Dear diary,
First, … Where am I? I don’t exactly know where I am, but I will do my best to explain. There are mountains all lined up in one straight line around me. Lights are just everywhere… all around me. As I take one step on the luscious grass, I realise… this is where I’m meant to be. I don’t need to go back home anyway. I don’t know what was wrong with me back there, but I rarely existed. Wherever I went I was just like a wisp trying to find somewhere I could stay. And no one was missing me….
“Joline…. JOLINE… can you hear me?” a strange voice called, calling me back to Earth, my reality. I just wanted that little bit longer – everything would’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for that voice… Wearily I opened my eyes only to get barricaded by my parents.
“Oh honey, we were SO worried about you – as soon as I heard about your accident we rushed straight down here! NEVER scare us like that again!”, my parents said fervently.