Chapter 9: The Celebration

"Diana... I regret attending this party with you," Jonathan said as he endured the intense stares he is also receiving due to Diana.

"Back out and I'll torture you to death..." Diana said as she maintained expressionless.

Jonathan sighs inside his heart and responded in an exhausted tone, " You already took someone else's party so can't you at least smile?"

Actually, since it was her first party ever since she came, she thought that it would be fun but Diana sulked after she realized it was Lucifer's party, "If I had known this was her party, I shouldn't have come. The dress is such a waste."

"From what I heard, both of you are close friends..."

Diana didn't respond as her eyebrows scrunched up just by thinking about Lucifer.

Damn this is so infuriating! I can feel my horns and my little devils coming out, it must be because I entered this place of hell.

"Well, ordering such a gorgeous dress, you must have wanted to impress someone."

Diana was silent because he was right. She didn't know why but she wanted to show off her new change to everyone, especially her family. Maybe it's because it was her first time wearing such nice clothes or because she wanted to take revenge for Diana Lucia's sake but either way, she'll try to have fun as much as possible before she dies.

As Diana sips her drink, everyone's eyes were still locked on her but she remained unfazed as she heard few gossips behind her.

"Hey, do you know her...? I love her dress... it's so lovely."

"It is... She and the dress look stunning."

"She's naturally striking but with that attractive face, why don't I know her..."

"Maybe Lucifer knows her."

"I didn't know Lucifer had a friend that beautiful."

"But compared to hers... we look like..."


Diana smirked with her silent comment but it was the truth. The others couldn't get close to Diana since she gave off a unique dignified aura that's completely different from them even though they were also nobles.

Eventually, she finishes her drink and was about to get another one when she suddenly bumps into a man behind her. People who saw the scene were surprised by the unexpected event.

"My apologies, did you get hurt? I didn't know there was someone behind me. I'm truly sorry." The man said quickly with a concerned look.

"Oh my! Isn't that Prince Devin?"

"Wait, did he just apologize?"

"Is that important? He's talking to a lady!"

"Wow, you never get to see him talk to anyone like that."

"He's smiling!!"

As the hall was filled with jealousy and gossips, Diana's head was only filled with the man in front of her. She was stunned to see yet another handsome man but she swiftly composes herself and responded back, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

Prince Devin gave her radiant smile as a response, "I haven't seen such a beautiful lady, may I know you're name?"

Is he hitting on me? I'm not that easy...

Diana noticed that everyone's ears were fully attentive after Devin asked for her name. They were eager to know Diana's name and she's finally going to say it.

As a matter of fact, Diana was confused as to why her identity wasn't still being known. Since Eric and Erwin were with her, she thought that everyone would already know by now.

But since they didn't care about Diana from the start so it was practically explainable as to why her identity is not known.

Diana scoffs inside for expecting something good from her family. She glanced at the bystanders before giving Devin a clear response for everyone to hear, "Diana Lambert."

Everyone was speechless and astonished with her new appearance to the point that their head was suddenly filled with questions and they wanted to ask Diana.

Even Devin has his eyes wide open but instead of asking about Diana's change, he smiled, "I'm Devin, may I have a dance with you...?"

Shit... There's actually a dance... I can only dance hip hop and cheer dance. Prom dance is considered as a formal dance, right...?

The other ladies were mad jealous of Diana as Devin asked for a dance. She felt like she would get trampled on by vicious snakes if she would accept the offer but she also couldn't decline. In the end, she accepted his invite, "If you can guide me then I'd be honored."

It wasn't a tough decision to make since how can someone reject such a person who's concerned and too handsome. Even if she's going to be asked again, she would happily accept it.

As they danced with the music like two love birds in the middle of the hall, onlookers were filled with astonishment and jealousy. Even the men who are with Eric and Erwin can't help but comment on Diana's stunning appearance.

"Eric isn't that your sister...? She's gorgeous."

"Not to mention, sexy?"

"Hey Eric, I think I would be a good match for her, what do you think?

"Pfft hahaha don't even think about it."

"You never know, she might go back to being heavy."

As the men joked around, Eric wasn't pleased by their comments so while they weren't looking, he left them and swiftly conversed with others. Even Duke Erwin's conversation with the others was about Diana but just like Eric, he was annoyed by their comments and forcefully changed the topic of the discussion.

On the other hand, Diana's heart beats faster as she gently touched Devin's firm shoulders. She didn't fall for him but she just can't help but acknowledge his well-built structure as she squeals inside her but also maintaining her composure outside.

I've had enough... He's too dazzling. I can't believe a person like this exists.

"Lady Diana, it's really an honor to have a dance with you. For the first time, I was nervous to ask someone for a dance," Devin suddenly said with his dazzling smile.

If it was another woman, they would've already fallen for Devin's sweet words but luckily, Diana was an observant and preserved woman, so she responded back with her charming smile, "Sir Devin, thank you for the compliment but I would advise you not to smile that broadly."


"It's making my eyes hurt and what's more, it's full of lies."

Devin was stunned by her bluntness and how she saw right through him. Diana noticed his expression changed so she grinned and jokingly said, "Oh, Was I right?"

Devin was surprised and asked her, "You were just guessing?"


Diana gave a vague answer that made Devin genuinely smile. As the music finally comes to an end, Diana and Devin also ended their dance, "Thank you for the dance, Sir Devin."

"I should be the one thanking you. I hope to see you again sometime," Devin said as he bowed slightly and went to other important people.

Suddenly, Jonathan popped up beside Diana with food, stuffed in his mouth, "Wow, I can't believe Devin asked you for a dance."

"Is it that surprising?"

"Of course! Devin is known to be picky! He doesn't just talk or befriend anyone! I just heard some ladies over there talking about how they were envious of you."

"Is that so..." Diana said as she remained her composure. She was truly lucky and was amazed by Devin but he wasn't Diana's type so she thought that the other ladies don't have to be envious.

"So far, Devin has the most attractive face here at the celebration but he doesn't have that princely or kingly presence. Besides that, I can tell that he has a split personality and they're really hard to handle so the ladies can have him all they want. I don't really care."

Diana muttered to herself and as she glanced at Jonathan, she saw him with his dumbfounded look. It was as if he just saw a ghost behind her back.

"You... don't know?!"

"What? Is there something I should know?"

Just when Jonathan was about to respond back, someone suddenly spoke to her in such an annoying way.

"Well, well, well, look who's here... is this my dear friend Diana?"

Oh my God! Did I just hear a cliché line?! It's sickening!

Without even looking back, Diana could already tell that it was Lucifer. Diana still hasn't seen her face but just a mention of her name makes her blood boil for some reason and now she's about to face her.

As Diana turned around to face Lucifer, they both were surprised to see each other's faces.