Chapter 8: Entrance

In the middle of Diana's bed, Diana stared at the book in front of her as she tightly hugs her legs.

"So... does that mean that Lady Diana Lucia didn't actually write the story and instead the book did? There's actually magic in this place? Well... considering that I suddenly popped out of nowhere in this world then there's no doubt there's magic."

"But what about Diana Lucia? Did she die? Because of this book?"

As she talked to herself and contemplated, she decided to burn the book. If her ending would change from time to time, she thought that it would be better to not know her ending than to stress herself knowing when she's going to die.

She grabbed matches from the kitchen and immediately went to the garden. She looked for a place where it was dark and where servants would rarely go. Then without further ado, she burns the book until it turned into ashes.

Afterward, for the past week, Diana focused on healing her foot as she visits and checks Jonathan's progress from time to time, whenever she was free. She guided Jonathan when there were things he questioned about until the day of the party.

At 12 noon, Diana was deciding on what kind of makeup look she's going to wear at the party with the help of Jimmy. But just like last time, she really couldn't point out what would be good for her so she lets Jimmy decide it.

All of sudden, Eva announces Jonathan's arrival that made Jimmy stop before he could even put some makeup on Diana while she stood up from her seat with excitement.

"Lady Diana, Sir Jonathan is downstairs with the dress that you personally ordered."

Without delay, she ran downstairs as fast as possible and banged the door open with excitement that made Jonathan startle.

Diana gets closer to Jonathan as she glanced at the box he was holding, "Is the dress in that box?"

Jonathan was still surprised by her sudden appearance but he helplessly smiled as he saw her charmingly sparkling eyes. He formally gave a slight bow to Diana, "Yes it is, Lady Diana."

Diana excitedly grabs the box but Jonathan wouldn't let go so she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Lady Diana, is your fragile foot healed already?"

"Yes, it is," Diana said as she spun around to show that she was perfectly fine, "Now, can I take it?"

Jonathan helplessly nods and Diana excitedly took the box from him and speedily went to her dressing room.

The servants helped her moisturize her skin, while Jimmy did her hair and makeup and finally, everyone was thrilled as Diana puts on the dress.

Standing in front of the huge mirror, there was a gorgeous lady with her heavenly skyed colored high low dress that had the right length of tail frock design.

The cutting was just right, making Diana's pretty neckline to be seen and her hourglass body even more flawless. Little crystals were embellished on the transparent layered cloth that matched the flowered embroidery beneath it with her personally made peep-toe stilettos.

On her body, it appeared elegant and sophisticated that she looked like she had come straight out of a beautiful painting.

Her hands trembled as she looked at herself in the mirror. She tried to hold her tears back but few tears came trickling down to her cheeks. Jimmy panics and immediately grabs a cloth to wipe Diana's tears off, "Lady Diana, you can't be crying, the beauty will wear off."

Diana turned her head up and stared at the ceiling to control her tears as she muttered, "Jimmy... She's lovely..."

Since Diana took care of her mother every time in the past, she hasn't had the time to dress beautifully and was always jealous of how others looked so nice and stylish. So for a start, she was truly happy.

Jimmy helplessly smiles and answered her back, "of course and it's a pleasure to be at your service since I enjoyed beautifying you. Now, please make your tears disappear because Sir Jonathan has been waiting for you for a while."

"Jonathan? He's still here? What about father and Eric?"

"They're at the carriage, waiting for you Lady Diana," Eva answered.

Meanwhile, Jonathan who was patiently waiting for Diana sips his tea that was served a while ago. But after his second tea, Diana gracefully opened the door with her elegant dress.

Jonathan was stunned that made him automatically stand up and gaze at her attentively.

"So? What do you think?" Diana asked as she twirled once and pulled out some poses.

Jonathan opened his mouth but no words would come out as she left him speechless.

"Hey! I know I'm pretty enough for you to be speechless but I need some comments."

With Diana's casual way of talking, Jonathan eased up a little and responded back, "Well.... the dress itself was already beautiful but when you put it on... it's even more enchanting."

Diana softly chuckled as she agreed with his words when she suddenly noticed Jonathan's outfit. His outfit was quite different but at the same time, it matched the one she was wearing.

Jonathan noticed her staring at his clothes so he immediately replied, "Actually, I was also invited and since there were some materials left, I made one for myself...What do you think?"

Diana was quite surprised because he looked stunning as well. She calmly smiled at him with her sparkling eyes and said, "You look great, I hope you'd be my escort for the night."

"Of course, it's an honor."

As they complimented each other and headed to the carriage, Duke Erwin and Eric were impatiently waiting for Diana to come out.

Duke Erwin couldn't wait any longer and planned to head inside and scold Diana but suddenly, Diana opened the door with Jonathan and apologized to Duke Erwin.

"Good Evening Father, I apologize for making you wait."

Just like Jonathan, Duke Erwin and Eric were left speechless by Diana's beauty.

Diana glanced at Jonathan, giving him a look that Duke Erwin and Eric's current expressions were just like Jonathan's but Jonathan simply gave her a soft smirk.

Well, it can't be helped, who would have thought that she was a gem among the rough.

Diana immediately gets in the carriage with the help of Jonathan as she doesn't want to see her family's dumbfounded expressions. She sat beside Jonathan while Duke Erwin and Eric sat the opposite of hers.

Along their way, Duke Erwin and Eric can't help but gaze at Diana in astonishment. Seeing that they kept on staring at her made Diana feel discomfort.

Diana couldn't hold it any longer and asked them a question, "Father and brother, do you have something to say?"

"I'm sorry... It's just you exactly look like your mother..." Duke Erwin softly said with a smile on his face as he reminisced her.

It was the first time Diana saw him smile but it didn't make her feel better, "Please refrain from starting at me. It makes me uncomfortable."

Diana didn't know what was going on with Duke Erwin's mind but she could tell that he loved his wife wholeheartedly.

Afterward, they arrived at the party with so much suffocation of silence and awkwardness. And as they got off the carriage, Diana's head tilted up as she gazed at the gigantic mansion.

Damn... a little taller and it would already be a skyscraper.

"Hey... who's gathering was this again?" Diana asked Jonathan as her eyes were fixed at the mansion.

"Seriously? You went to a gathering without knowing who's hosting it?" Jonathan said as he looked extremely surprised.

But it can't be helped since Diana didn't ask and simply went with the flow, "Just tell me already!"

Jonathan sighs before answering her, "It's Lucifer Vandenburg's celebration..."

Hearing that vicious name made Diana's eyes widen and bulge out as she couldn't believe what she just heard.

One by one they entered the party and Diana linked arms with Jonathan as they set foot in the place. But after entering, just as they both expected, eyes were instantly placed on them and Jonathan wasn't ready for it as he never experienced being the center of attention.