Chapter 10

“Are we seriously going to play ‘Never have I ever’?” I asked as we sat in my lounge at midnight. I felt tired and I was pretty sure that everyone else was as well but none of them looked like they wanted to go sleep anytime soon. The only people who were sleeping right now were Rueben, Austin, Cleo and Rider. Cleo and Rider were sharing the guest bedroom upstairs so that they weren’t bothered by the noise and laughter we were making while Rueben and his son took my room.

“Why not?” Shadley asked me.

“It just seems so childish and cliché.” I replied as I sat on the carpet and leaned against the couch between Justin and Michaela. I looked at the small fire crackling in the fireplace, keeping the house a little warmer against the ocean breeze.

“That’s exactly why we should play it.” Harper concluded. She probably missed hanging out and playing stupid games like this since she had Austin to take care of now.

“Great. Everyone know the rules. Be truthful and if you did do it then take a shot.” Scott confirmed as he began pouring the shots on the wooden coffee table.

“I’ll start.” Harper stated as she leaned forward in her chair. “This is an easy one. Never have I ever snuck out of the house to go on a date.” Everyone suddenly reached for a shot on the table except for Justin and Naomi surprisingly.

“Really Justin?” Scott asked him as I downed my shot.

“He’s always brought his girls home and never hid them so it makes sense.” Harper stated.

“Naomi has never even had a boyfriend so it makes sense for her as well.” Michaela added. I could hear the slight slur in her speech so the alcohol was clearly getting to her. I was just glad that neither she or her sister was driving home tonight because I was pretty sure that neither of them could even walk properly last night.

“My turn.” Naomi sat next to Harper so it was her turn I guess. “Never have I ever introduced my boyfriend or girlfriend as ‘just a friend’ to my parents.” I could see that Naomi was just trying to take a jab at her sister there but I actually found it interesting. Was Vincent the one that she was hiding from her parents or was there another guy? Michaela did warn him when her parents were coming home so maybe he was the guy.

“You need to take a shot too Hunter.” Harper instructed me as I saw everyone else taking their shot.

“Why?” If the look of confusion on my face didn’t warrant an explanation from her then surely someone else would’ve answered.

“You hid your relationship with Stella from your parents for years. You’ve definitely probably told them that she was ‘just a friend’ at some point.” Justin had a point there.

“I’ll drink to that then.” I reached for a shot then quickly took it before Shadley refilled them.

“Great, my turn.” Shadley said as he thought about it for a moment then laughed as he looked at his twin. “Never have I ever had sex in a public place.”

“You bastard.” Scott gently hit his brother’s shoulder before taking a shot. Unsurprisingly Harper leaned forward and took one as well. I mean, she was married and her and Rueben were young so it was definitely possible. I leaned forward and took my shot as well and I could definitely see a couple of confused and surprised looks on everyone’s faces.

“You’ve got to tell us that story.” Shadley ordered me but I thought I heard a hint of admiration in his voice.

“Nothing to tell really. Stella was working late and she was alone so I decided to surprise her with some dinner. We had an impromptu candlelight dinner then had sex in the art studio.” I explained but I couldn’t help smiling at that memory. I hadn’t thought about that night in a while. We were so stupidly in love but that is the part I missed the most. I miss just checking up on Stella and just making sure that she had a smile on her face, even if it was just for a second or two. I miss just doing simple things for someone like that.

“You dirty dog.” Scott as he and his brother began laughing. I joined in their laughter and I found myself enjoying it. It felt good laughing about a memory that I had with Stella no matter how badly I missed her.

“Never have I ever played beer pong.” Scott continued with the game. Thankfully I didn’t have to take a shot that round but everyone else did.

“Wait, you’ve never played beer pong?” Michaela asked me while she put her shot glass back down.

“Nope. I never went to school so I never got invited to any parties like that.” I answered her.

“I don’t know what to make of your life anymore. You’re having sex in public places but you’ve never been to a party.” Shadley sighed as he filled the glasses again.

“Yes.” Michaela happily exclaimed above me. Everyone turned their attention to her as she looked at her phone and waited for her explanation. “Hunter, you’re coming with me to lunch tomorrow.”

“Do I have a choice?” I asked her.

“Nope. We’re going to lunch and you’re not getting out of it.” I knew better than to fight Michaela, well any girl, when they got in this state.


“So you two are going on a date tomorrow.” Harper concluded.

“She has a boyfriend.” I stated.

“Then why would you ask another guy on a date?” Justin asked Michaela.

“It’s not a date. It’s just… stop asking questions!” Michaela exploded causing everyone to be silent for a moment before bursting out in laughter. Even Naomi was laughing with us.

“Let’s just continue playing.” Michaela tried to hide her embarrassment.

The game went on for nearly two more hours before everyone decided to call it a night before passing out. Michaela decided to take the long couch to sleep on while Justin and Shadley (he beat his brother in a game of rock-paper-scissors) took the single couches. Scott, Naomi and I then took the blankets and stretched ourselves out on the floor and sleep. I made myself comfortable on the carpet closest to the fireplace so that the dying flames could at least keep me warmer as I slept.

A soft thud was enough to jerk me from my dreams later that night, well morning. I slowly opened my eyes and was immediately met with a horrific headache thanks to all the shots earlier. I heard the tap being opened so someone was probably in the kitchen. I looked around the lounge but saw everyone in their same positions. I lifted myself up to look over the couch Justin was lying on and saw a figure in the darkness but I couldn’t make out who it was which definitely worried me a little. I knew that I had installed any security around the property but I thought that the neighborhood was safe enough. I gently stood up and then dragged my tired body to the kitchen.

“Hey, sorry if I woke you up.” Reuben, that was definitely his voice. Even if I couldn’t see his face properly, his voice was indistinguishable.

“It’s okay. I needed some water as well.” I replied as I leaned against the counter and tried to read the time on the clock displayed on the wall. 4:15, only two hours of sleep. I definitely needed more.

“Here we go.” Reuben handed me a glass of water then finished off his own.

“Thanks.” I took a gulp and let the liquid cool down my warm body. “Why are you up?”

“Austin is awake and Harper doesn’t seem like she’s waking up any time this century.” That got us both chuckling.

“Rather you than me.” I replied then finished the glass of water.

“I managed to get him back to sleep for a while though so hopefully he sleeps for an hour or so.” The slight bags under his eyes definitely indicated that he had been doing this routine for a while now.


“So what’s the deal with you and those two sisters?” He motioned to the lounge so I knew he was talking about Michaela and Naomi.

“Nothing really.”

“If there’s one thing I learnt from your cousin it’s that you always seem to be hiding something so spill.” He was definitely married to Harper. They were only married for 3 years but they felt like they were together for a lifetime already.

“Our parents tried to set Michaela and I up a couple of months ago but she has a boyfriend and I had Stella. I nearly kissed Naomi earlier I think.” I don’t know why I was explaining this to him but I wanted to talk to someone about it and I knew he wasn’t going to judge me as much as his wife probably would.

“What was the situation with Naomi?”

“She caught me crying in my room and basically consoled me like she has been doing ever since Stella passed away.” It sounded like I was taking advantage of that situation now that I thought about it.

“Do you actually like Naomi in a romantic way?” Damn, Reuben wasn’t holding back with the questions. He definitely was the perfect person for Harper.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I will always be grateful for everything she did for me these past months. She stuck around no matter how much I tried to get rid of her so I could never repay her for that. I just want her to be happy.” I hoped that answered his question.

“That’s all you need to do then. Whatever you do, just make sure that it is to make her happy. That doesn’t mean that you need to be in a romantic relationship with her, just be her friend. If you guys do realize that you’re developing feelings for each other then that’s up to you guys to decide how you want to continue.”

“This is too much to be thinking about at 4 in the morning with a massive headache.” I tried making a joke to lighten the mood but the seriousness still lingered.

“Go get some sleep then. You definitely need it. I should probably go check on Austin as well.” He replied as he put his glass in the sink before disappearing from the kitchen. I sighed as I place my glass next to his then sauntered over to the lounge again. Austin definitely gave me a lot to think about but I was sure that I wanted to make Naomi happy. I looked over at where she was sleeping but I could see that she was getting cold. The temperature did drop dramatically so it was possible that she was getting cold. I grabbed my blanket then gently put it over her before going to lie on the carpet again. That was a start on making her happy I hoped.

“Hunter, wake up.” I heard someone order me, pulling me out of my sleeping state. I could feel my hatred growing for whoever was furiously tapping on my back.

“Go away.” I tiredly replied then gently tightened my hold around whoever was in my arms right now. Wait, someone was in my arms? My eyes immediately shot open to find out who I was cuddling in my arms right now. The caramel coloured hair could only belong to one person; Naomi.

“Let go of my sister and get up.” I turned my head and confirmed Michaela kneeling behind me. What the hell was going on right now?

“Why are you always so loud in the morning?” Naomi’s scratchy voice immediately scared me. I had absolutely no idea how Naomi and I ended up sleeping in each other’s arms but if she somehow thought that I had taken advantage of her while she was sleeping, which she could rightfully assume, then I was screwed.

“You and I have a hell of a lot to talk about so don’t start with me.” Michaela replied.

“Great, so get lost.” I needed to get out of this situation before they began physically fighting.

“What the fuck is going on down here?” Harper asked as she sauntered down the stairs and appeared in the lounge.

“Nothing.” I replied then reluctantly released Naomi and took the blankets off me before standing up. I could feel the slight pain in my head but I was surprised that it wasn’t stronger.

“Hunter, we have our lunch to get to. My parents are going to pick us up in half an hour so go shower you and wear something presentable.” Michaela instructed me then turned and made her way to the kitchen where I saw Harper watching us.

“You better get a move on before she gets physical.” Naomi warned me as she made herself more comfortable now that she was alone.

“I’m sure the beds upstairs are empty now so you could go use them.” I suggested.

“I’m comfortable here.” She closed her eyes so I took it that she was finished with our conversation. There was a hell of a lot of questions I wanted answers to but now wasn’t the time I suppose. I sighed then slowly dragged myself up to my room. I expected to find Reuben and Austin in my room but they weren’t there. Their bags were still in my room so I guess they were planning on returning. Now that I thought about it, I didn’t see or hear anyone other than Harper, Michaela and Naomi. Where did everyone else go?

“How long does it take you to get in the shower?” Harper’s voice broke through my thoughts. I turned to the doorway and saw her leaning against the wall.

“I was just about to.” I took off my shirt as I made my way to the door connecting the bathroom and my room.

“So I just want to get this right.” Harper followed me to the bathroom then closed the toilet before taking a seat while I readied the shower. Whatever flowed out of Harper’s mouth right now couldn’t be good so I really didn’t want to hear it but she didn’t look like she was planning on moving anytime soon.

“Naomi is the one that has been with you these past months, you clearly have a connection with Naomi, you and Naomi slept together yet you’re still going on a date with her sister.” It was clear where Harper was going with this and honestly I didn’t want to talk about it. Hell, I wanted to take a shower in peace but she was definitely here to ruin that plan.

“You were there last night when I basically wasn’t given a choice.” I pointed out then continued undressing me and stepped into the shower. This scene was so familiar for me already that it was normal rather than strange. Last year, when her family was visiting mine, she burst into my bathroom while I was showering and began ranting about how stupid Reuben was being about something they were planning. I honestly wasn’t paying attention to half of what she said, mostly because she was rambling and making a serious of frustrated noises, but she didn’t care about me being naked in my shower just like she was today.

“Oh please, you could’ve talked yourself out of that one. You just didn’t want to.” She wasn’t wrong there but I didn’t do it for the reason she was thinking. I was too focused on drinking than to do anything else.

“She has a boyfriend.” That had to end it, right?

“And how would her boyfriend react when he finds out that she is going on a date with you?” It was clearly just the beginning for Harper and I already hated it.

“After our last interaction, I wouldn’t be surprised if he punches me.” Vincent would probably beat me up if he found out right now.

“You really do suck at making friends.”

“If they’re as annoying as family then I don’t need anymore.” I could feel her glare on me but I continued cleaning me like nothing happened.

“Screw you.” That got a reaction out of her but her actions still stayed the same; firmly seated on the toilet. “Anyway, what are you doing with those sisters?”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s clearly something going on with you and Naomi but you’re going on a date with her sister who has a boyfriend. What are you doing?” Okay, I saw what she meant there but I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. I was just going with the flow and trying to keep everyone happy.

“We’re all just friends. I’m not planning anything. Michaela has a boyfriend but she wanted to go to lunch with me today to probably make up for stealing my book. There is nothing going on with Naomi and I.”

“I heard your conversation with her yesterday.” I had my suspicions but at least she wasn’t hiding it.

“Eavesdropping?” This time I shot her a questioning look.

“That’s not the point. Why are you trying so hard to ignore your feelings for her?”

“I’m not ignoring any feelings for her. We’re just very good friends. She’s been there for me since Stella died and she’s kept me on the right path so I just want to make her happy. I explained all this to your husband last night anyway so go talk to him about it.”

“When did you speak to Reuben and since when does he give you relationship advice?” I don’t know what she was more angry about; me speaking to Reuben about this before her or Reuben giving me relationship advice.

“At 4 this morning. Thank him for me though. He’s kind of smart so I don’t know why he chose to marry you actually.” I couldn’t help smiling at that as I saw her deathly stare pointed towards me. Usually that meant that I should run away but there was no way I was leaving right now so either she did or we were at a stalemate.

“Where is everyone else by the way?” I asked her once the silence became unbearable.

“Went to your parent’s house. Apparently we’re having some family lunch there.”

“Have fun with that. Best part about being kicked out of the family is not having to deal with family gatherings anymore.” That was the truth.

“I spoke to my mom and she told me that you weren’t kicked out. You just seem to be distancing yourself from them.”

“They didn’t support me so they might as well have kicked me out.” I replied as I switched the shower off them stepped out and wrapped a towel around me.

“Well I think they expect you to be there this afternoon.”

“Thankfully I have other plans.” That got a smile from her as she finally stood up and followed me into my room. “Why aren’t you with everyone else though?”

“Someone had to make sure that you were okay. It’s not like they’re going to kick me out of the family as well.” Couldn’t argue there. Her and her husband ran one of the more successful businesses in our family’s name so I wouldn’t expect them to kick her out of the family no matter what.

“True. You’re going to be the leader of our family one day so are you ready for it?” I continued our conversation so that her mind didn’t wander back over to a topic I was trying my best to avoid. I was picking out clothes to wear but I could see that she didn’t approve of it, not that I had any fashion sense anyway.

“I’m already in charge of us so it won’t be any different. You’ll be leading your family’s company as well so I will get to boss you around even more.”

“Technically, you won’t be able to boss me. You just have to make sure that everything is running smoothly and that there is no illegal things happening. What I do with the company is my choice.”

“Well I’m still in charge so you’ll just have to listen to me.”

“I already do, for the most part at least.” That got us smiling.

“Hunter, my parents are 5 minutes away so finish up.” Michaela informed me as she popped her head through the doorway before disappearing again.

“You clearly need to do a lot more listening.” Harper told me as she motioned to where Michaela appeared. She silently exited my room and left me to think about that. Thankfully my brain was not in the mood to think yet so I just continued dressing me then went back into my bathroom and took a couple of painkillers for my headache which I hoped would go away soon. I made my way down to the kitchen where I saw Harper and Naomi chatting about something before turning to me and laughing.

“Care to share the joke?” I asked them as Harper handed me her cup of what I hoped was tea.

“You won’t get it.” She replied as I took a sip of the warm liquid then immediately spit it out. Definitely not tea.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I angrily asked her as both of them began laughing again. They probably planned this stupid scenario.

“Relax, it’s just coffee.” Harper grabbed her cup out of my hands again.

“He really doesn’t drink it.” Naomi confirmed as she looked at Harper.

“Like I said, he’s weird.” Harper replied as she continued drinking her coffee.

“You’ve been with me for 5 months and you didn’t realize that I don’t drink coffee?” I questioned Naomi.

“You’ve been so focused and busy these last 5 months that I figured you needed tea more than coffee to calm you down. Mrs Davenport always gave me tea to give to you as well so I thought she understood.” Naomi had a valid point there. Hell, that made more sense than the actual reason I don’t drink coffee.

“I like you.” Harper stated as confusion spread across Naomi’s face.

“Thank you.” Came Naomi’s uncertain response.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” I asked Naomi. That was one of the reasons that her sister used to get her to stay the night.

“I called in earlier and got my shift covered. They’ll call me if they really need me.” Naomi’s explanation was plausible so I didn’t bother questioning her. I wasn’t her parent anyway.

“Your sister and I are going to lunch and Harper is going to my parents so I guess you’ll be alone here.” I informed her.

“I’ll probably go home after you guys leave then.”

“Just leave the key under the mat then. I only have one set.”

“I’ll make me one tomorrow then.” Harper cheerfully stated.

“Who says you’re getting a key?” I tried staring her down but she met my eyes with an equally powerful stare of her own.

“I’m your oldest cousin, I need to make sure that you’re okay every once in a while so I need a key to your house in case you’re not at home when I come to visit you.” We continued staring at each other and I could see that she wasn’t going to back down anytime soon so I gave up.

“Fine. Make another one though as well.”


“So that I can leave one by my parents house in case I lose my one and you aren’t available.” A smile immediately invaded her face but I couldn’t figure out why. Did I say something funny?

“Okay.” Harper agreed as I heard a hooter outside.

“That must be for me. See you girls later.” I told them as I made my way to the door.

“Hunter, let’s go.” Michaela shouted as she came down the stairs and met me by the door. “Oh, you’re here.”

“Yep.” I opened the door for her and allowed her to go out first before I closed the door and followed her to her parent’s car parked in the surprisingly empty street. It was a beautiful day despite it being a bit chilly so I thought a few people would make their way down to the beach opposite the road but there was no one. Maybe I should test out the water when I get home later.

“Stop spacing out.” Michaela quietly instructed me before we got into the car.

“Sorry about that.” I opened the car door for her and she immediately got in then scooted over for me to get in next to her.

“Good morning Mr and Mrs Andrews.” I quickly greeted her parents as her father started the car.

“Good morning Hunter, it’s nice to see you again.” Mrs Andrews replied.

“It’s nice to see you too.”

“Dad, you can drop us of at the plaza.” Michaela instructed her father.

“Okay.” He responded then continued driving.

“So what are you guys planning?” Her mother asked us and I immediately turned to Michaela to answer. As far as I knew, we were just going to lunch.

“We’re having lunch by Matt’s.” Matt’s Diner, I’ve heard of that place. I’ve never been to it but no one had anything bad to say about it so it had to be good.

“Is this a date?” Mr Andrews bluntly asked.

“Dad!” Michaela’s voice carried a range of emotions but I could definitely pick up on the threatening one.

“Michaela and I are just having lunch together. We don’t really know much about each other but we get along perfectly so I would take her out so that we could correct that.” I hoped that would answer their questions and take the heat off Michaela. The half-smile on her face definitely showed her gratitude and that was enough for me.

“If I may ask, why not just use your car instead of having us take you?” That was a question I wasn’t prepared for. I turned to Michaela for help but she looked as stunned as I was right now. I searched my unresponsive brain to come up with a reasonable answer and finally came up with something that might work.

“A few reasons actually.” I replied then cleared my throat before continuing. “Michaela mentioned that you guys are going to be coming to the town this morning so I thought that it was a good idea if you guys dropped us off and I wanted to show you that your daughter was fine and still in one piece after sleeping over by my place last night. I also wanted to thank both of you for allowing her to spend the night with me and my cousins so thank you very much. We all had a good time. But the main reason I wanted you guys to pick us up was to ask for your permission to allow me to take Michaela to lunch this afternoon. I know Michaela agreed to go to lunch with me but if you guys don’t feel comfortable with it then say the word and I’ll arrange transport to take Michaela home right now.”

I turned to Michaela for approval of what I just told her parents but she looked totally dumbfounded. The silence right now seemed to be sucking out all the air in the car. I probably said something wrong but it couldn’t all be that bad right? At least I was respectful.