
Dawn's POV

Little by little, I manage to gain some consciousness, not enough to open my eyes but enough for me to acknowledge my surroundings. In the distance, I can hear someone talking in whispers, that or my hearing has gone. I can feel the weight of a soft sheet, pulled right up to my chin. The fabric lightly brushing against a thick layer of bandages on my arm, and my mind flashes back to the memory of Nathan's claws buried deep into my flesh, slicing through my skin like butter.

" she going to be okay? It's been days and she's still unresponsive." A voice whispers, and it's too quiet to distinguish who is speaking. I try to focus on the conversation, but everything sounds muffled, like I'm trapped underwater.

"She should be waking soon; her wounds have already started to..." My hearing wavers and I miss the end of the conversation.