Chapter 6: I Will Protect You

《Kaytlyn Jones》

I woke up from the sleep as the sunlight ray struck me straight on my face from the big glass window beside of the bed. My eyes barely opened since I slept late last night after cleaning and unpacking the stuffs around the apartment.

'It was so tiring though.'


'W-wait a minute!'

*snores again*

'W-hy it sounds so close to me??'

My eyes grew wider as saw the blond guy was sleeping next to me, calmly with his hand was on my waist.

'How dare him, taking advantages while I was sleeping!'

I poked his forehead but he did not show any sign of getting up or even moved away from me.

"M-mom....." he murmured in his sleep. "I'm...s-sorry."

'Sorry?....For what?'

His face cringe a bit, seemed like he was a nightmare. "I've...f-failed y-you," he continued mumbling in his sleep. "I'm a...b-bad son..."

'Why did he say that?'

I stared at him, watching his other side, which I never expected he has it at all. About his mom, I heard about it before from my father and felt sorry for him for growing up without a mother.

‘I guess he must misses his mom so much.’

Some of his messy blond hair covered his eyes, so I removed them gently from his face, revealing his handsome face. His thick eyebrows, sharp nose and v-line shape jaws, he looked perfect. So I guess, that was why girls always crazy about him.

“M-mom,” ‘Wait a minute, is he crying?’ I saw the tears came out from both of his eyes.


I felt sorry of him even hurt as saw him in this kind of condition. The almighty Jayden Nelson once again cried in front of me since that night. Without hesitation, I leaned closer to him then hugged him with caution so I will not wake him up.

《Jayden Nelson》

I woke up with Kaytlyn in my arms, sleeping so peacefully like it was nothing happen between us. I really thought we were fighting last night, but it seemed we were not. I caressing gently on her cheek, removed her stranded hair away from her face, so I could look at her beautiful face even more.

‘I really wish time could stop so I can stay with her like this.’

‘What did you do to me, Kay? What is this weird feeling I feel towards you?’

“Hmm-hmmm….” She made a very cute noise while stretching her body with her eyes closed.

“Good morning,” I said to her with my eyes never left her.

“Morning,” she replied with her eyes closed along with a smile. Seriously, I said, I never expected that she replied me back. “Wait!!” Her eyes suddenly went bigger. “Get away from me!” Then suddenly kicked me away from her, causing me to fall hard on the floor.

“Owww….”I rubbed my bottom while whining in pain. “Why did you do that to me?”

She sits straight on the bed, “O-oh, sorry…it’s just, u-umm…”

“It’s fine,” I waved my hand to her. “Whatever, I’m taking shower first.”

“H-hey…” she tried to stop me but I ignored her, instead just headed to the bathroom while taking off my black t-shirt and threw it down on the floor. “Seriously, Jay?” she complained.

‘Did she just shortened my name? Well…I’m not going to mad at her with that, it’s just sound so…cute.’


I sat in front of her while watching her ate a bowl of Quaker oat as for breakfast. Meanwhile for me, I just ate French toast she prepared for me while I was showering.

“How can you eat that?” Finally, I braced myself to ask her since we ate breakfast 10 minutes ago.

She looks at me while knitting her eyebrow, “What…why?” she asked me in disbelief.

“That…” I pointed my finger towards a bowl of Quaker oat right in front of her. “It tasted so bad…yuck,” I betted my face cringed so much while remembering the taste of Quaker oat I once ate before.

She giggles cutely, “You’re funny, Jayden…” She even shook her head then took another spoonful of her food. “It doesn’t taste so bad. Here try this, I cooked it differently with my own recipe.”

I shake my head several times, “No…I’m not gonna eat that. Never.”

“Oh come on, Jay, please…” ‘Wait…she did it again, shortened my name. God, why it sounds so cute to me.’

I tried my best not to embarrass myself again by smiling like an idiot, so I just looked into my food right in front of me. “I-I…u-uh, never mind.” I said without looking at her.

“Jay,” her soft voice suddenly called me, making me turned to her in instant with her already waited for me with a spoonful of oat right in front of my mouth. “Good boy,” she patted my head along with a smile as successfully made me ate the oat without I could do anything.

My face cringed so much, expecting the taste will be bad, but this time it was different.

“So how was it?” she asked with her puppy eyes, maybe hoping that I will say delicious or something.

“U-ummm….*munches*….well….” I teased her again.

“Oh come on, Jayden…” she complained, pouting her lips cutely while crossing her arms.

I laugh, “Okay…okay, it’s taste so good.” I slowly grabbed the bowl away from her so she would not notice that I was trying to steal her food.

“JAYDEN…”she gently slapped my hand.

I laugh even more, “Awww….please, I want it too,”

“Nope,” she strictly said. “Just make yourself one,” she took away the bowl from my hand and took a spoonful of her oat again.

“Hmmm….fine,” I said in disappointment.

I just got out from the toilet when saw the well-dressed Kaytlyn was heading to the front door. "Kaytlyn...." I stopped that Jones’s girl from walking out of the door.

She turns to face me, "What is it?" she asked me along with a smile.

‘I thought she didn’t want to talk to me though after what I did to her yesterday and even annoyed her too this morning. Whatever, I just want to remind her about our deal…in case she already forgotten about it.’

"Jay?" Just like always, it sounded so special went she said my name plus her beautiful chestnut eyes were glimmering as she stared into mine. It made me flattered.

"Never mind," I quickly change my mind.

"What is it?" She knitted her eyebrow while looking at me, maybe still unsatisfied with my 'unfinished words'.

I scratch the back of my hair along with a grin, "It's u-umm....nothing."

She then gave me squint eyes while crossing her arms, totally unsatisfied with me.

'Super uncomfortable.'

I just grinned at her then swiftly went inside to my room.

'Phew...that was so close.'

I put my right palm on my left side chest while trying to breathe in and out, " heart almost burst when she looked at me like that."


I took out my phone out of my short pants’ pocket and slid the screen to check the new text message received.

'Come join us at the bar.'


'So, they are having fun now, huh? Lucky for them they are still bachelors, not like me who already married.'

'Yea, I'm coming.'

I put on my black hoodie then grabbed the motorbike key from the key box. I was not sure where she headed to and I do not want to stop her either. She deserved to have her free lifestyle too and do whatever she wanted to do.

‘Need to be fair and square.’

‘Win-win situation.’


I went to the nearest bar where Karl and my other friends were waiting. Surprisingly, she was there too along with Amelia and Ivy.

'So she's here too, huh? I thought she didn't come to this kind of place.'

"Yo, Jayden," Karl greeted me. "You're a bit late, man."

"Sorry about that," I apologized while secretly took a glance of her. She was sitting in front of me, with Ivy and Amelia beside her.

"Here you go," Karl handed me over a big glass of beer.

"What?" I knit my eyebrow while looking at him. "We have match tomorrow, remember?"

"Just one glass..."he begged. "Come on, man."

I sigh, "Fine..."

"Cheers!!!" Karl shouted while bumping his glass against mine.

"We'll be in so much trouble...." Simon sighed heavily.

"Alright....I'm gonna be so drunk tonight," Lee interrupted, meanwhile for Seth, he just sat silently while playing with his phone, totally showed no interest with the whole situation.

'Whatever....he always like that, acting like a cool guy so girls will attract to him other than all of us.'

'Kaytlyn seems enjoy with Amelia and Ivy. That's good though...maybe she could release her tension after having so fights with me.'

'But when I think it back, the fights were surely funny enough. And I really love to see whenever she got pissed off me. It was so cute.'

I took another sip of my beer then secretly took a glace of her again. But unfortunately, she was not there, making me felt worried all of sudden. Negatives thought about her kept striking my mind.

'Where did she go?'

'What if she's drunk and someone might take advantage of her.'

'I will never let that happen!"

"Hey...*hiccups*...where are you going?" The drunk Karl asked me.

"Sorry, I have to go," I replied him then swiftly when to Kaytlyn's table, so I could ask the girls where Kaytlyn went to. Both of the girls were chatting with each other at their table, did not show any worry about their missing friend at all. "Do you girls know where Kaytlyn went to?"

"Why are you looking for her?" Ivy asked me curiously.

"U-umm...*scratches the back of my hair*…there's something I want to talk with her," I replied her, stuttering.

"Really, Jayden?" Amelia looked at me in disbelief.

I nod several times, "Where is she?"

"What are you going to do with her? Tease her again, huh?" Amelia looked at me with squint eyes. "Don't you dare, Jayden....or I will kill you by myself."

"Ugh...please, just tell me where did she go?" I really could not stand them anymore.

"Fine," Ivy sighed. "She went to bathroom a-w....."

I swiftly headed towards the bathroom to search for my wife before Ivy could not finish her words. She really made me worried so much, especially at this kind of place.

'It's just I got worried about her all of sudden. I don't know why, but I feel like...I want to protect her. I want to be the guy who help her in damsel in distress; I want to be there for her. I truly am.'

"So you do come here, huh, Kaytlyn...." ‘Is that Joji's voice?’

'Oh no....she's in trouble!'

"Are you alone?" That bastard asked her again. "What if...I company you?" He seemed to be move closer to her until her back touched against the wall. "Just like the last time...when we did that thing."

"No!" She shouted while shedding the tears. "Please go away...."

'That's it!'

"You bastard!" I grabbed Joji's shirt collar then punched him hard on the face without any hesitation.

‘He really crossed his line this time, for been rude to someone who…I mean, mean to me so much.’

He fell hard on the floor not too far from me and Kaytlyn with his lips bled caused by my unexpected punch. "I didn't see that coming," he said along with his stupid laugh. "So you are here too, huh, blondie?"

I totally ignored that jerk babbling by himself and went to check on Kaytlyn if she got hurt or something. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt right?" The panic me examined all of her parts, legs, hands and even her face.

Unfortunately, she just remained silent and only replied me by shaking her head with tears poured down on her cheeks.

“Kaytlyn…”My heart hurt so much as saw her in this kind of situation, getting humiliated and crying like this.

"I will handle him," I convinced her, wiping gently both of her cheeks from the tears with my right palm. "Just go back to Amelia and Ivy..."

"No," she grabbed me by my arm to stop me from doing something stupid. Her tears kept flowing down her cheeks, which made me more pissed off that jerk. "Please...."

"It's okay, Kaytlyn...." I cut her in. "I will make sure he will never disturb you again."

"Well....well well....what a touchy scene, ever," Joji suddenly mocked us. "I really hate that, you know! I hate you JAYDEN!!!

I pulled Kaytlyn closer so she could hide behind my back with my hand held her hand tightly.

"Why you always got involve with me and that Jones’s girl?! Why? Do you want her for yourself? Or do you want ‘that’ too from her, huh? Is that what you want?" he rudely pushed my chest along with her stupid smirk.

“The f**k you said!” I pushed him back away from both of us. I could felt Kaytlyn was pulling my shirt from behind, sobbing behind my back after heard that jerk’s words.

"She didn’t deserve to be treat like this. Just stay away from her!" I said through my teeth. "Just stop with this thing, Joji."

"No!!!" He shouted back. "I want her! And you ruined my plan that night! She should be mine but you just....RUINED IT!"

"You BASTARD!!!" I punched him again on his face, caused him to fall again but I dragged him back towards the wall and continuously hit him for what he did to Kaytlyn.

"Jayden...." Kaytlyn tried to stop me, but I just ignored her.

'Joji should die tonight, for what he did to her! I will make sure of it.'

"Please....someone....please stop them!" I heard Kaytlyn screamed for help.

"That plan should work perfectly...*hardly breathes*...but that bitch, Sharon messed it up," Joji added more even though he bled all over on his face. "Kaytlyn supposed to be mine and you, you should be with Sharon!!! But YOU AND SHARON RUINED IT!!!!"

"Shut up!!!!" I gave him one more punch, caused him passed out in instant.

'I just couldn't believe what I just heard from him. S, he and Sharon were planning to mess up my life and Kaytlyn.'

'Damn it!'

'Luckily he didn't touch her...ughh...I really don't want to think about it.'

My right hurt so much and even shaking after punched that bastard. However, it made me felt so relief though….Joji really deserved it.

"Jayden...." Kaytlyn pulled me into a hug. "I'm so was my fault for being so careless,” and even sobbed in my arms.

"Shh..." I tried to calm her down, hugging her back while rubbing gently on her backside head. "It's not your fault, believe me!"

She looks up at me, " B-but..."

I gently wiped her tears, curving a smile so I would comfort her, "Actually, It's my job to protect you, as your husband."

Her eyes widened, maybe she not expected to hear those words coming out from my mouth.

"I promise I will protect you, Kaytlyn," I convinced her again, slid down my left hand so I could hold her soft hand again.

"Thank you, Jayden..." she said.

"No problem," I smiled again. "Come, let's go home..."


《Kaytlyn Jones》

Our pet, Ted greeted both of us as soon as we entered our apartment unit.

"Hey boy," Jayden petted him with....wait...his hand was injured!

"Jayden, y-your hand...." I quickly crouched in front of him then gently grabbed his hand to examine his injury.

"It's just a scratch..." he said while trying to pull his hand back.

"No...let me treat it," I insisted. "Please...."

He sighs, "Fine..."

"Let me grab the medicine first," I suggested to him while standing back on my feet.

"Hey..." he stopped me. "You know, u-ummm...I still keep your lavender bag with me. Maybe you could use it. I keep it in my wardrobe by the way."

'He still keeps it with him? But why?'

"Kaytlyn?" He snapped me out of my thought.

"O-oh, sorry...I will get it right away."

"U-ummm...can I ask you something?" he finally spoke out after awhile being silent while I was treating his injury.

"Yes, what is it?" I tried to focus on treating his injury so I would not end up to do such stupid things such as stuttering, blushing or something like that.

'He might think badly of me if it did happen, though.'

" Please don't get mad or something, okay?" He added more.

'What is he trying to talk about? Oh my, I got nervous all of sudden...'

"O-okay, I promise," ' starts again...ughh why can I just hold it?? Why???'

"It was about that night...." he continued. "Do you remember what happened between us?"

My mind automatically started to process back about what happened that night and earlier too when Joji mentioned about the incident.

'I'm afraid that Joji did something horrible when I drank that weird juice. Maybe I couldn't accept the truth if he ever did something to me.'

"Kaytlyn??" He called for me. "Do you remember of something?"

I shed tears once again.

"Heyyy....." he gently wiped my tears. "Don't cry....I'm so sorry if I hurt you by asking you that."

"I'm scared, Jayden...."

He gently pulls me into his hug, "Don't be....I'm here with you, Kaytlyn, always, trust me."

"I'm just scared if Joji really did something to me....I-I was unconscious that time, after he gave that weird drink," I cried in his arms.

'I don't what's happening to me. But I feel so comfortable when I finally told the story about that night to him.'

"So he did give you that drink too," he murmured. " The same drink that Sharon gave me."

I released the hug as heard what he just said, "Sharon?"

He nods, " Yea, I drank that weird drink too then ended up in a room with you, Kaytlyn. Maybe they tried to frame us."

"I'm s-sorry, Jayden...I didn't know," I felt so guilty for accussing him in first the place.

'Maybe we will not end up to marry each other if I didn't drink that stupid thing.'

"It's okay, Kaytlyn," he replied along with a smile. "I should stop Joji when I have chance before and I was stupid too for trusting Sharon, even though I knew what kind of person she was.”

"But this will never happen if-...."

He cuts me in, "Nah...maybe it's our destiny to be together. That's why we ended like this."

'Did I just mishear him or something?'

'W-why d-did he say that??'

My heart pounded all of sudden when he stared at me with his beautiful cerulean blue eyes. My cheeks too....became so warm as if like I was blushing.

'Oh no!!! I really am blushing!!!'

"Anyways, thanks for treating me," he gently rubbed my hair. "Goodnight, sweet dream,” then walked away towards the bedroom first.

My eyes widened; totally did not expect that he will act like this way.

'He's totally a different Jayden Nelson.....a-and I really like that though.'

'Ugh...what am I thinking??'


Ted's bark snapped me out from my thought.

"I really do love him, right Ted?" I whispered the orange fox, and he barked again as if like he understood what I said to him.

'If that so, what should I do? I just can't confess that to him. What if I got reject??'

'Oh are so sad."