Crimson Bladdielle



It was a natural reaction. Rheyya promptly covered her body with her arms and legs, with a disgusted face as she moved back.

"What are you saying, you pervert?!"

"If you ain't stripping, then I guess I'll do it by force..." Dright said, with a calm face, moving closer and closer to Rheyya, who is covering her body, trying to protect herself from her enemy called Dright.

As Dright got closer to her, she closed her eyes tightly, bracing what will happen next.

But that did not happen. Instead, Rheyya heard a loud slap resounding within the room. When she opened her eyes, Quare was blocking Dright from her, and seemed that it was Quare that slapped Dright.

"What are you doing, brother?!"

For a shy girl, this reaction was unusual, but since she is dealing with her brother, it seems that shyness does not apply.

Though Dright flinched because of the sudden act of Quare, he wasn't hurt. After which, he stroked the part that was slapped with a blank face then faced Quare.

"Then, you tend to her wound."

Those words that went out of his mouth left Quare confused. "Wound..?" Now that Dright had mentioned it, Rheyya did look quite pale when she

introduced herself, but Quare did not notice.

"H-How did you... brother, how can you say that..?"

Doubts were shown on Quare's face. Without enough proof, she couldn't believe her brother because of how he acted previously. And also, she knows that her brother tends to be a bit perverted sometimes, so she might have believed that her brother was succumbing to lust. But she didn't ignore her brother's claim that Rheyya was wounded. There was a possibility that this might be the case because Rheyya, from the start, looked a bit pale.

Dright sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"When I entered your classroom today, that girl looked a bit pale, and it was slight, but I sensed that she was having some trouble breathing. I observed this symptom when I was waiting for you at the door. There were two possibilities for why she was acting like that. First, she might be suffering from an illness. Second, she might be heavily wounded.

"Was that the reason why she did not say much during her introduction...?" Quare thought.

"Furthermore, when the time I suspected something was wrong with her, I pulled her forcefully towards this room... she was too weak. The only resisting force I've felt was only her weight, which is why I had no trouble pulling her here. And because of that, I have narrowed it down to the second possibility. She was injured and have lost quite a lot of blood, which made her weak, but there were no visible wounds, which meant that her wound is within her clothes. That's why I asked her to undress. do you get it now, Quare?"

Quare was left speechless. Quare didn't know her brother thought so far ahead. But even so, she did nothing wrong after all, he lacked delicacy, forcing his way to a woman he just met, without stating his reason. Quare successfully stopped a behavior that might have left a scar on Rheyya's heart, which was far worse than any wound.

".. I'm sorry for stopping you, brother, but... but how you're doing this is wrong! You were far too indecent!"

"Geh?! R-Really..?" Dright twitched on this statement. He didn't realize it.

"Brother, you need a lesson on how to treat girls delicately! You--!" And so, Quare unconsciously began lecturing her brother.

Meanwhile, Rheyya was left speechless, seeing Dright being powerless in front of Quare. She had a relaxed expression watching Quare, who was angry for her sake.

"But more importantly, we should tend to Rheyya's wounds fir--!" Quare wasn't able to finish her words because what she saw upon looking back to her friend was Rheyya, on the verge of collapsing.


Rheyya began feeling dizzy, and her breathing became unstable. She placed her hand on her chest and felt her heartbeat getting faster and faster. As she breathed heavily, trying to stabilize her composure, she felt weak and was about to collapse. She felt unusually heavy, placing her other hand on the bed to support her balance. Before long, Rheyya collapsed and seen lying face down on her bed.

She heard the familiar voice of a girl in a panic. It was loud, but she couldn't hear it clearly. Her eyes had started to get numb, making everything blurry within her sight, her consciousness, slowly drifting away. But before closing her eyes, the blurry image of Quare was the last thing she saw, who was worriedly tending to her with utmost care.



Meanwhile, around the same time with Crimson.

Crimson was still at the kindergarten, where Dright sent him, which was several meters away from school. After he smashed his head at the wall, he fell flat, facing the ground and several kids that were attending the kindergarten flocked around him.

"Hey! Hey! It's Crimson!"

"Yey! Crimson's back!" By this child's words, it meant that Crimson was sent here several times by Dright.

"Ahahaha! Crimson smashed his face at the wall! Crimson smashed his face at the wall!"

Some of the kids that were flocking around him jumped on his back and pulled his hair.

"H-hey brats! Get off of me! Ow! Stop pulling my hair!! H-Hey! Learn to respect your elders, you stupid brats!!" Crimson retorted.

"Eh?? But your not that big!"

"You're also brat sized y'know!"

"Wha?! I'll have you know, I'm a full-fledged 18-year-old boy! Now show some respect!!"

"Eeeh??? Your lying!"

And so the kids and Crimson argued and argued.

"DAMN YOU DRIIIIGGHTTT!!!" Crimson cursed the one person that sent him to this predicament. Dright Azure, the brother of his shy classmate, Quare Azure.

Some seconds later, Crimson finally escaped from the reach of the children by making a mad dash towards the exit. Now he is very exhausted. Now, he is seen walking exhaustively by the streets, making his way back to Royal Chaos Academy. There were A.I. piloted taxis that were parked and waiting for passengers but Crimson decided that it would just be a waste of money because his destination was within walking distance.

Walking by the streets, passing by countless people taking their lunch, Crimson's stomach began to grumble.

"Damn that Dright..."

And also, along the way, Crimson witnessed several couples dating, spoon-feeding each other. Seeing this sight made Crimson that was still single, feel bitter.

"Tsk... stupid couples.... get a room..." grumbled crimson at the sight of all those lovey doves.

"Hmph!" But then when he closed his eyes with his hands on his pockets, an image formed on his mind, and he started to smile gleefully. He started daydreaming about something gleeful. The image he was seeing was something like this: Crimson was napping on the lap of a girl and she was smiling at him. They were looking at each other, eye-to-eye.

At the same time in the real world, Crimson was walking mindlessly as he dwells deeper and deeper in his daydream, not minding his surroundings and was grinning and chuckling, which was weird, making every person in sight avoid him. Until suddenly--


Crimson finally crashed into a pole, falling flat on the roadside. With his current state, this was bound to happen. Good thing there were not many people around him to see him fall comically.

Crimson sighed.

"... what am I doing..?"

As he said this, he did not get up, instead, he just stared at the clear blue sky but seconds later, something came falling to his sight. Judging from the angle, it probably fell off the moment Crimson crashed to the pole.

Still spaced out, the falling object did not mean anything to him that is until it was right in front of him and took impact at his forehead. A loud clank was heard at that split second and Crimson was seen squirming at the ground, holding his forehead where the object hit.

"What bad luck... hm?" Sitting up and folding his feet, Crimson took notice of the object that fell. The item that fell was two small cubes made of unknown materials. The cubes were connected by a chain, making it inseparable. The other cube had the color of white with some blue cyber patterns, while the other cube was black with the same patterns.

"No wonder I felt twice the pain..." he soon got up then picked the object between his thumb and index finger, raising it above his head with his right hand, the other cube hanging, Crimson observed it.

"What... is this thing..?" It was an item he has never seen before. The item looked very hard, though it was small. It was also a bit heavy, unbecoming of its size. But he was too tired to think, and then as if reminding how hungry he was, his stomach grumbled.

He sighed.

".... I guess I'll just have Quare analyze this thing for me later...." upon saying that, he continued his trip to return to school, as he placed the object in his pocket and eyeing for some kind of food stall to quench his hunger. He actually passed through a lot of food stalls already but did not notice them because he was busy daydreaming.

And sometime later, he finally made it back.

"Finally...." he said then sighed. He then took out his phone, which was only slightly thicker than that of a card, then placed it at the scanner at the center of the gate.

"Identity confirmed... Crimson Bladdielle, Combat Course Student.... now opening the gate..." said the sound of the A.I. that was programmed.

The gate opened as the A.I. said and he stepped forward, entering the school premises. He then gazed at his watch and there was barely enough time to eat lunch. Knowing this, his stomach growled.

"I guess I have no choice and it seems I still have the energy to do that.." as he said this, Crimson's eyes glow bright and he started feeling lighter, jumping lightly as if warming up. Later on, He disappeared, leaving specks of dust behind him and in an instant, he reached the cafeteria.

Crimson Bladdielle's blessing is super speed. He can travel as fast as the speed of sound. He is one of the top students in the combat course, on par with Dright. The reason why he did not use his blessing to get to school faster was that he was too hungry to use it for a long time, as such he could only do as much as walk that 350 m distance which Dright sent him to.

With his acrobatic skills paired with his super-speed, he climbed to the top of the rankings and has also finished countless assignments of Oblivoid extermination. The only thing that gaps Dright's capabilities and his' is that Dright is also capable of making Zeds, which he was not very good at. In the first place, Zed creation was for the support course so Crimson did not bother studying it.

The reason why he knows Quare is another story.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, He ordered his meal and paid by scanning his phone, where he stores points used for buying various necessities, a substitute currency. Scarfing down on his meal, he finally quenched his hunger.