Chapter 2

This next character we’ll see is Joline. You wouldn’t be able to pick her out amongst the crowd, since she tries hard to fit in so much, she’s almost invisible. However, three girls picked her out instantly – and the grin on their lips and their malevolent glare seemed like it wasn’t to ask her to come back home with them. Immediately, they all pounced on her when Joline was at her least vulnerable.

“Oi Joline, got anything for us today?” the ringleader, Shaylee asked casually, almost as if she was being polite! But Joline knew well to see through that mask.

“Not today girls, don’t you have anything better to do than to just pick on me all the time - I'm not exactly a fun target am I?” she warily said.

All three of the girls looked at each other – full of glee.

“Nah, I think we’ll stick to you since it’s what you get for not talking to anyone you WEIRDO!”