Grim Outcome

Throwing the door open, Trent springs out of the truck. Gravel crunches under his feet, a gentle breeze whips against his face. Little creatures scream all around him like they can sense his grave outcome is drawing near. Images of his bloody body tumbling to the ground plague his mind. Pushing the grave thoughts aside, he darts towards the Alabama state line. He hears a metallic click of a gun.

A deep, boisterous voice echoes through the starry skies. "Freeze police."

He looks up to find a horde of cruises coming towards him at a high rate of speed. Their cars skid to a stop at the state line. They barrel out of their cruisers, guns in hand. He then realizes the cops are closing in all around him.

Raising his hands in the air, Trent drops to his knees then locks his fingers behind his head. I was free for a little over a month, he thinks as his face is being shoved into the soggy ground.