Chapter 10

How could Papa say that? Does he mean that he's not acknowledging Nathaniel as her daughter? Why? Because she's an illegitimate daughter? But even if Nathaniel's mom is not his wife, that doesn't change the fact that she is still his daughter.

"I'm sorry about what Norman said earlier," Mama said in a soft voice from behind me. I turned to her in a quick snap and found her holding two glasses filled with wine.

I accepted the wine glass she was handing me before she stood just right beside me.

"Why are you the one who's sorry?"

She sipped on her wine before answering me. "It's because I feel so."

I gave Mama a small smile before sipping on my wine. I leaned to the veranda's fascia board while staring at the scenery in front of us.

"Norman was just guilty," she mumbled after a long while which made me turn to her with curious eyes. "It was just a drunken mistake, you know. He cheated because of alcohol so he wasn't in his right mind."

"But that mistake brought my sister into this world which he doesn't consider as one, Ma. And his mistake betrays your marriage."

"People aren't perfect, Amelia. It was just... one mistake and that doesn't make him less of a husband," Mama said.

Sure, Papa is a loving husband. He dearly took care of Mama and me. We were a perfect family then or... so I thought. I was in my last year of grade school when Mama went home with a baby on her arms. It was a puzzle for me. I never saw her carrying a child on her womb. She was never pregnant after me but the questions on my mind were finally answered when Papa brought a woman in our house.

Mama explained everything to me and she said that I could never hate my father even if how bad I wanted to. I grew distant from my father then but every time I see the baby's face and hear her cries, it has softened me. I cannot hate the baby because she's my sister. And I chose not to hate Papa because he's the one who brought the little angel in our lives.

I always wanted to have one but never have I ever imagined to gain one from another woman, not my mother.

I sighed. "You... have a beautiful soul, Mama."

She placed her wine glass on the fascia board before caressing my cheek dearly. "But I am not strong, Amelia. That is why I want you to gather strength as you could because having only a beautiful soul won't help you on depressing days."

This is what she always tells me. I have to grow strong because she never had the courage she wanted. I don't know why but she said that I have to.

She let go of my face and got her empty wine glass from the fascia board. "I would like to visit Nathaniel but... that would be too much for her, right?"

Nathaniel is distant from my mother. My mother is the one who always tries to get close to her and Mama treated her as her own child but Nathaniel always pushes her away. But Mama withstand all of Nathaniel's hatred and continued on providing and giving my sister the support in secrecy that my father couldn't give.

I nodded politely. Mama smiled at me. "Stay here for the night. It would be unlikely for you to go back at this hour. Just go back to Durem tomorrow."

It's already 10 in the evening and the road was already dark and empty if I'll insist on going home. And I remembered the driver who fetched me earlier. I assume that he's already sleeping and if I insist to go back to Durem, it would be bad. It's not good to drive if the driver is sleepy.

She kissed my cheek before heading inside. Minutes after Mama head back inside, I went inside too as I started yawning.

I still have my clothes left here so I immediately changed into my comfortable clothes. And because I was not fond of heavy make-up, I didn't take an hour on rinsing my face and doing my skincare.

I brushed my hair in front of the tokador when my phone beeped for a message. I placed the hairbrush I was holding on the table before reading the message I just received.

I smiled unconsciously the moment I saw Revi's name on it.

From: Revi

Still up?



From: Revi

Are you going to sleep already?

I was about to type for a reply when a new message from him arrived.

From: Revi

Can I call?

I deleted the message I typed and composed a new message.



After sending my reply, Revi's name dominated all over m phone screen.

"Good evening," he said as soon as I answered his call.

"Too formal, ah?"

I heard his chuckle on the other line. "Anyway, how was your family dinner?"

I stood up from my seat and dive into my bed. "The dinner's... fine," I muttered. It wasn't fine, honestly but I don't feel like telling Revi that because it might worry him when actually, it's not something to worry about. I'm already used to it whenever my sister is brought upon as the topic.


"Papa even looked for you," I prompted.

He laughed on the other end. "Well, that's expected. Let me guess, he called me Con again?"

I giggled and nodded. "I always told him to call you Revi or at least Dmitricon and not just Con but he continued to do so. I don't know, maybe he's just too lazy so he settled with the three-lettered Con."

"No one calls me that. Just your father."

"Mama mistakes your Con as Gael's Coln!" I said unbelievably.

The other side went silent which made my forehead creased. "Rev?"


"So, that's it! Mama mistakes that every time!" I said, emphasizing 'every time'.

Revi cleared his throat. "How about you?"

My brows furrowed at his question. "Ha?"

"You don't mistake my Con as Lincoln's?"

I gasped. "Oh, surely not! I was already used to Papa calling you that."

"Don't call me Con, Amelia-"

"Revi. I always call you Revi or Rev."

I heard him sigh. "I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

I immediately sit properly. "Why?"

"To take you out on a date," he said.

I immediately felt heat gushing through my cheeks. I was... blushing! Gosh. I wasn't expecting that. "W-Where?"

"To the place, I've been wanting to go with you, Amelia."

"Oh, okay. Pick me up, then."

"It's already late. We should sleep," he said in his drowsy voice.

I yawned silently. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, love."

I woke up when I heard consecutive loud knocks from my room's door. I groaned and covered my whole face with my pillow before shifting on my bed.

"Amelia, wake up!"

I reached for my comforter and immediately covered my whole body as well as my face.

"Amelia! Are you still asleep?" I heard Mama's muffled voice.

My forehead creased while my eyes were still closed. I'm still sleepy. I was so tired that sleeping for half a day would help. I sighed in relief after the knocks ceased.

"At last," I breathily said.

"Prince Phillip kissed Aurora which made her wake up from a deep slumber."

I immediately opened my eyes and got out of my comforter upon hearing Revi's familiar voice. He smiled when our eyes meet.

"I was about to kiss you, though."

I screamed which made Mama came running inside my room. "What?

Why? What happened, Amelia?" Mama threw questions, panicky.

My chest lifted up and down, heaving a deep sigh.

I turned to Mama. "Why's Revi here, Ma?!"

Mama sighed. "I don't know with you."

Revi shifted his stance. "You told me to come and pick you up."

I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh. "Right."

When I realized where we at, I immediately stood up on my bed and fixed my messy hair while looking at Revi in a panic who's just watching me who has now lost my composure.

"Y-you should wait outside. I mean, you're a visitor and this is clearly invading my privacy," I said, panicky.

"Revi is not just a mere visitor, Amelia-"

I turned to Mama. "But still!"

I sighed to calm my nerves down. "Out, Revi."

Mama's mouth gaped in shock and held Revi's arm. "W-why? He came here to wake you up. T-that's just plain rude, Amelia!"

"I said, go out Revi Dmitricon!"

Mama caressed her chest in shock. She was taken aback from my sudden shout that I could see her almost jumping from her place. Revi supported Mama's weight when she was losing her balance while he was looking at me with a ghost of a smile.

"Fine, Amelia. I'll go and wait outside," he said in a careful manner, making me calm down.

I nodded and massaged my forehead. I'm a mess! What does my face look like after waking up? I wonder but I don't wanna know either. Of course, it must be dreadful! Not all women are capable of waking up in such a beautiful face which would be appropriate for taking a selfie with the #JustWokeUpLikeThis! If there are, it was nothing but a farce. Only those people confident of their morning face would take a selfie in an honest moment. And in my case, I wasn't confident at all.

I went down from my bed and waited for both of them to go out of my room while Revi was supporting Mama.

Before stepping out, Revi turned to me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Amelia," he called.

I snapped and let out an awkward smile. Gosh.

He stifled a smile. "At least, wipe your dry drool."

My eyes widened in surprise as I looked at him in horror and embarrassment. I picked my bolster and immediately threw it towards his direction.

Before he got hit, he swiftly closed the door and left me with my red face out of embarrassment.