Chapter 23: Pile of letters

"Alright, listen carefully, discuss with the chef about the food that's going to be served for the knights every week. We can't just always serve them sandwiches each day."

"Should I... serve it before and after their training...?"

"Yes, and when they're taking a short break, simply serve them drinks to at least keep them hydrated, got it?"

"Y-Yes... but... may I ask why you're doing this?" He asked as he fidgets his hands from nervousness.

"Nothing. Just do what you're told to do," Diana gave him a cold glare, making him feel her superiority, "If there's nothing more, you can leave."

"Yes, Lady Diana! Ha-have a nice rest!" David exclaimed loudly in fear as he left the room.

Right after David was gone, Diana swiftly spread her legs wide and relaxed her arms on top of the sofa with her head tilted backward, just like an exhausted old man.

She lets off a long sigh as she talked to herself, "Haaa... What a day. I can't even have a peaceful bath."

"... Speaking of the bath... I should conserve the shampoo and conditioner..."

A few seconds later, Eva enters the room, coming back from her errand, "Lady Diana, here's the glass of milk."


As Diana was drinking, out of the blue, Eva told her good news which she thought would make Diana delighted, "Lady Diana, it seems that the knights and servants have gradually come to like you."

"What makes you say that?"

"I overheard from a few of the servants and knights on my way back. Servants were admiring your beauty and the same goes for the knights but they much more respected you, especially after confronting Prince Darius."

"...Hmph... that could all be lies..." she mumbled when suddenly a thought comes to her that she just realized, "Eva... except for Jonathan's and Lady Lucifer's letters, how come I haven't received a single letter from the other nobles? Surely, after my appearance that night at Lady Lucifer's celebration, I've drawn everyone's attention to me and it's only to be expected that I'll be receiving some letters of invitation... but there's none..."

"About that, the Grand Duke may have hidden it from Lady Diana."

"What? Hid...?" Diana glares at Eva as her voice got serious, "You know where it is, don't you? Lead the way."

Diana stood up immediately without even confirming Eva's answer since she did not doubt that Eva knew where it was. Eva did what she was told and guided Diana to the attic.

As soon as the door was opened, a pile of boxes was the one who greeted them, "The letters are in these boxes..."

"All... of these?! No way... it's too many. Does Eric also know about this?"

"I'm not quite sure."

"... Bring all of these to Eric's room right now and don't let father know."

"Yes, Lady Diana."

Just as the sun was about to set, while Duke Erwin wasn't aware, all of the boxes safely reached Eric's room with Eva's swift skills and this surprised Eric.

"What- What is this?! Who ordered you to bring it here? Put all of these back!"

"I ordered to do it. Got a problem with that?"

"D-Diana?" Eric said in a shaky voice but then he was surprised to see scars on her face, "Those scars... Did something happen?"

"This is nothing," Diana calmly said as she lightly touched her cheek.


"Other than that, while I was roaming around, I happen to discover these boxes. Do you know about this?"

"I-I know nothing," He averted his eyes from Diana, hesitant to say a word.

"Are you playing dumb right now?" Diana snapped as she was truly annoyed.

Eric didn't know how and why he gradually got intimidated by her presence when it was supposed to be the other way around. But, Diana didn't do anything violent towards him yet he felt frightened that in the end, he could only listen and follow her words.

"C-Can you not be so scary? I'll... tell you ok?"


"Father... hid it... and told me to not let you know..." Eric glanced at her and saw how she was still glaring and wasn't convinced so he added, "That's it... I don't know the reason anymore."

Seeing how it looked like he wasn't lying, Diana sighed as she sat down, "Eva, open the boxes and Eric read them."

"Huh...?! You-you're going to make me-"

"Read. Them."

He slowly shrinks as he saw and heard Diana's intimidating face and tone but still courageously asked her once more, "Wh-Why should I read them... they're yours..."


Eric couldn't oppose her any longer and all he could do was sigh as he started and picked a letter.

Diana wanted to avoid reading all of them so she wanted someone to at least read with her to get the job done. Other than that, she used Eric's knowledge to determine whether the letter is important or not. The letters were the only things to identify which is an enemy or an ally.

After considering her current reputation and how her personality and looks change from other people's perspectives, she was certain that some of them would be suspicious.

She wouldn't have to deal with this if she hasn't seen her mother's ghost that seemed real and other problems that were related to the modern world.

After a few hours of reading here and there, Eric's eyes have gone mad as he couldn't tell whether it's words anymore or simply jumbled letters.

"Diana... I don't want to die just because of letters. Let me eat" Eric said in a half-dead state.

Diana wanted to finish reading all of the letters as soon as possible but even she was already feeling dizzy. Although there was still a pile of them, she takes a rest and lets Eric go, "Fine... go ahead..."

Eric went teary-eyed as it sparkled from hearing the good news. He quickly dropped the letters and goes to the door but after sensing Diana wasn't coming along he asked, "Aren't you going to have dinner?"

"... I'm not hungry..."

"Ok then..."

Diana takes a break at the balcony as she breathes in the fresh air. She relaxed her head over her folded arms that were resting on the railings as she breathes in the gentle wind.

As she was gazing through the night sky and, she gradually hears someone softly calling out her name. She turned around and only saw Eva, but it couldn't be her since she's been reading in serious mode. Diana once again looked outside and after scanning a bit, she saw Darius calling for her name.

She was a bit surprised since it was unexpected for him to appear out of nowhere near the balcony.

"... Why are you here? What do you want?" Diana softly said.