Almost Home

With one eye on the dog, Carl slowly brings his leg up to his chest. Any sudden gestures will cause him to attack, he thinks, pacing his movements. His breathing is quick and shallow. His mouth and throat are painfully dry like he's swallowed a ball of cotton. Pain courses through every cell in his body. The coyote takes a second step. Gulping down a big dose of courage, Carl reaches for his ankle. The hungry beast moves again. Carl lifts his pant leg and carefully removes his revolver from the holster.

The sickly beast takes another step. Leaving mere inches between him and the victim.

One more move, and I'm toast. Cocking his weapon, Carl grips the weapon with both hands and swings it around.

Interpreting his victim's sudden movement as a threat, the dog lunges for him.

Carl squeezes the trigger. His bullet lodges in the center of the coyote's chest.

The dog yelps. His brawny body plummets to the ground.