A Particularly Strange Dragon

"What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?" asked the dragon.

He really was a majestic being, thought Louis.

Louis was currently sitting down on of the gold-encrusted red chairs that adorned the creature's huge treasure room. Or more accurately, it was more like a dungeon.

The dragon looked patiently at the man.

Apparently, once you lived forever, seconds really melted away. That's why the dragon seemed to have an infinite amount of patience.

"I don't really know" responded Louis.

He had learned early on that it was preferable to wait a couple of seconds before giving your response. The more thought you put into it, the more rewarding was the conversation with the mighty beast.

"In the future, you will form many companions, both human and Hunters, and you will have to sacrifice them in order to climb higher," said the dragon.

Sometimes, it felt like it knew the future. Maybe, since it lived for so long, it simply could guess the flow of history.