Free Again

Carl hears jabbing in the distance. Ignoring the noise, he continues towards Millie and his mom. A strong current surges through Carl's body. There's chatter then he feels the sensation again.

The group around her slowly disassembles. Millie lowers her hands to her side. The light behind her grows dim.

A perplexed look crosses Carl's face. He anxiously blurts out, "Where is everyone going?"

Millie's sweet voice tearfully says, "You still have work to do."

Carl feels the flow course through him again. He feels his spirit being pulled towards his body. He glances up to find his wife; the light and music slowly fade away. "I don't wanna go back, I don't wanna go back," he cries. He tries to run towards them, but an invisible force pulls him away. His body jolts. His eyes fly open as he gasps for air. Turning his head to the side he finds an officer beside him.