Judge, Jury and Justice

“Jared, we’re going to need you to calm down for a second.” I heard someone command me. I had already broken into their secret base and killed whoever was in my way. I had no idea where I was going but I found myself standing in what looked like some sort of cafeteria surrounded by people wanting to kill me.

“For something that’s supposed to be so highly protected, breaking in was way too easy. I guess you guys took my warning seriously and decided to clear out.” I told them. I sensed a few of them getting ready to launch an attack but I was ready for it. I would’ve been more surprised if they didn’t launch an attack though.

“You do realize that you won’t be leaving this place alive.” The silver haired leader told me as he stepped inside the circle now formed around me.

“I remember you but you didn’t give me a name.” I reminded him of the night I went on a date with Rebecca.

“Coming here was a mistake.”

“Your name is Ivan Munder but I think I will call you Mr Silver Fox.”

“Do you think this is a joke?”

“Where’s Brian and Elly by the way? I kind of owe them an apology for ruining our lunch yesterday.” I ignored him again.

“Subdue him.” Mr Silver Fox ordered his men.

“Indissolubili.” They chanted. Suddenly chains erupted out of the ground and ceiling then tied themselves around my ankles, wrists and neck lifting me a couple of centimeters off the ground. Being hung up like a starfish was actually uncomfortable but I wanted to see what their next move was going to be.

“Get his necklace, that seems to be the source of his power.” I knew that voice. Brian immediately stepped out of the crowd and joined his leader’s side.

“Who ever gave you that impression?” I asked them but I could see that they were visibly confused.

“How can you talk?” Brian asked me.

“The same way everyone talks.” I casually answered him.

“You have a chain around your throat.”

“I noticed. It’s actually uncomfortable.”

“Search him. Find the necklace before he uses it.” Brian ordered the men. A few brave Guardians stepped forward then began searching my body for the necklace.

“He doesn’t have it on him.” One of them announced.

“I guess that wasn’t the source of my power.” I couldn’t help but have a smug look on my face. “I’ll give you guys an option, if you bring me Adam Levy, Kurt Matthews, Dana Michaels, Trisha Winster and Fiona Young in the next 3 minutes then I’ll let everyone in this room walk away unharmed except for Mr Silver Fox.”

“Why do you want those people?” Mr Silver Fox asked me.

“They are the reason my family got killed.”

“Your family got killed because of their arrogance.”

“You guys ordered their deaths because they were close to finding this place. You were scared.”

“We were protecting ourselves.”

“What about my sister then? She was one of you yet she was killed as well.” The anger rising inside me right now was ready to unleash itself.

“We were being thorough, you understand that don’t you?”

“I do. I change my mind though; for every minute all those people are not in front of me I will kill one person in this room.” I informed them.

“You are literally chained up right now, you couldn’t even hurt a fly right now.”

“True. Let’s change that shall we?” I closed my eyes and focused my energy on the chains surrounding me. “Liquescimus.” I activated the familiar spell. I knew that spell was going to come in handy some day. The chains around me quickly began melting away allowing me to stand on the ground again.

“Hail Storm!”


“Perfect Cube!” Three spells perfectly coordinated but they were useless against me right now.

“Deambulatio Exspiravit.” I commanded before hail was being shot down at me while I was being frozen from my feet up. Everything went right through me thanks to my spell so I wasn’t affected by it in the slightest.

“My turn.” In an instant I was past the Perfect Cube barrier then seamlessly cut the throats of the 3 people who activated the spells before finding my way to the center of the room again.

“What are you doing Jared?” Brian asked me once he saw the 3 guardians fall and bleed out on the floor.

“That’s my bad, I got carried away there. On the bright side though, I killed 3 of your people so that buys you guys 3 minutes before I kill anyone else.” I shrugged.

“How are you so powerful?” Mr Silver Fox asked me.

“I ate a root of one of the trees you’re supposed to be protecting.” I informed him.

“That’s suicide. How are you still alive?” Brian asked me.

“I was starving and I didn’t now what it was when I ate it. I just saw it in some guy’s house then stole it and ate it. The power was too much for my body but thanks to my sister’s necklace and the help of my teacher, they managed to contain the power and stop it from eating me alive.” I informed them.

“You’re not totally wrong though Brian, my sister’s necklace focuses my power but it isn’t the source. Without it, I’m basically unstoppable.”

“You might be unstoppable but does the same go for your girlfriend?” I heard Elly’s voice. The Guardians parted then revealed Elizabeth standing behind Rebecca. She looked absolutely terrified and from what I could see her hands were bound behind her back. I knew Rebecca couldn’t do any magic so she was completely helpless in this situation.

“Are you seriously stooping this low Elly?” I asked her. Lists of spells began scrolling through my mind as I tried to find the perfect one to help Rebecca.

“You forced my hand.” She replied. “And before you do something, if Rebecca leaves my side then she dies.”

“That’s a lie.” I responded as I released a chuckle. This was a gamble I was taking right now but I couldn’t lose focus. “You are smart, cunning, ruthless and fearless but the one thing you aren’t is a cold-blooded killer.”

“Do you seriously want to risk Rebecca’s life on it?”

“We’ll just have to see.” I held out my hand then immediately summoned a grenade in it. I pulled the pin out then instantly activated another spell, “Artikelwechsel.” Suddenly Rebecca was standing in front of me while the grenade had transported into Elly’s hand.

“Jared.” Rebecca gratefully said my name then threw her arms around me. I guess whatever Elly tied her with became unbound with the spell.

“Perfect Cube.” I activated the spell around Rebecca and I now before throwing my arms around her as well. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. What’s happening?” Rebecca asked me.

“Nothing important now that you’re here.” I answered her with a smile then gave her a kiss. I didn’t hear the bomb go off so they must’ve gotten rid of it before it went off.

Suddenly I felt something being planted in my back. I had the Perfect Cube spell activated right now so nothing was able to enter the barrier around Rebecca and I right now which confused me even more. Rebecca broke our kiss then took a couple of steps back.

“Since you don’t have your necklace on, I know you’re defenseless.” Rebecca stated. She was the one that literally stabbed me in the back.

“Why?” I asked her as I fell to my knees and released the barrier around us. I wasn’t injured or even hurt by the knife in my back but I wanted to play along in hopes that they would reveal their plan to me.

“You’re too dangerous to be left alive. I did enjoy pretending to be in a relationship though.” Rebecca told me.

“I enjoyed it too. I’m actually really disappointed that it was a lie, I really liked you.” I used my power and made the knife in my back disappear as I stood up. At least I knew why they were so prepared for me to attack today but I did warn them as well so she couldn’t take all the credit.

“I can’t believe you stabbed me in the back though.”

“How are you not dead?” Rebecca asked me.

“I am the literal manifestation of magic right now. When I ate the root, my body died and was replaced by this magical form. You can’t kill me because I am already dead. My soul is just inhabiting this body right now.” I informed them. “Now that you guys know that, I’m going to have to kill every single one of you. Elly will stay alive though but only because she’s the only family I have left.”

“Instead of killing everyone, if you’re as powerful as you say you are then why can’t you find another solution that doesn’t involve murder. Most people here are innocent anyway.” Brian told me.

“True. What do you guys suggest then?” I asked them.

“Memory altering spell, you must know one.” Elly told me. She wasn’t wrong there. Killing everyone here would lead to the tree being unprotected and possibly falling into the wrong hands as well.

“How about I make it so that everyone here keeps their jobs as the Guardians but you work for me now? I’m still going to kill the people that caused my family’s death but that’s only justice.” I suggested.

“Deal.” Elly agreed.

“Great. It was nice knowing you Mr Silver Fox.” I told then immediately appeared in front of him.

“Liquescimus.” I chanted then saw him begin to melt in front of us. I was really beginning to enjoy that spell.

“Everyone else, let’s party.”