Chapter 22: Mood Swings

Eva was startled for a second and dashed out to follow the culprits. At the same time, servants rushed into the scene after hearing Michelle's scream.

"L-Lady Diana! Are you alright?" Michelle cried out to her as she caught sight of a wound on Diana's cheek.

"I'm alright," she answered calmly then shifted her attention towards the servants, "More importantly, please look after Lady Michelle and tend her wounds if there is."


"No! You're much more injured than I am!" Michelle denied strongly as she clung to Diana's hand but Diana simply chuckled.

"Lady Michelle, don't worry this is nothing."

Michelle was stunned to see Diana smiling as if nothing just happened. Seconds later, Lucifer and the other ladies came rushing to see what happened.

"Wha-what happened here?!"

Diana coldly glanced at Lucifer's expression to see whether she was faking her actions or not but seeing that she was truly surprised she lets it go.

"Lady Lucifer, I shall get going for I still have some matters to attend to but I hope you could investigate this case thoroughly. Thank you for inviting me today, I've enjoyed making an acquaintance with all of you."

"Y-You're already going...? What about your wounds?" Lady Lucifer said with a flustered look on her face.

"You don't have to worry, I'll be tending my wounds," Diana gave a curtsy to the ladies then faced Michelle to give her a farewell, "Lady Michelle, let's meet again next time."

After bidding goodbye, she walked straight out of the place without looking back as her mood darkened. Eva, who was already inside of the carriage, worriedly waited for Diana to get in.

Diana was silent but not long after that, she decided to speak up, "You haven't caught them?" She said as she gets in.

"I apologize. I'll accept any punishment from you."

Diana helplessly sighed, "punishment aside, you must have surely seen at least its face or figure?"

"Yes, but he was wearing a mask and the way he was dressed was quite odd."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like I've seen it before..." Eva thought long hard and finally had a clue, "Oh! It was something similar to the clothes you have in your wardrobe, was it a t-shirt? And he was wearing pants that were similar to the one you showed me the other day."

"That is... odd. From what I know, I haven't told anyone those except for you and Jonathan. Is it Jonathan?!"

"It could be possible but I don't see any reason as to why he would hurt you... besides the one I chased was slightly short. I think he had the same height as yours."

"He could hire someone to do it for him."

"That's also true..."

Diana fell into a deep thought but then sighs after a few seconds. She felt so stupid for suspecting Jonathan when there are also many more probabilities that it could be others.

"But Lady Diana... are you really fine? You mustn't have seen it clearly since it was too fast but that wasn't just a simple arrow, it was following your body. I think a mage is behind the attack."

Diana was silent for a few seconds as she contemplated but then shakes off the thought and changes the topic, "...Nevermind... How about the fortune-teller I've told you to look into?"

"...I've only gathered a few because almost all of the people's responses were the same. They don't know much about him but one thing's for sure is that he's from the Shehar town."

"Shehar town? I think I've heard of it... something called the lifeless town?"

"Yes, but no one could enter that deadly place."

"Not even you?" Diana was gradually getting irritated as things kept getting in her way.

"Unfortunately not, the town's heavily guarded with skilled people, and their outside borders has many dangerous traps making it impossible to crossover."

Tsk! So annoying! Can't we just peacefully die?!

"Are you certain that there isn't a way to enter that place? At least one?"

"Well, there is. Since it's Prince Darius's territory then you'll need to get permission from him."

The fuq did you just say?

A sudden throbbing headache occurred just after thinking about the things she needed to worry about as she stayed silent after speaking to Eva.

"Prepare a cool bath as soon as we arrive."

"Yes, Lady Diana."

Just as Diana ordered, a bath was prepared at once for her as she arrived and she instantly submerged herself in the chilly yet somewhat warm water, "Fwaahhh, what a relief... The problems and heat were torture!"

She was feeling blissful not until someone knocked on the door, interrupting her only peaceful time, "Who is it?!"

"Lady Diana, it's me, Eva. David who's in charge of the knights' refreshments has come to report to you."

"Oh... right..." Diana sighs as she glanced at the door, "Just give me 10 minutes, and also Eva, bring in some tea and sweets."

"... Lady Diana, you're gonna get fat at this rate..."

Diana suddenly yelled as she felt annoyed, "I don't care!!! I haven't eaten anything yet since this morning!!"

After a short while, Diana comes out of the bath, fuming in anger with her robe on. She sat across from David who's been waiting for her and felt quite intimidated by the way she was seated.

Her arms were folded across her chest and one leg was thrown carelessly over the other, "Eva! The sweets!!"

He was startled by her voice and felt that he was being scolded. At the same time, Eva has confirmed that Diana had a sweet tooth and tends to have mood swings...

"Wahh~ This is so freaking delicious~" Diana exclaimed happily as she picked a piece of cake and savored every bite.

"Lady Diana, should I bring a bottle of milk?"

"Milk? Of course! You should've brought it along with the sweets!!"

Eva nodded as she quickly went to the kitchen, leaving David alone with Diana. But seeing that Diana was still munching some sweets, David took the courage to talk first.

"U-Umm Lady Diana, a-about the re-port..."

"Right, the report... Hmmm did they enjoy it?"

"Ah- yes, the-they were confused and surprised at first especially when I mentioned the lady but they eventually had their fills..."

"And until what time did they finish their training today?"

"Around noon... Just before the lady arrived at the manor..."

"I see... Is there something else to report?"

"T-There is none..."