Chapter 7

Randy's pov:

I felt my body tumbling for a few minutes until it came to a standstill. I couldn't think because of the sheer amount of pain I was in. I felt blood pouring down my face. I could hear someone on the phone to paramedics then felt something soft cushion my head. I wanted to speak, scream, say anything but I couldn't. My eyelids kept flickering trying to adjust to my surroundings. I finally managed to regain focus to see a familiar face stare down on me. Shit. Is that who I think it is?

Fredrick's pov:

My heart stopped as soon as I saw who it was. I ran over Jonathan's son! Shit, he's gonna kill me! I may be mouorning my daughter, but I sould have been focused on the road. "What the hell?" I heard Randy croak as he tried to get up but I pushed him back down. "Don't move. You'll do more damage" he said. I knew I had to call Jonathan and tell him what I'd done but I needed to keep an eye on Randy until the paramedics arrived.

Jonathan's pov:

"I'll see you tomorrow sweetie" I said giving my wife a quick kiss before walking out. I stepped into the car and ran the ignition. As a neurosurgeon, I'm always surprised by the cases I deal with on a day to day bases. Yes I get a lot of repeats but regardless, the human brain has always fascinated me. I drove along that familiar road, admiring the scenery. They call Greenwich, the Beverly Hills of London. It was a beautiful area. I turned the bend to find an ambulance in the way and a body laid in the road. As I got closer, their faces became clearer. I spotted Fredric and. My mind stopped. I slammed on the breaks and ran out of the car. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" I screamed running over to Randy who kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Fredrick looks at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry Jonathan" he croked. I gave him a death glare getting up. "Did you do this?" I said through gritted teeth. "It was an accident. I'm sorry" he pleaded. "AN ACCIDENT! LOOK AT MY SON! HE'S BARELY HOLDING ON!" I screamed. "Sir, you need to calm down" the paramedic warned. I wanted to continue but I didn't want Randy to see that side of me. "Get out of here. Expect a letter from my lawyers!" I threatened before walking back to my son. "Dad?" Randy croaked. "I'm here" I replied taking hold of his blooded hand. His pulse was eratic and the paramedics struggled to stababilse him for a while. But they finally did and he was wheeled away into the ambulance. "I'll meet you guys at the hospital" I said getting into my own car. I took a few moments to get my head together. Just seeing him laid there helpless and wounded. Then my mind dated over to Fredric. Maybe I was a little harsh on him. He did just lose his daughter. But that doesn't excuse him running over my son. How am I gonna tell Melanie what happened?

Benny's pov:

"RTC in two minutes. Predestrian vs car. Let's go" I said as everyone went to prep the ER. With any collision, you don't know what to expect. Some only suffer minor injuries, some suffer life changing injuries and some never wake up. "Ready?" Nate said approaching me. "Not really" I replied making my way into position. Flashing lights came into view and the door finally swung open. I was about to assist when I saw who was on the gurney. My whole body froze in shock. I do this all the time but when it's your child, that's different. "I'm gonna get Rosa to lead" Nate said running into Recuse. I ripped off the plastic apron and ran into my office. I had no right to be upset but he was my flesh and blood. I still cared about him. I slid down against the wall and sobbed as all the "what if's" started to play in my mind. What if he never recovers, what if he sustains a life long disability or what if I lose him. A gentle knock was heard on the door. I got up wiping my tears. "Come in" I choked. The door opened and Jonathan walked towards me. "Just letting you he's up in CT now" he quietly said. "Take the day off" I said embracing him in a man hug.

Jonathan's pov:

A part of me wanted to go home but another part of me wanted to stay and know exactly what was going on. I pulled away looking at Benny. "I want to work. Me not knowing what was happening will make me go crazy" he replied. "Can I come in?" Nate asked poking his head around. "The CT results are being uploaded as we speak" he said logging the computer. We waited a few moments until the scan finally appeared. I felt a hand squeeze mine as Nate clicked the file. "I've already seen the scan but I wanted you both to see it too. I'll go prep for surgery" he said walking off. We took a few minutes to study every angle. It was worse than I thought. Here I was hoping he could just get away with some mild bruising, but he didn't. Three broken ribs, a fractured leg and a bleed on his brain. It's a miracle that he is semi conscious. "I better scrub in with Nate" I said walking off. I walked out into the corridor and got my phone out. I didn't want to break the news to Melanie but I knew I had to at some point. Might as well do it now.

Benny's pov:

I wanted to challenge his decision but I didn't. Nate needed a neurosurgeon with him and Jonathan was one of the best. Actually, the best if I'm quite honest. I hate that this happened. I may never get the chance to see if Randy ever forgives me or repeatedly tell him, how much I love him, even if he does tell me to fuck off. But I won't give up until he does. There's nothing more I want than to have my son back in my life.

Randy's pov:

I was falling in and out of sleep as they filled my body up with painkillers. At least I was a bit more comfortable than I was a few minutes ago. I felt a cold hand stroke my hair and another hold my hand. "Randy sweetie. We gotta get you up to surgery now. You're my brave little man" I heard my father's voice. Of course he wanted to dig into my brain. Classic neurologists. Even though I sustained some brutal injuries, I'm still glad to be alive. If today taught me anything, is that life's too short to wait. As soon as I'm out of here, I'm gonna tell Dean how I feel. And I will survive the surgery because if my parents taught me anything, is that I won't give up without a fight. "Alright Randy, I'm gonna inject you with the anesthetic. Count backwards from ten for me please" a voice said. I guess it was one of the surgeons. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4" I counted down before I finally felt my body drift off into a deep sleep.

Dean's pov:

After hearing the news about Randy, Dylan came over to give me some support. But what really angered me the most, was that it was Lauren's father who did it. Not only did he have the nerve to come here and blame me for his daughter's death, but he also put my best friend in hospital. But maybe Lauren's death was my fault. I didn't see the signs. I knew that she was struggling and I let her push me away. I shouldn't have let her walk away from me that night and followed her. Maybe if I did, she'd still be alive. "Do you boys want anything?" dad asked poking his head around the door. "No thank you" I replied. "We'd love to hear that track you're working on mister Clarke" Dylan said winking. "It's not finished yet and it's for a famous person" he said walking off. The lucky bugger. He has worked with top artists in the music industry and also played bass for the Rolling Stones. It's what inspired me to learn how to play the bass guitar. One day, when I have enough, I'll buy my own but for now, I'll just borrow dad's one. "So I noticed something lately. And don't hate me, I might be wrong, but just some observations" Dylan said. I looked at Dylan then looked back to the front. I knew exactly what he was on about. "Is it that obvious?" I asked. "Yes. You could cut the tension with a butcher's knife" Dylan replied. "I don't know what this is Dylan. I've never been attracted to another man before. I'm straight" I said. "Dean Abraham Clarke. How long have we been friends? Two years now? I've always had my suspicions but I never wanted to say anything" he said. There a was a short silence while I absorbed what he said. "If it's meant to be, it'll naturally happen, but right now, I'm still grieving over Lauren. I'm not ready to start anything new yet" I said. "I understand, but for the record. I think you and Randy would make a cute couple. I ship it" he replied.

Dylan's pov:

We spent the last few hours watching a movie. After everything that's happened, we needed a distraction. Then finally, the call came through and got some updates on Randy. He was out of surgery and in recovery. "Can we go see him?" I spoke on the phone. "I suppose you could but keep it short. He needs to rest" dad replied. "Thank you doctor Smith" Dean said before hanging up. I'm so glad that he's ok but with injuries like this, no one could predict what could happen next. "Come on, I'll call us a cab" I said loading the app on my phone. "Want me to drop you guys off?" Abraham asked walking in. "If you don't mind dad" Dean replied. "Of course. Come on" he said ushering us both out.


I was in a lot of pain but the surgery was a success. "Scare me like that again, and I will haunt you" mum said kissing my forehead. "Enough with the kisses mum! I'm not a little kid anymore!" I pouted. "I don't care how old you get, you'll still be mama's little boy" she teased. "MUM!" I complained followed by laughter. "Hey mama's little boy" Dylan sniggered. "You see? You embarrassed me in front of my friends!" I said. "Alright alright, I'll leave you alone with your friends" mum said getting up and leaving. "How are you doing?" Dean asked coming closer to my bed. "Better now that you're here" I said then froze. I looked deep into his eyes and they were still beautiful as ever. I don't think I can keep lying to myself anymore. I have developed feelings for him and I didn't know how to make it stop. Are they just feelings of lust, or is it true love? Only time will tell.

To be continued...
