Chapter 5: Am I Falling for her/him?

《Kaytlyn Jones》

I was resting on the couch in the living room when the orange fox suddenly climbed on my laps, asking me to pet him.

"Aww....why are you so cute, huh," I did what my pet wanted and he seemed to be enjoy it.

"Stop petting him already," a husky voice suddenly interrupted me, making me startled a bit. He then took a seat right beside me and gently took away the fox from my laps.

"Hey...." 'What is his problem?' "I still want to play with him, JAYDEN" I complained, feeling a little bit pissed of him.

"You already played with him long enough," he replied without even looking at me instead just petting my pet. "It's my turn for me to play with, Ted."


I squint my eyes, "Since when his name is Ted?" my arms both crossed and stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" he pretend to be in confused. “I named him with that name, is there any problem, lady?” Jayden’s just mocked me, but I did piss by him though. I mean, how could I be mad at me when he looked at me with those beautiful cerulean blue eyes?

'No...please….stop staring at me like that. I...I j-just can't handle it.'

"Why are you so red?" He knitted his thick eyebrow, looking at me in confused.

'Am I b-blushing? It can't be..."

"Oii...Jones girl," he tried to get my attention back. "Why are you spacing out? Helloo, I’m talking to you right now…."

" it's nothing," 'Oh no...he just made me stuttered again!'

"Whatever..." he shrugged then turned to the fox again. "I guess I’m gonna bathe you want to lend some help then?"

'Did he just ask for my help?’

‘That's weird...or is he trying to play me again?'

"Jones’s girl?" He waited for my answer, but I stared his face, wondering why he asked for my help. "Kaytlyn?" This time, he called me with my name with his tone was soften than usual. His beautiful cerulean blue eyes gazed straight into mine, making my heart pounded even harder.

'No, I can't fall for him. All of this are his acting. Please, Kaytlyn, don’t fall for him!’'

He scoots away from the seat along with Ted on his arms, “Guess that you don’t want to help me,” his voice full with disappointment, which made me felt bad of him.

“U-uh…who said I’m not going to help you?” ‘Wait, did I just say the opposite thing that I wanted to say?’

'Argh....what is happening to me?'

He smiles widely, "Okay then, I'll wait for you at the backyard..." then quickly left the room, leaving me who was speechless with my own words.

“I think I’m losing now,” I murmured to myself along with a hard sigh.

'I probably should change now or he might be burst out of anger to me again. I don't like him to always be mad at me, it makes me feel so...hurts.'

I ran towards the bedroom, which I have to share it with Jayden since this apartment only has one room. I grabbed my luggage then brought it closer to the bed and looked for the clothes in order to help Jayden give bathe to my pet. I did not have time yet to unpack my stuffs since we just moved into this house this morning.

'When I think about it, we only have a queen sized bed, so....d-do I have to share it with that blond guy?! I don't want to. He might be take advantage of me! But....'

A flash of memory suddenly played inside of my head; a memory which made me smiled like an idiot and even blushed as red as tomato if someone saw me. Luckily, that guy was already outside or I will be dead in embarrassment.

I remembered how frequently our hands brushed against each other, the way he held me in his arms when I was in fear. He really made my heart flustered especially when he kept my lavender bag and always brought it with him all the time.

"Hey Jones’s girl!!!" A loud shouted came from the backyard, snapping me out from my thought. "What takes you so long?"

'Oh no....'

I randomly grabbed my jogger pants and white t-shirt from my luggage then quickly changed into them as fast as I could or he might got angry again.

I walked away from the bedroom and headed to the living room before went outside from the sliding door. Jayden, who wore a black short and a white sleeveless t-shirt was playing with Ted at the backyard. To be honest, I did not notice Jayden wore the same color shirt as me before, so maybe he will think that I purposely followed him or something.

《Jayden Nelson》

"Hey boy," I rubbed Ted’s head. "I'm going to give you a bathe, a very nice one...and Kaytlyn will help me too that okay with you?" I whispered to him.

Ted replied with a bark.

"So you like her, huh?" I knitted my eyebrow while looking at him.

He made another bark then licked on my face.

“I think I like her too, but maybe only a bit,” I mumbled to myself. "Where is she anyway?" I looked around to find the Jones’s girl who was not show up yet.


Ted suddenly got away from my grip then ran towards the sliding door. He barked non-stop along while wiggling his tail as a girl's figure appeared at the doorstep.


I swallowed hard as she walked closer to me with Ted on her arms.

' can she looks so different?'

She wore something that I never seen before; a slim-fit jogger pants along with a white t-shirt well something that fit with her size. She looked so slim though, even slimmer than my crush. She really looked so beautiful without her big glasses plus even sexier when she tied her hair into ponytail like that.

'She's gorgeous!'

"What are you looking at?" she asked me with squint eyes.

*clears throat*

I quickly moved my eyes of her, “N-no…I’m not.” My cheeks felt burning and even my chest felt like it will exploded anytime sooner.

"Wait...wait...." Ted struggled to get away from her arms. "Where are you going?" The fox then jumped onto the ground that caused her to trip with the hose near to her feet.

"Whoa...." With my quick reflection, I caught her from falling with my right hand and pulled her into a hug. I could feel her...u-umm....that thing against my chest.

Her chestnut color eyes stared into mine; making my hear raced even more.

'Man....she's so gorgeous.

‘Why didn't I notice her before?"

Ted suddenly barked at us which made me released the hug instant.

'She is the one who makes me feel like that. Especially when...ugh this pervert side of mine.'

"Thanks," she said without even looking at me. She then patted Ted’s furs away from her white t-shirt and my hands…God, they moved automatically to help her though. She seemed surprised with my sudden action when her beautiful eyes widened a bit as she was staring at me.

“I-I….” ‘Damn, I started to stutter again!’

I quickly removed my hands and crouched in front of sneaky Ted before gently rubbed his head, “You purposely did that right?” I whispered to him.

He answered me with a bark then licked my hand once as if he was apologized to me.

'What a smart fox, huh?'

Kaytlyn and I gave our pet a bath and he seemed to be enjoy it, so did I....*sneakily grins*....I even could not move away my eyes once from looking at that Jones’s girl.

'She's beautiful though.'

"Nooo..," she shouted as Ted shook his body to dry the water by himself and causing both of us soaking wet.

“Ted….” We said in unison and even tried to catch Ted. Unfortunately, that naughty fox managed to run away from us.

“Oww….I’m soaking wet,” she complained which I found it really cute.

“Let me grab you a towel,” I offered my help to her, but, it became worst I accidentally sprayed her with the water which came from the hose in my hand.

“Oops….*bites the lower lip*…I’m sorry,” she looked at me in disbelief so I quickly apologized to her. Seriously, I really did not mean to spray her like that

‘Why did you that, you idiot.’

“Jayden!” She shouted my name. “Did you do that in purpose?!”

‘Man, she’s mad at me again.’

I take several steps back from her when see her, staring at me with squint eyes, “N-no…I didn’t. It was an accident.”

“Come here….” She said with a smile, but I knew it was a fake. The Jones’s girl was planning to spray me back for a revenge.

I shake my head for several times, “I don’t want to…”

“Oh come on….” She insisted and even walked closer towards me. “I won’t hurt you.”

I swallow hard, “B-but…”

“I promise,”

“O-okay then…”

Her lavender scent was so nice; I could tell since she just centimetres away from me and she was about my shoulder’s level when stood right in front of me.

‘Argh…my heart, it beats faster again. Hopefully, she can’t hear it…by standing so close to me. What she’s up to anyway?’

With her quick movement, she grabbed the hose away from my hand then pointed it towards me.

“Whoa….that was so quick,” she really impressed me though and I raised my hands on my chest’s level as a surrender. “Please….don’t. It was an accident, believe me.”

She only replied me with a smirk, totally ignoring me who was trying to explain the truth.


Without I could not even do anything, she sprayed me with the water while bursting out of laughter.

‘God…I love the way she’s laughing like that.’

“K-Ka-Kaytlyn….*laughs*…stop it,” I begged her while covering my face from the water,

“No…” she replied stubbornly.

By letting her sprayed on me, I braced myself to approach her in order to steal the hose away from her hand.

‘I have to get the hose by any methods even though I have to cheat the game.’

“Hey….” Both of her eyes widened as I suddenly pulled her into my arms. She seemed like a statue and did not blink once as stared into my eyes, maybe too surprised with my unexpected movement. I leaned closer to her then quickly grabbed the hose away from her hand without she could not even do anything. “T-that’s cheating….”she finally spoke out while pushing me away from her.

I chuckle, “Sorry…”

“Cheater….” ‘Aww…she’s so cute when she mad like that.’

Both of us were soaking wet, and we practically staring at each other. But my cheeks started to burn out as saw her shirt….which seemed to be see-through, revealing her pink color bra.

“Uumm….K-Kaytlyn,” I tried my best to turn off my pervert side, by telling her the truth about her shirt.

She knits her eyebrow, “What is it?”

I grin then scratch the back of my head, “Your s-shirt…”

“What’s wrong with it?” She asked confusedly.

‘Man….she’s gonna be explode if I told her that.’


“What are you trying to say, Jayden?”

‘Argh…how am I supposed to say this?’

“Well….I could see your…”

She cuts me in, “My what?”

“Bra!” ‘Oh no…I think I accidentally say it out aloud.’

“What?” She quickly crouched right in front of me then hug herself to cover her see-through shirt from me. “You….pervert!”

“Am not!” I protested. “If I did, I will never tell you that, instead just having the great view with it.”

“Yes you are….just go away!” ‘She’s totally mad at me.’

“Fine!” I replied. “I’m leaving…”


Ted who came out of nowhere barked at me.

‘It was all your fault Ted.’


The incident this evening was totally embarrassing, and we did not speak or even dare to look at each other after that. I took a peak at the kitchen and saw she was eating alone at the bar counter. My stomach growled so much but I was so scared to go to the kitchen.

“I’m starving….”I murmured to myself as the smell of the instant noodle drawn me crazy.

Ted suddenly licked my hand to grab my attention.

“Lucky for you, she already fed you earlier,” I patted him gently on his head along with a heavy sigh.

《Kaytlyn Jones》

‘He looks like a kid when he is peeking me from the living room. But I wonder why he didn’t come here and ask for the ramen that I already keep for him.’

‘The incident this evening really made me feel so embarrassed of him. Why was I so stupid to choose the white shirt?’


I scooted away from the stool then went to the refrigerator to grab some drink. “O-oh…”The pink color drink inside of my refrigerator caught my attention; making me space out for a while. That drink really did remind me of the weird drink from the last party. The one that Joji grabbed for me.

‘I’m sure that drink made me passed out and then…’

I tried to remember about what happened that night, but it were all blurry.

‘Wait a minute….that blond guy wasn’t there when I drank that drink. Somebody must be framed us!’


“Whoa…this noodle is so refreshing….” A husky voice suddenly made my heart skipped beat.

I turned to the bar counter on my backside and saw Jayden was eating instant noodle where I left it only for a while.

‘How dare he sneakily eats my food!’

“Hey….” I walked closer to him then quickly grabbed the bowl away from him. “This is mine, not yours…”

He pouts his lips, “B-but…I’m hungry,” his cute expression making my heart raced even more, along with my cheeks slowly became warm.

‘Don’t make me that face….I-I….’

“Can you at least give me some….” Jayden begged like a little kid. “I’m starving….” Then rubbed his stomach circularly with his puppy looking eyes.

‘Aww…..he’s so cute….eh, what am I thinking!? I…shouldn’t….’

“Kaytlyn….please…..” ‘Oh my…I surely could not handle this anymore. He really made me felt worst, especially with those sparkling cerulean blue eyes.’

‘Am I actually falling for him?’

‘B-but I hate him. How can I….’

“Are you okay?” his husky voice snapped me out from my thought.

“O-oh…” I shook my head once so I could come back to my sense. Jayden Nelson really drove me crazy these days and I was not sure how long I can hold it.

“Anyway, why is your face so red?” his beautiful eyes never left my face. “Do you have cold or something” even his voice full with concern a-and…he was just so close to me, maybe just centimetres away as he leaned closer to examine my condition. “Was it because I sprayed you with the water this evening?”

“I’m fine….” I replied but he did not hear it instead just activated his panic mood.

“Man…I’m sorry…I really didn’t mean to. I’m sorry, Kaytlyn. It was all my faults, I shouldn’t….” he talked non stop without even looking at me. He looked so guilty as he committed a big crime and continuously said he was sorry.

“Jayden?” I tried to stop him, but he ignored me by talking gibberish.

“I shouldn’t do that to you. I’m really a bad person…I always caused many problems to my friends or someone that close to me…I…I….” he mumbled even more.

I cut him in by covering his mouth with my right palm, “Stop it, Jayden….” I whispered to him. “I’m just fine and not sick at all….please don’t worry about me.”

I realized that we practically so close with each other, with my left hand was against his chest. His pair beautiful eyes widened and not blink a bit as stared at me. This was the only I thought which to stop him from talking gibberish even though I have to take a risk to make a skin-touch with him, again.

My heart was pounding so crazy, hopefully he could not hear it and I tried my best to control my feeling and denied the things that I have for him. I really do not want that kind of thing happen between him and I…. ever.

“Are you done?” I asked him while raising my eyebrow.

He nodded once.

“Good boy….” I praised him and accidentally patted him on his head.

‘Oh…my…God. D-did…I just do that?’

‘Argh….this hand….why did you do something embarrassing like that?’

“….*clears throat*…t-thanks…u-umm, for the praise,” his voice sounded a bit shuddering.

“I-it’s not what you think….” I tried to fix the embarrassing moment. “It’s just….”

He cuts me in, “It’s fine, Kaytlyn,” then scratched the back of his head. “I l-like when you do that to me actually…”

My eyes grew bigger as heard his words.

‘He likes it?’

“I’m gonna eat the instant noodle, okay before it became soggy….” He quickly changed the topic and grabbed the bowl from me without I could even say anything “Bon Appetite.”

'I just can’t believe that I lose to you, Jayden Nelson….this nerdy who used to hate you….is actually falling for you this time.’