Chapter 9

“That didn’t sound like it went well.” Mrs D stated when I entered the kitchen again after talking to the older members of my family. I felt angrier than I did before. They didn’t want to understand my side or even want to listen to me for that matter.

“I’m going to pack up the rest of my things then leave.” I informed the older woman then exited the room and headed straight up to my room. I took out a couple of suitcases and began packing my books off my shelf. It irritated me that I had such a lot of books but each book had a special meaning and memory for me so I didn’t mind doing the work.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him move this much except when we are playing a game.” I recognized that young voice. I stole a quick glance at where the voice came from and spotted my two female cousins; Harper and Cleo.

“I’m guessing that our family thinks you are the bad guy here.” Harper concluded while they entered my room and planted themselves on my bed.

“Never thought that you would be the one that was banished from the family. I always thought it would be one or all of my brothers.” I knew Cleo was making a joke but on some level I guess we all knew that it was a huge possibility.

“There’s still time for them.” That aroused a laugh from the two of them. I just continued packing and hoped that they would leave me alone now.

“I know you’re weirdly obsessive about your books but weren’t there 26 red books?” Harper immediately diverted my attention to the small bookcase that housed all my favorite and most valuable books. I saw that she was right, the was one red book missing.

“I’m going to kill someone.” I allowed my anger to takeover as I neared the bookcase to check which one was missing.

“I’m pretty sure there is a good explanation to why the book is missing. Don’t jump to any conclusions.” Harper tried to curb my murderous emotions but my anger had just reached it’s critical point and I didn’t even know how I was going to react.

“Yeah. Mrs Davenport was probably dusting the books and misplaced it.” Cleo caught onto the same idea as her cousin.

“She knows better.” I marched out of my room and heard the girls following behind me. They probably didn’t want me doing something I would regret.

“Mrs D, has anyone been in my room besides me and my parents?” I bluntly asked her once I reached the kitchen and saw her washing the dishes.

“Not recently. You’ve basically imprisoned yourself in your room for the past couple of months.” That’s what throwing yourself into your work meant for me. I either worked from home or went to the office but that was all in the past now.

“If you’re looking for your missing book then you’ll have a difficult time because it’s not in the house. I’ve looked everywhere in this house for that book, even in your parents room and it’s nowhere to be found.”

“How long has it been missing?”

“I only noticed that it was gone 4 months ago so it might’ve been longer than that.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew that you’d be this angry so I wanted to avoid this situation and hope that you didn’t notice until I was able to find it.” I appreciated that Mrs. D cared for me but she knew that I’d still be angry just knowing that one of my books had disappeared from my room in the first place.

“It’s not like you can track a book so what’s your plan Hunter?” Harper asked me. I closed my eyes and tried to think of who the last people was that entered my room. My mental list had one name that stood out proudly above them all so I knew where I had to go to.

“I’ll be back soon.” I told them then quickly made my way out of the house. My tires screeched as I sped away once I was in my car. I tried not to let my rage overwhelm me because nothing good ever came as a result of anger.

Half an hour later, I found myself standing outside the Andrew’s residence. Their house was in the middle of nowhere but at least they had a perfect view of the sunset in front of the house and a beautiful backdrop of the mountain behind the house. Besides the lone road leading up the house, they seemed to be completely cut off from everyone.

“You must be Hunter.” The voice belonged to the boy who opened the door. He looked a little younger than me but definitely as tall as me. He didn’t look ripped so he probably didn’t play a contact sport. Maybe he was one of Zendé’s friends.

“I’m Vincent.” He introduced himself almost as if I was supposed to know who he was.

“Is Michaela here?” I went straight to the point.

“Yeah, come in.” He allowed me to enter the luxurious home. The Andrew’s family were definitely a direct comparison to my parents. My parents had a humble little home compared to the Andrew’s mansion and my parents decorated their house minimally compared to the lavish ornaments lying around the home I was currently in. I guess they didn’t have a problem showing off the amount of money they had since they didn’t have any neighbors to be jealous of them.

“Babe, my parents are on their way.” Michaela stated as she emerged from one of the rooms with her eyes glued to her cellphone. I guessed that Vincent was her boyfriend.

“Michaela.” I grabbed her attention as Vincent joined her side.

“Hunter, what are you doing here?”

“I need my book back.” The confusion on her face didn’t fool me. I knew she took it but maybe she just forgot that she did.

“What book?”

“My red book that you took from my room when you slept over.” That jogged her memory.

“The one with the ‘S’ on the cover.”

“Look, just go fetch the book please.” This conversation was wearing me out already. Why couldn’t she just go get the book and I’ll get out of her hair? Was it not that simple to her?

“Okay. Damn, who got on your bad side?” She mumbled as she turned around then began climbing the extravagant staircase behind her.

“You might be in a bad mood right now but don’t take that out on Michaela.” Vincent told me once we were alone. I guess he was just standing up for Michaela. I respected it but I wasn’t going to back down just because of that.

“She shouldn’t have stolen my book in the first place.”

“It’s just a book. Your family has enough money to get you thousands of copies of it.”

“I don’t have to explain it to you.” I sighed then put my hands in my pants pockets as I waited for Michaela to return.

“If you’re going to treat my girlfriend like a piece of shit then you do.” His body tensed up so he was clearly preparing for a fight right now, possibly physical.

“She’s the one that stole from me, be glad that I’m here instead of the police.” My emotionless tone sent a twitch going through his body. He clearly wasn’t good at hiding his emotions or controlling his anger.

“Do you like belittling girls or are you just a dick?”

“Whoa, what’s going on with all this testosterone here?” Naomi appeared out of nowhere and broke the tension between Vincent and I.

“Ask this asshole. He’s the one treating your sister like shit.” Throwing me under the bus, probably should’ve seen that one coming. Naomi immediately turned my attention and waited for my response.

“I’m being an asshole.” I replied. She definitely didn’t expect me to say that. I spotted Michaela sauntering down the stairs while she examined the plain red cover of my book.

“Who wrote this book by the way? I tried looking up the author and this book but I found nothing.” Michaela stated as she held the book in her hands.

“It doesn’t matter. It belongs to me so give it to me.” I instructed her.

“I just want to know who the author is.” Why was Michaela so stubborn?

“Do you want to give me the book or do you want the police to come fetch it?” I threatened her.

“Just tell her who the author is and you’ll get the book back Hunter.” Naomi ordered me.

“I don’t need to tell you guys anything.” I reached for the book but Vincent swatted my hand away. He was really starting to get on my bad side right now.

“You girls can explain to your parents why the police is at your front door then.” I turned around and exited the house without another word. They wanted to do things the hard way so I’ll just have to oblige them.

“I don’t see a red book in your hand so I’m guessing it did not go well.” Cleo stated as I planted myself down between her legs on the carpet. All the seats on the couches were taken so the only people on the floor were Rider and I, well Rider was glued into some shooting game he was playing so I didn’t think he cared.

“Girls suck, no offence.” That earned me a kick from Cleo.

“We don’t mind it when they do that in the bedroom though.” Scott joked as his brother high-fived him.

“That was disgusting even for you guys.” Nathan stated.

“Well Hunter definitely deserves some of this.” Shadley began pouring me a drink. I guess they found where my father hid the alcohol but I was grateful for that right now.

“Thanks.” I replied once he passed it to me. I relaxed then took a sip and let the sweet liquid run down my throat.

“Nope, none for you.” Harper entered the room then grabbed my drink out of my hands then handed me her child.

“Like I said, girls suck.” I repositioned Austin so that he rested comfortably against me while he played with the different coloured plastic keys in his hands.

“Still as negative as always it seems.” That was Rueben’s voice. I could recognize that husky voice anywhere. He always sounded like he spoke with authority.

“I have to ruin your wife’s plan of rehabilitating me somehow.” That got Rueben laughing as he leaned against the doorway to the lounge.

“So now that you’re officially out of the family Hunter, what is your plan?” Justin asked me. I almost forgot about what happened between me and all our parents earlier.

“I have my own house so all I have to do is get a job and I will be free do to whatever I want to.” I informed them.

“Wait, you have your own house?” Shadley asked me.


“Then why the hell are we staying at your parents house? Let’s go.” Scott was clearly reading Shadley’s mind. I guess it paid to be twins.

“I only have 2 rooms.” I pointed out.

“Harper, Rueben and Austin will take your room and Cleo and Rider can share the other room. The rest of us can camp in the lounge.” All this sounded like the twins were planning on partying and, right now, I honestly didn’t care as long as I didn’t have to face reality for the rest of the day.

“Sounds like a plan.” Justin agreed.

“You do realize that it’s my house.” I pointed out.

“And we’re your family so suck it up.” Harper was eldest so whatever she says goes I suppose but that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t put up a little fight.

“Rueben, any help?” I asked him.

“You have a better chance at killing me.” He might’ve meant that as a joke but he was one of the most muscled guys I knew. I don’t know if that was because he led a security company or not but I was hopelessly outmatched when it came to him.

“Then it’s settled.” Shadley concluded. Suddenly the front door burst open, grabbing all our attention. Michaela and Naomi immediately stepped in and just like that, I had to face reality again. At least I saw my red book in Michaela’s hand so I wasn’t planning on letting it leave this house without me again.

“Hunter, we need to talk.” Michaela told me as she stood in the doorway.

“We actually don’t.” I replied.

“Must you always make things difficult?” I thought Naomi would be used to my stubbornness by now. She’s had to deal with it ever since she appointed herself my nanny after Stella died.

“I could ask you girls the exact same thing.” We were at a stalemate as we tried to stare each other down. I weirdly enjoyed this intense battle of words we were having. It reminded me of all the times Stella and I ‘fought’.

“You guys aren’t going to get anything done at this rate.” Harper stated as she stood up then came towards me and knelt down. “I’ll take Austin, Hunter will go deal with his issues with those girls, everyone else will prepare to leave.” Harper ordered us. Once she got into this authoritative mood then there was no arguing with her.

“You heard the boss.” Justin stated. He lived with Harper so this was probably normal for him.

“Finish that round Rider.” Shadley told the boy that seemed to be zoned into the television screen right now.

“Get extra blankets, games and definitely more drinks.” I added to the instructions as I stood up and got ready to deal with the Andrew sisters. I silently made my way past them then went up the stairs to my room hoping that they would follow me. I saw the open suitcase on my bed still waiting to be filled with books so I guessed that Harper and Cleo hadn’t been in my room since I left.

“You packing or something?” Naomi asked me once she and her sister were in my room.

“Look, just give me my book and this will all be over.” I told them. I wanted this whole thing to end

already so that I didn’t have another problem to deal with. Hell, my issues with my parents were already too much to handle right now so I didn’t need this on top of it.

“I’ve read this book cover to cover and it’s one of the best love stories I’ve ever heard. Please just tell me who wrote it.” I could tell that she was being sincere but that didn’t lessen my anger. It made me even more angrier if I was being honest but there was one way to end it and that’s all I wanted to do right now.

“I wrote the book so can you give it back now?” That’s what they wanted right? Why did Michaela still not give me my book then?

“You wrote this?” Michaela held up the book in her hands.


“You’re an author?” Naomi asked this time as they shared a look of disbelief. I guess they were sisters.

“I wrote that, it doesn’t meant that I’m an author. It isn’t even published.”

“How do we know you’re not lying?” Michaela questioned me. She had a much more serious look on her face now so this really meant a lot to her for some reason.

“You know, I don’t have to explain myself to you girls. I don’t care what you girls think about me but that book is mine whether I’m the author or not so hand it over.” I went closer to Michaela but she was reluctant as she gave me the book.

“Thank you, you know where the door is.” I turned around and put my book in the suitcase with the rest then began putting in the rest of the books. I heard the sisters leaving my room and I immediately felt something inside me breaking apart. I sat on the side of my bed and dug the red book out then held it against me as tears began streaming from my eyes. I didn’t know why I was crying, it just felt like the only thing that made sense right now.

“Hunter, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. It’s just…” Naomi stopped and looked at me breaking apart on my bed. No matter how I tried to get rid of my tears, they just kept getting replaced by new ones. “Hey, are you okay?” She took a seat next to me on the bed then draped one arm around my shoulders. I couldn’t find it in me to fight her anymore. I didn’t want to fight her or her sister in the first place.

“I don’t know why I’m crying to be honest.” I replied. I was glad that my voice didn’t break. It looks like the only thing that was broken right now was my heart and I didn’t think that could ever be repaired.

“It’s about this.” She put her soft hand on mine as I gripped the book. I didn’t realize that I was holding onto the book with so much strength until she brought life back into my bloodless knuckles.

“You wrote this for Stella, didn’t you?” I wasn’t surprised that she figured that part out. Hell, the book had an ‘S’ on the cover for a reason.

“She gave me all these empty red books as a birthday present a few years ago. She told me to fill it with all my stories. The first story I wanted to give back to her to read was our one but I never got a chance to.”

“If it’s one thing I know about my sister is that she is completely honest when it comes to books. If she says that it’s one of the best love stories she’s read then this book is amazing.” Her words brought an indescribable comfort to my mind. She knew just what to say and I was grateful for that. “But Stella didn’t need to read this book, she lived it and she loved you. You brought her a happiness no book could ever come close to matching.”

“Thank you.” I sincerely told her as my tears finally began drying up.

“You don’t have to thank me. My sister and I caused this so I should be apologizing to you.”

“Still, thank you for always sticking around this past couple of months. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

“I’m just doing my job, sort of.” That brought a welcomed smile to our lips as I turned to face her. The innocent joy on her face brightened my mood and I couldn’t seem to turn away from her again. I felt captivated by all of her and I could feel myself being drawn closer and closer towards her. I looked straight into her eyes and I could see that she was feeling the exact same as our breaths began playing on each other’s lips. We’d closed the gap between us so much that we were barely a whisper apart and the weird thing was that I wanted to continue this so badly.

“Mom says it’s okay to sleep over tonight.” Michaela stated as she stepped into the room. Thankfully Naomi and I split apart before her sister could notice anything but I didn’t think that the vibe between us was going to be that easy to hide.

“Where are you guys sleeping over?” I asked her as I picked up the suitcase with my books and made my way to the entrance of my room where Michaela was standing.

“By your house. Your cousins said that we should go with and Naomi and I have nothing else planned so…” I wasn’t sure about Naomi but my nerves definitely shot up.

“I have to be at work early tomorrow morning so I can’t sleep over.” Yes, that was a good enough reason not to come with us.

“You have everything you need in your locker at work so you don’t need anything at home. Hunter’s house is also 10 minutes away from the hospital so it makes more sense to stay by him tonight anyway.” Michaela had a point there. If only she could read the room and understand why Naomi was so reluctant to sleep by my house tonight.

“I need my laptop at home.”

“You’re a doctor, you don’t need your laptop. If you do need to research something then there are lots of computers at the hospital.” Michaela and Naomi began exchanging looks so clearly they were having some telepathic conversation right now and by the looks of it, it seemed to be a heated conversation.

“Get done in here, we’re leaving in 5 minutes.” Looks like Michaela clearly won that wordless battle. She turned around and exited the room leaving Naomi and I in an unsurprisingly awkward situation.

“I’m sorry if I crossed a boundary earlier.” I felt like apologizing was the right move, especially since we were going to be spending the night together.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry too.” Great, now we’re even I suppose. “Let’s just forget about earlier and move on.”

“I think that would be best for both of us.” We shared a bit of a nervous chuckle at that, hopefully lightening the tension between us right now.

“Let’s get going before someone thinks you murdered me.” I exited the room and saw Harper leaning against the wall as she repositioned her sleeping child. I really hoped she didn’t hear what we were speaking about because then she’d turn it into a whole big thing.

“I’m going to change Austin quickly then we can go.” Harper informed us then disappeared into my room before we could say another word.

“Your cousin is weird.” Naomi stated as we descend down the flight of stars.

“All my cousins are weird, welcome to my family.” That got another laugh out of her.

“What lies are you telling about us as usual?” Justin asked me as he and the twins got us downstairs.

“Nothing but the truth.” I replied.

“We’re going to go buy some drinks so we’ll meet you by your house.” Shadley informed me.

“I think Rueben is going to get us supper so you guys are in charge of taking the kids.” Scott added before the three of them raced out of the house. They were clearly excited for tonight which meant that tonight would probably be troublesome, well for me at least.