Chapter 24: Leave my room

"Phone...I want to see the phone."

Diana snapped for the reason that he interrupted her break just because he wanted to use the phone one more time.

"Hell. No." Diana greatly emphasized each word and walks away as she goes back to the room and loudly closed the door which she didn't mean to do.

Eva looked over the sudden noise, "Is there something wrong?" Eva asked who was confused by the sudden and loud shut of the door.

Not attempting to honestly answer Eva, she changes the subject, "... Eva, stop reading and leave a note to Eric to read all of the remaining letters and assort all that is important."

"...Yes, Lady Diana."

"I'm going to my room. Don't wake me up so early in the morning even if father asks for me... is that clear?"


Diana immediately heads to her room and planned to sleep right away but as she entered, she was startled to see Darius waiting by her window.

"No." She already knew why Darius came to her and what he was looking for.

"... Why?"

"I'm going to sleep."

"It's too early."

"No, it's not. A lady must always sleep early to preserve healthy skin."


"Leave now, what you're doing is illegal. If you don't, I'll call my father," Diana said as she goes to her bed, slipping inside the blanket.

She believed Darius would listen properly if she mentioned Duke Erwin but hearing that there was no response, she slowly takes a peek. Luckily, it seems it worked.

She sighs in relief as she mumbled, "What a pervert..." and she turned around to have a nice sleep.

"I'm not a pervert."

"AUUGAH!!" Darius suddenly appeared on the other side of the bed like a pervert who's taking a peek which made her speechless. It wasn't long enough before she could give a response, "Oh my God! What are you?! A ninja?! I told you to leave!"


He kept quiet, determined to ignore Diana's threats, not until he gets what he wants. Diana was lost for words as she tried pushing him towards the window, "Leave... now... you're... going in a lady's room without permission!"

Seeing that Diana was having a hard time pushing him, he went along with her push until he reached the window.

"Look... It's troublesome to call the guards or father so just leave quietly."


Diana finally snapped due to his silent treatment, "You're ignoring my words, aren't you?!"

As Diana contemplated whether she should punch him or not, Darius simply stared at her. He suddenly wanted to see what kind of expression would Diana make if he would fall from where they were currently at.

Darius makes his fall and Diana was utterly surprised as she tried to grab him right away before his fall but it was too late. She worriedly looked down right away but to her surprise, Darius was nowhere to be seen as if he vanished in thin air.

Suddenly, she felt someone whispered closely in her ear, "Diana... don't do it..." she quickly turns around but no one was there except for her...

Shit... I'm hearing things


On the next day, as the sun rose, Diana felt lazy and stretched her arms as she rolls over her bed from her pleasant beauty sleep. To her lovely surprise, breakfast was prepared beside her making her mood great for a start but not until she was reminded to supervise the training.

"Why the hell do these misfortunes keep happening to me?!" Diana mumbled in fuming anger on her way to the training grounds while Eva follows behind.

Since she was asked to supervise, she gradually remembered all the things she needed to deal with which made her sigh. But by the time she arrived at the training grounds, all of her worries were washed away as she gazes through the handsome men.

How beautiful...

The knights noticed her presence and immediately stopped training as they greeted her at the same time, "Good Morning, Lady Diana!"

She was a bit startled since it was a first for her to be greeted by the knights. To be greeted so enthusiastically, she was truly delighted as she greeted them back with her charming smile, "Good Morning to all of you as well."

The men were taken aback as they felt like they've been shot with an arrow and fell for her charms while Diana just felt happy to be welcomed by them.

A few moments later, training has been doing good as usual and Diana felt that she didn't need her to supervise as she stared at the knights. Suddenly, a thought came to her...

"Eva... should I learn sword skills?"

"Lady Diana, do you even have the time to do so? I believe that you already have several things on your plate."

"Hmmm that's true... but I think I've already done all the aftermaths and I'm just waiting..." she continuedly stared at the men training when she suddenly remembered, "Oh right, is Eric done with the letters?"

"I checked him earlier and he's almost done assorting them. I believe he'll be done around this time."

"Wow, it took that long huh... If that's the case, bring out some tea along with sweets here."

Eva nodded and as the table is being set up, Eric suddenly shows up with his scrunched brows as he approached Diana. He glares at her as he slams the letters on the table.

"Oh? You're finally here, have a seat."

Eric wanted to burst and yell at Diana for threatening him late at night with the note that was left for him and leaving him alone to do all the tasks but with many people present he was just able to sigh and sit down.

Truthfully, he didn't have the strength to yell anymore and merely crossed his arms as he waits for something to eat.

Diana took the letters but was surprised to see that there were only a few of them, "From those pile of letters, only four letters were important?"

"Don't underestimate those four because that's the equivalent of those piled of letters."

She believed that at least one of those she read was important but to her surprise, not a single one passed. But none of that matters now since the thing she needed to currently focus on was whether she would accept the invites or not.

As she was about to read one of the letters, out of nowhere Darius started to approach her from their short break that made everyone shocked, including Diana.