something helpful because all we have is a bunch of worthless leads. He looks at the pile of litter again. Grabs a handful and plunks it in the trash.

He and his crew have been working nonstop for the past twenty-four hours. They know the longer someone is missing, the harder the case will be to solve.

Jack tosses the last of the mess in the wastebasket. He gets to his feet and says, "What can you tell me, son?"

"We've found a lot of prints, sir, what you'd expect at an abandoned site. I can tell you with certainty that they're all made by young kids and are several months old."