Request Granted

Finn's POV

I have been busy from the instant the sun decided to rise above the horizon. The stack of pack paperwork crowding my desk wasn't exactly the best thing to look forward to. I have no one to help me either, Dawn is busy helping set up the pack the way it needs to be done and the last thing I want to do is ask for help so early in my Beta career. I am young, I know that fact very much. My age causes people to doubt my abilities, even though Dawn seems to have complete faith in me, the pack members seem to be doubting not only myself but Dawn as well; but she doesn't show it, she doesn't even seem to be under any pressure at all and she's the pack's Alpha.

The phone sitting unused on my desk starts to ring, forcing me to put down the file I was previously signing to answer it.

"Beta Finn of the Non Grata pack." I speak into the phone and I hear a sigh coming from the other end.

"Hello again Beta Finn, we spoke a few weeks ago about arranging protection for my pack?" I recognised the voice instantly; this is the Beta of the Moon Cliff Pack (sorry if I had already given their pack a name). He called about a week ago, telling me about how another pack has been invading their pack borders relentlessly injuring many of their members.

"Oh yes I remember, so what can I do for you?" I ask knowing that last time we spoke we discussed several members of his pack move temporarily to stay within our pack and we'd send reinforcements to help fend off the attackers. We hadn't confirmed any plans as he still required the approval from his Alpha, but Dawn was really into the idea when I brought it to her attention and she agreed to the plan. She knew people personally who have had their packs invaded by others and had their whole lives destroyed because packs refused to help even in the littlest of ways. She didn't want to run her pack this way and for that I admired her.

"My Alpha has approved of our plans." He tells me and I smile nodding my head happily, I'm glad that stubborn Alpha finally came to his senses. More lives don't have to be lost for the sake of one man's ego.

"Very well then, my pack will send over some of our most trusted members to deliver our luggage and transport your members unable to fight, back to our pack where we will provide suitable accommodations and nutritious meals." I explain again making it clear how we would treat his pack members, he was anxious about the idea of leaving his members in the hands of strangers.

"Okay then, I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning then?" He asks and I confirm before hanging up the phone and grabbing my jacket off my chair I run out the door. Dawn wanted me to tell her when the deal was confirmed and I felt like some fresh air so I decided to tell her in person.

Tugging on the pack bond I found her fairly easily, walking into the pack's toy room I smile as I watch my Alpha kneeling down in a swarm of children. Her smile reaches her eyes as she softly speaks to the children and plays with their toys, I lean up against the door frame and watch her silently. She was so beautiful, the natural way she interacts with her pack members, the way her hairbrushes over her shoulder when she turns around and the smile that always seems to be on her face. I snap out of it and prop myself off the door frame and realise my thoughts were absolutely pointless. She has not found her mate yet and neither have I and when we do these thoughts would mean nothing and it would be smart to remember that.

Walking deeper into the room Dawn senses my presence and parts her gaze from the children to bestow it upon me. She smiles and pats the carpet beside her and I oblige sitting beside her on the floor.

"How may I help you?" She asks brightly and I clear my throat before speaking.

"The Moon Cliff Pack's Alpha has confirmed our agreement and we'll be collecting their members in the morning." I tell her and she nods taking a deep breath in through her nose.

"Things are going to get a lot more interesting around here, I'm going to go to the kitchen once we're done and brief the cooking staff on the increase in numbers and I need you to politely use your charming looks to persuade some of the females of the pack to make the beds in the guest rooms. I’d ask the men but they’ve already been given tasks to do. I'll have to bribe the children to share some of their toys as the other pack will not be able to bring everything they would like and children can be restless." She tells me and I smile with a chuckle, Dawn has been trying to avoid ordering people around, she wishes for the pack members to help out in areas the enjoy doing or don't mind to help out. If it comes down to the last jobs left, she creates a rooster so each job is shared equally.

"Okay I'll go speak to the women." I agree standing up off the floor and walk away, I turn around briefly to give her one last glance before leaving the room. I couldn't help but feel the doubt and fear creep into my mind, no matter how well I believe Dawn is as a leader; she has never been in this kind of situation before. She has never had to protect and assist a pack in fighting off packs intending to take over. She's not experienced but I believe what we are doing is right. Regardless of her battle skills, providing quality fighting reinforcements is all she really needs to do, she and the other Alpha can discuss battle plans together as it is indeed his territory and he'll know its every advantage and disadvantage. I can only hope we can succeed in helping the Moon Cliff.

Walking outside into the fresh afternoon air, I found the most helpful pack mothers watching over their children at the playground. When they turned around to acknowledge me, they shook they head and wags their fingers.

"Oh no pretty boy not today." Lucy one of the eldest mothers in this group says with a playful smile, knowing very well what I may ask for. I let my pout out and tilted my head.

"Oh, please Lucy, your poor Beta needs someone to help make the beds for the refugee pack members before tomorrow morning." I beg playfully and she sighs and the other ladies giggle at our antics, my mother smiling at me from her seat.

"I'll help you son, let's leave these women to mind the children." My mother says with a smile standing up off her seat and follows me back into the back house.

"How have you been son?" She asks softly as he passes me the other side of the bed sheet, grabbing it I place it over the corner of the mattress and sigh.

"Still adjusting to the responsibilities." I reply shortly finishing putting on the beds bottom sheet, and my mother sighs rather dramatically might I add.

"Oh, come on, tell your mummy the details!" My mother begs pleadingly and I smile at her. She has been so much happier now that we are in this pack, she finally has a place where she feels safe. For so long I had blamed myself for getting kicked out from my pack and made my family feel obligated to leave with me. Though here with Dawn and her pack I know my mother is finally happy.

"There's nothing much to tell mother." I reply not exactly knowing what she wanted me to spill, my mother tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. My eyes widened feeling slightly anxious, who knows what this woman could want from me.

"You do know you might find your mate tomorrow?" She tells me and I raise my eyebrow in confusion, almost scared that my mother was trying to set me up with someone.

"What do you mean?" I ask and she sighs shaking her head, obviously I've missed something.

"When we meet the non-fighters and when you go over with Alpha Dawn to the other pack as reinforcements, you may come across a little lady." My mother explains with a sweet smile and I nod having realised I had not thought that there was a possibility I could find my mate so soon. I have only turned 16 recently and had not given the whole finding my mate much thought.

"I promise to have a good look when I arrive, it would be nice to find my mate.” I say and my mother giggles ruffing up my hair like she did when I was a small boy.

"The sooner the better, momma wants grandchildren." She said and I sigh out loud, trying to distract her from my blushing red cheeks.

"Mother you do know I'm like only sixteen?" I ask her and she nods her head with a smile.

"There's no rush dear, just keep the thought in mind." She mumbles and I chuckle shaking my head at the women, knowing she's nothing but trouble. It didn't take long to make up all the beds, most of them were already done.

I start to walk my mother back to where she was sitting with the other ladies and along the way I spot Dawn talking to some of the pack members. I paused in my steps and my mum stopped as well and stood beside me. The afternoon wind blew softly through her hair, sifting it off her shoulders allowing the sun to bounce off her practically un-sun kissed face. Watching her smile softly grace her face as she spoke to the people who she has helped shape her lives and I've never admired someone as much as I admire her.

I am broken from my thoughts when my mother nudges me harshly in the side of my stomach and o snapped my head in her direction.

"What!!" I snap rubbing my side which is slightly irritated by her nudging.

"I'm not blind son, I saw your eyes on her." She tells me and I gaze down at the floor keeping my eyes off my mother not wanting to face her judgement. My mother sighs lifting my face up by my chin and looks me in the eyes.

"Dawn is a very desirable women, but she is not yours to love. This will only end in heartbreak." She basically summed up what I had been tossing and turning over in my head all day long. No matter how much I would like to be with Dawn, she is not my mate and I am not hers. I don't deserve someone as beautiful as her and having my mother telling me herself allows the fact to sink in deeper.

"I know mother, trust me I know."...