Royal Chaos Academy is a prestigious school for training youngsters to be successful in life but its main objective is to produce people that are combat-ready and are capable of obliterating the oblivoids to extinction. Of course, it also produces various talents for technological advances and to further make life easier. It is equipped with the most advanced equipment, equipment of the highest caliber. This school has reigned victorious on numerous school competitions. Of course, this school is not only for the rich, but also to those of great talent and skill, wealthy or not. This school was built in order to prevent tragedies similar to the one that occurred back in the past.... within this school exist another group, a secret organization...
Both Dright and Quare made it to Royal Chaos Academy. The siblings separated as they were part of different classes. Dright took combat course, specializing in killing oblivoids. Quare on the other hand, took the support course, specializing in Zed creation and technologies. Although she also wanted to take combat course, she knows its going to be hard to keep up due to her lack of Blessing, and low Zed compatibility. The uniforms for the combat course consisted of white blazers with grey polo, along with black neckties patterned with green arrows, with white pants or skirts, similar to Dright's. On the support course, it consisted of Black blazers with peach polo, along with a red necktie, patterned with yellow arrows, coupled with dark red skirts. Black pants for the boys.
That said, the bell for first period rang and echoed inside the whole campus.
In Quare's class
Students are blissfully chatting with their friends because the teacher is still out. Located at the furthest in the back by the window sits Quare, reading what seems to be a pocket novel. Her shyness had led her to not talk to people often, making her secluded from the others. She'd only answer what was asked to her and avoid meaningless chatter.
When the sliding door that leads to the classroom opened, the teacher was seen. Everyone stopped causing ruckus when the sound of the door being opened was heard.
The teacher wore round glasses and was rather tall, around 180 cm. His eyes were sharp, freshly illuminating the color of emerald. He wears a lab coat with its sleeves folded up to his elbow. His dark brown hair is a mess, one could immediately understand that he doesn't care about his appearance. Underneath his lab coat is a plain gray colored polo tucked in his dark blue colored pants. And he is also dull, expressions of laziness were seen in his face and somewhat visible eye bags below his eyes.
As he walked towards his table, scratching the back of his head and yawning, everyone stood and greeted him. "Good morning Mr. George Electra."
After that, the teacher positioned himself and cleared his throat.
"Alright class, take your seats... umm... so... today, you will have a new classmate... get along well okay..? Come in."
A girl with white hair and straight bangs entered the room and stopped in front of the teacher's table. She was about 160 cm tall. Her eyes illuminated a purple glow. Her twin braids' strand that rested on her shoulders extended down to her waist. She wears a rimless framed glasses and her hair looked rather fluffy. She had a nice figure with a nerdy look. Some of the boys in class were in awe.
"Rheyya Holocus..."
Was her only introduction then bowed. It was rather bland, like there were no emotions on her voice. She didn't smile as well. She did not even explain her abilities if she had any, but for sure, she has a blessing. After all, blessed people were born with unique traits like different hair color other than black or brown, different eye color other than the usual brown or blue or black eyes. Some even has tails and animal ears.
For some reason, she looked rather pale.
"You may take your seat wherever that's unoccupied."
Rheyya nodded then moved her feet to an empty seat next to Quare.
After that, the class proceeded normally.
The bell for lunch break rang. Everyone in class excitedly left the room and went to grab a bite.
When Quare was about to leave her seat, her teacher spoke to her.
"Oh right. Miss Azure, please show miss Holocus around the campus. It is important to know your surroundings after all."
"Yes sir..." she answered after a short pause.
After that, the teacher left as well. Now only the two of them remained in the room.
Silence filled the room for quite a bit of time.
It was Quare that broke the silence.
"M-Miss Holocus u-umm.... uhh..."
"U-ummm... u-uuhh... uuuu..."
Flustered, words did not come out right from her lips. This is the extent on how shy she is. She cannot start a proper conversation. Because she knew of this behavior of hers, she became embarrassed, looking a bit red on her face.
Rheyya waited patiently for Quare's words.
"U-ummm w-would yo-"
As she was about to finish her words, the sound of the sliding door, sliding open was heard.
"Hey Quare! Lets have lunch together!"
A short gleeful boy was found smiling by the door. Wearing the school's combat course uniform with its sleeves folded right until below his elbow. His hair has the color of blood, and his eyes shines the glow of pinkish yellow. There was also four small cylindrical objects hanging on his waist that have black diamond shaped buttons at their center. And he was short. shorter than Quare, who was at most 150 cm tall.