The Attack

Nathan's POV

My father's been training the pack over and over again. The pack members are barely able to wash the sweat off their backs before dad has them out there again creating some more. No one dares to complain though, they know it's all for a very important reason and know better than to try and question the order of the Alpha.

The Lightning Eye pack has become even more relentless, originally it became with them scouting our pack lands, staying close to the borders and now they've killed one of my pack members. Marianne an elder woman in our pack was killed, she was like a mother to us all; she raised some of the most wonderful people I have ever met and she was unarmed and undeserving. Not that anyone else deserves to be slaughtered by members of other packs, in a place where she was supposed to be safe.

Border Patrols have increased to the point where every single km of the pack's border is checked every two minutes. Trackers trace the borders for any foreign scents every ten minutes and training has progressed to seven hours every day. Even I've been starting to crumble under the pressure of looking after the pack and the physical exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders.

We have been running out of options and there is little to nothing we can do now to help our pack more than we already have. All the other packs refused to help us and we probably deserved it, we had refused to risk the lives of our pack members to help other packs in need. At first it seemed like an honourable thing to protect and prioritise our own over others but now it's come to bite us in the bum.

Our Beta has continued to preach his idiotic idea of asking the rogue pack for help, over the past few months the rogue pack has developed against all odds, and I hate to say it but I'm impressed. They have gone from an illegal pack to Pack Non Grata an official pack among the ranks and quite high in the ranks but it's all fantasy. A pack full of outlaws will eventually start to act out against our laws as they have in the past before and their disgrace of a pack will be exiled by the council.

Loud sirens started to echo throughout the pack and I tensed for a moment. We are under attack. I ran to the village and helped the mothers take their crying children to the pack house, sealing them in the safe room once all the wolf’s ineligible to fight were accounted for. Running to my father's office him and the other high ranking members of the pack standing over the map, far more lines marking the map where the Lightning Eye pack have recently entered from.

"Crap!" My father yelled slamming his hand down on the map, his face bright red in anger.

"The enemy will be here any minute!" He muttered under his breath and his Beta took a step forward.

"Sir I am currently in contact with the Non Grate Pack if you decide to go with plan B." The Beta told him and I could feel the same rage my father was feeling. He was the Beta and he was showing an act of defiance by making alternate arrangements against the judgement of the Alpha, thinking he knows best.

"HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY YOUR ALPHA! I have strictly instructed that I want nothing to do with that nightmare of a pack!" He screamed at his Beta, sounding angrier than I have ever heard him be in his entire life.

"Would you rather their hundreds of our dead pack members staining our front lawn red or grow a pair of balls and ask for the help that could save your pack!" The Beta screams back at my father and the room falls quiet, and I had a feeling that if this were another time and place the Beta's blood would be spilling on the floor.

"If you're still alive after all of this, I'll banish you myself so you can join your special rogue pack." He snarled storming out of the office, his warriors following behind him ready for battle. I turn to face the Beta and he looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Nathan you have to understand, your father will never let go off his hatred of rogues because of what happened with your mother..." He started and I growled loudly, how dare he mention her. He paused for a moment before carefully finishing his sentence.

"If he doesn't let go of his hatred, he will drive this pack to the ground and kill us all! We need to learn when to ask for help." He tries to explain but I hold my hand up commanding his silence.

"Enough of your politics, I have to go serve my pack maybe you should learn to do the same." I spit out bitterly turning on my heel and storming out of my father's office. The instant I exited the pack house the sight of fighting invaded my senses. Taking down one of the closest Lightning Eye's I search frantically for my father. I spot him in the middle of the battlefield and I head in his direction. The enemy stops me in my path, and I snarl shifting into my wolf just in time to fend off his sharp canines. I pushed him off me with my shoulder and latched my teeth into his neck. He ducked his head down, making me loosen my grip before he rammed his head into me forcing me to let go of his flesh. I charge at him and he meets me in the middle and we rear up onto our hind legs, paws clawing into our chests and our heads playing thumb wars trying to dig their teeth into fleshy tissue of his neck. I head butt him temporarily distracting him before digging my teeth deep into his flesh and within a second tore his throat out. I dropped to my paws, he dropped down dead.

I search for my father once again and it seems as time stops as everyone watches as the enemy Alpha tears out the throat of my father. He falls to the floor more still than I have ever seen him; he was dead. The other Alpha lifted his head up and howled, signalling the retreat of his pack. They all stop fighting and run out of the territory but before the Alpha leaves he turns to look at me and gives me a wolfish grin and I tense watching him leave.

I now understand what he was after, he wanted my pack. I shift back into my human form. First, he had to kill my father and next time, he'll come after me but unlike my father I will be ready, by a means necessary. The pack turns to look at me and this is when I realise that I'm the Alpha now.

"Beta!" I called out hoping the son of a bitch was still alive and thankfully the bastard was. He came running up to me in his wolf form before he shifts chucking on the pair of shorts he had tied to his ankle, which I'm surprised it managed to stay on during the fight.

"Yes Alpha?" He asked, nervously shifting from foot to foot, obviously remembering our conversation from earlier and that was the reason I called him.

"Call the Non Grata Pack." I told him and his mouth hangs open and shock and mostly disbelief.

"Are you sure Nathan?" He asks and I growl turning to look him directly in the eye.

"You didn't disobey my father so don't disobey me, and it's Alpha to you." I told him and he nodded in respect before hurrying inside to make the call.

"I better not regret this." I mutter to myself before walking back inside the pack house...