"C-Crimson-senpai??" exclaimed Quare.
Waving his hand gleefully, he made a step forward but couldn't walk any further no matter how hard he tried to move his legs because behind him is Dright, lifting his back by the clothes.
"H-Hey! What are you doing Dright?!"
"Oh, nothing. Just thought I'd bring a lost child to where he'd belong."
With a smile, Dright made a portal behind him, showing a place that seemed to be a kindergarten.
"Wha?! Who're you callin' a child?!"
Angry, Crimson resisted with all of his might, punching, and kicking, but none of it had reached Dright because of his short-range and him facing the other direction.
Satisfied, Dright grinned and made a stance, preparing to throw something. By predicting what Dright would do, Crimson's face became pale.
"Wha-?! Wait a second!! A-AAHH?!"
His plea was ignored, and with full force, Dright threw Crimson at the portal, but due to his acrobatic skills, twisting his body midair, Crimson landed safely.
"Dright you little!" Crimson exclaimed while furiously waving his hands in the air with a closed fist. Veins appeared on his forehead.
"I wonder who is more 'little' between the two of us." Dright retorted while his pinky was scratching his ear, and his other eye closed, his other hand in his pocket. He emphasized the word 'Little.'
More veins popped up on Crimson's forehead at this statement, and his face, turning somewhat red.
"Ngh! Prepare yourself!"
With that declaration, Crimson charged full speed at Dright, but as he got near the portal, Dright closed it. Meanwhile, Crimson, who couldn't slow down on time, slammed his face at a wall where the portal should have been.
"Idiot... Quare, let's go."
"W-wait brother!" Panicking on what to do next, she faced Rheyya.
"U-umm... miss Holocus, would you like to join us for lunch..?"
"... why..?"
Rheyya was puzzled. She asked herself, "Why would she waste her time on a stranger like me..?"
"Why should you waste your time on a stranger like me..? Because of the school tour..? If so, can we do it at a later date..?"
"N-no... it's not because of that... it's because... I want to be friends with you." Quare said with all her courage with a slight blush on her cheeks.
"I see... don't you have any other friends..?"
This question somehow pierced through Quare.
"Yes... I do... have a few friends...." her voice was weak, almost as if she is uncertain.
"Then you should go invite them instead." Rheyya gave off the unapproachable new student vibe.
"Hey, let's just go."
It wasn't Quare's voice. It was Dright's. He stealthily approached the two and forcefully grabbed a hand. It wasn't Quare's hand. It was Rheyya's.
"H-Hey..! Let go!"
". . ."
Quare, unprepared by the sudden twist, confusingly stared at the two as they got further and further.
"Quare, are you coming or not?"
"Ah! Wait for me brother!"
"Hey! I told you to let go!"
". . ."
"Fine, I'll go with you two, just let go!"
Walking down the hallway, the three made a racket.
"Ummm... brother, could you please let go of miss Holocus..?"
". . ."
Dright showed no sign of stopping. He kept ignoring Rheyya's resistance and Quare's plea. Until they finally reached their destination... but it wasn't at the cafeteria. It was the school's infirmary.
"Huh..?" Quare let out a confused groan. "Brother..?"
Dright opened the door, and no one was there. He rummaged through the items in the room, looking for some first aid equipment.
As soon as Quare saw his brother doing that, she understood that he had a reason for doing this. Rheyya remained standing while Quare took a seat at the edge of a bed. Dright took a side glance at the two.
"What are you standing for? Do I have to tell you to sit?"
Unable to retaliate, Rheyya frowned slightly then took a seat at one of the chairs.
"I'm sorry for my brother's rude behavior, miss Holocus. He may be like this, but he is kind at heart."
". . . I see. . ."
"U-Ummm... is it okay for us to be friends..?" Asked Quare, who is fidgeting and shaking nervously, with a bit reddish face and looking at the side, stealing glances from time to time.
"What is this cute creature..?" Was what Rheyya thinking at the moment.
Silence filled the air.
"Fueh?!" Until Quare suddenly felt a sensation touching the top of her head. Looking for the cause, she looked upwards. It was Rheyya, patting her head gently.
Rheyya unconsciously did that. Realizing what she had done, she quickly retracted her hand. "I-I'm sorry!" Then she cleared her throat. "I-I suppose I can be your friend," she said, trying to act cool.
With that, Quare's face lightened into a bright smile.
"I'm Quare, Qaure Azure. Nice to meet you miss Holocus!" Quare introduced herself and reached for a handshake.
"The pleasure's mine. And just, call me Rheyya." Then she shook Quare's hand.
"By the way..." -Rheyya
"..?" -Quare
"Can I cuddle you?" Rheyya said as she got closer and closer to Quare with a serious face but, red-gradients were seen on her cheeks.
"Eh..?" Quare did not have time to resist. The moment she was about to reply, Rheyya was already cuddling her.
Rheyya had a somewhat cute gleeful face as of now. All Quare could do was twitch and swing her hands randomly in the air as she got pushed down on the bed. Her face became bright red because of excessive interaction.
"Uhhh... Uwa uwa!! hnnnghh!" Quare made wierd sounds.
Dright, who was rummaging through things, is now watching quietly behind them with a blank face.
Pretending to clear his throat, he caught the attention of the two, turning back Rheyya to her senses.
Rheyya, going back to her senses has abruptly sat straight and let go of Quare with her face a bit red. Though her face was red, her expression was calm. Then she apologized to Quare for her misbehavior.
"I'm sorry for doing that, Quare."
"Oh, ah, It's okay..." Quare answered with a reddish face.
Silence filled the room again. The aura around the room was awkward.
Dright slowly went in front of the sitting Rheyya with a calm face, looking at Rheyya eye-to-eye, he said...