Chapter 12

"I've never been to Ciudad but what I know is that it is popular for their Primavera," I said.

Revi nodded while his eyes are darted on the road. "Yes. But other than that, Ciudad has a beautiful church."

I shifted on my seat and turned to his way. "So where are we going?

"At the church first and then we'll head to Primavera."

Upon reaching the entrance of Ciudad, you'll immediately know why this place was so popular. The place was so mystic that will make you think that they have places of pride here. The entrance was divided into two path roads and on the center, there's a statue standing proudly. It's a mermaid holding a big jar.

When the car drove passed by, I couldn't help but turn back to look at it. It was so amazing! Not to mention, enormous! What I did makes Revi laugh.

"It was believed that there's a mermaid living underneath Primavera."

I adjusted my weight on my seat and focused my whole attention to Revi. The tale he was about to say excites me. "Really?"

Revi chuckled. "It's an old folktale, Amelia."

Minutes after reaching the province of Ciudad, we reached the church. The church is located in the very center of the town so we didn't take much longer on coming here. And besides, Revi seems familiar with the place and its roads too because we were never lost.

Revi was ahead of the walk and I was stalled for quite a bit. I was busy watching the vendors and their stalls on the side road selling sorts of things.

Upon walking on the church's entrance, I was astonished. The church has intricate and beautiful artworks on the inside. There are angels with trumpets painted on the ceiling which heightened the church's Spanish style.

"I'll go and see Father Nilo for a bit," he said.

I nodded and sat down on one of the benches. "I'll just wait here," I said.

I was bothered by looking at my surroundings. I cannot get over with the designs and styles. It's a perfect architecture and this church is a splendid work of art. Besides that, the paintings on the ceilings left me in awe.

If Nathaniel's here, her reaction will be off the wall. I think her reaction would surpass mine. After all, she's an artist, and watching art would overwhelm her. I'll tell her about this place the next time I visit.

20 minutes have passed and Revi hasn't come back yet. I stood up and decided for a stroll. I went to the altar and there are some Saints I didn't know. I stalled for a minute because I was so engrossed in reading the description written underneath their feet when an orange light captured my attention.

I walked near the row of candle holders which was lit by the people who came here placed a little bit further away from the altar. I sighed in dismay when I remembered that I didn't have a candle with me.

"Here," I turned to the side only to see a woman beside me who's handing me a white candle which hasn't been lit yet.

I smiled and bowed a bit. "Thank you."

She didn't say anything and just silently lit her other candle. I stared at the old woman with a cloth on top of her head while her eyes were closed, praying silently.

I lit the candle she gave me through pressing its wick to the other candle's wick to transfer some flame into it. I prayed silently and sincerely as if I was talking to God personally but it was my spirit was talking to Him. I kissed my clasped hands and opened my eyes after I finished praying. When I turned to my side, the woman was still praying so I didn't bother to bid goodbye and slowly stepped back to leave. I was about to head to the bench on where I promised my boyfriend that I'll wait there but the woman said something which made me baffled or perhaps... curious.

"A tragic fate," the old woman whispered which made me stop from walking away.

I turned to her with my forehead creased. "Po?"

She picked the candle she lit earlier and pushed the wick on the candle holder which stopped the flame. When the flame died, she put the candle back to its holder.

Was she talking to me? I don't really know because she didn't even spare me a glance. She didn't even seem to hear me.

"You are a victim of a tragic fate," she said. Her serious and mysterious eyes pierced through mine which sent me chills.


I immediately turned to the direction of the voice who called me and found Revi who's walking towards me.

"I'm sorry for taking too long. The conversation I had with Father Nilo turned out long," Revi said as soon as he got near.

I turned back to the direction of the old woman and saw her walking away from us.

"Are you okay?" Revi has to nudge me because I was out of it for seconds.

"Y-yeah, I am."

"Do you know the old woman?"

I shook my head. "No."

It was already 2 pm when we decided to go to Primavera. I was silent the whole ride while I could feel Revi's constant glances but didn't dare to ask or pry.

I don't know why am I so bothered by what the old woman said. I am not even sure if I am the one who she's talking to but there was no other person other than me. I questioned myself if she's in her right mind or has she lost her sanity. Either of the two, having to question that is straightly rude so I shrugged the question away.

Revi helped me on going down the stone staircase which he said that the Primavera was what's waiting down there. Amidst the lengthy stone staircase, I can hear the splashing sound of water.

When we reached down, it was as if I forgot the tiredness I was feeling, the hunger even though my stomach was rumbling, expressing that I need to fill, and including what the woman said whom I met at the church earlier.

The pristine, crystal clear water flowing on the spring and hearing the water's serene burble took my worries and tiredness away.

"So, this is Primavera."

Revi proudly nodded. "Now you know why Ciudad is popular with their Primavera."

I pouted upon looking at him. "You should have said so! I don't have spare clothes with me, Revi!"

He gasped, it seems like he just realized it now. "We could just enjoy the scenery without the need to swim."

I scoffed and walked passed him. I heard his footsteps from behind, stalking me.

I baldy wanted to go straight to the mesmerizing spring to feel the water it offers when Revi has to cut my excitement down and pulled me towards the small eatery made of bamboo and amacan.

"I'm not hungry, Revi!"

"Oh, I know you do. You're just extremely excited that you forgot the feeling of hunger, Amelia."

I sighed and just let him pull me. He let me choose the table and he went to the counter to order. I choose the table on the corner just so I would still see the spring while eating.

I rested my face on my palm while watching the scenic body of water.

"I ordered a burger, Amelia."

I smiled at him when he pulled the wooden chair across me and sit. "Thank you," I said softly.

I took a small bite on my burger before looking at the scenery again.

"I'm starting to get jealous, Amelia."

My head automatically turned to Revi's way who's holding his burger and was intently staring at me. "That's unreasonable. Really?"

He snorted before taking a huge bite on his burger. His mouth was inflated because he was eating his burger at a fast pace. His jaw moved as he chewed that I found him seducing. Gosh! What was I thinking?

I let out a hearty laugh while watching him who's avoiding my eyes. "Come'n. You know that it's way out of your character."

He wiped the side of his lips and licked his lower lip before bravely putting on a smug look. "Is it a sin to act out of my character?"

I shrugged and chuckled. "Not really."

I took my second bite when my phone beeped for a message.

From: Camila

Ate Nea and I sent your dirty clothes to the laundry shop.

Oh, right. I was planning to send my basket of dirty clothes to the laundry shop but Mama didn't let me go home to Durem last night. Today was my plan to do so but Revi unexpectedly asked me out on a date which I cannot refuse because I also think that I need it for a breathe.


Thank you so much, Cam.

"Who's that?"

I turned my cellphone off and placed it on top of the table. "It's Camila. They were considerate enough to send my dirty clothes to the laundry shop."

He nodded. "Should I take you back to Gravetto later or nah?"

"There's no need. Mama might insist on staying there for the night."

"It's still Sunday tomorrow, Amelia."

I sipped on my water before answering. "I need to rest. I couldn't rest if I'll stay at Gravetto until tomorrow."

He chuckled. "Tito will invite you to play chess, I guess?"

"I'm sure he will. I always lose against him so he likes playing with me," I said. I am not into board games though.

"I would love to play with him but I'll accompany Mom tomorrow for her monthly check-up."

When we finished eating, we rested for a while before walking around. I was feeling jealous whenever I see people with their spare clothes and are swimming in the spring. If only we went here much earlier, I think we'll have enough time to ride the bamboo boat. I would like to ride too even for just a couple of minutes but I know for myself that once I will, I'll like it and I won't get off until I'm satisfied which will consume an hour or more! If that's it, we'll drive back to Durem at night which will be dangerous for us.

We just stroll around. There are monkeys trapped in a huge cage who even snatched my bottle of water when we stopped by.

"If that monkey is a person, he's a delinquent."

Revi laughed at my remark. "Maybe he's that thirsty."

Yeah? Because that money even stole mine!

There were parrots too who even mimicked Revi. I laughed my heart out when Revi was about to get pissed.

"You're funny," I said while laughing when I pulled him away from the parrot's cage.

We sat on a big, smooth rock and soaked our feet in the water. I clumsily swing my feet back and forth. The water was cold which is perfect for my liking.

Revi's pants were rolled up below his knees in order not to get wet. He purposely bumps his feet into mine, provoking.

"The monkeys won't likely snatch our shoes, right?"

I was traumatized because a monkey even stole my bottle of water. He stared at me with lips parted before bursting out of laughter. Like it was the dumbest question he ever heard. "What are you saying? Of course not."

I shook my head and laughed with him. When I felt cold, I stood up carefully and was assisted by Revi. Thank goodness, the stones surrounding the spring weren't sharp. They're smooth though which is also dangerous. The stones were a bit slippery and it was no good because it's near the water.

"Hey, Amelia."


I carefully took my step towards him in order not to slip. "Yes, what is it?"

He looked at me with his worried face which made my brows furrow.

Revi swallowed the lump on his throat, judging from the movement of his Adam's apple before looking on the ground.

"Anyway, where did you put my shoes, Rev?"

"Capture it, fast! Who the heck even opened their cage!? Oh my gosh!"

I heard someone shouted which stole my attention. I nudged Revi's arm when I looked back at him.

"Revi?" I called.

He snapped from his trance and looked at me in awry.

"I said, where did you put our shoes?"

"I could see one holding a shoe! Go!"Someone shouted.

"Revi!" I called again.

I heard him sigh. "I think the monkeys stole it."