Chapter 18

"Uh... if that's it, we'll head home now, bro."

"We'll come back some other time. Hey, should we go and pick Revi some clothes?"

"That's a good idea. Hey, bro! We'll get going now."

I heard indistinct chatterings which made me flinch on my bed.

"I'll send you out," I heard Revi's voice. I then heard footsteps walking away from my space. When I heard the door shut close, I slowly opened my eyes.

An all-white ceiling welcomed my sight. My eyes wandered when I smell an unfamiliar scent of the room. When I craned my neck to my side, I saw the dextrose hanging. I lift my hand and heaved a deep sigh upon seeing an infusion attached to it.

This unfamiliar scent and this plain white room, I figured out that I am in the hospital.

My eyes automatically flew to the entrance of the room when I heard the door creaks open. It revealed Revi who's still wearing his school uniform and his gold-like hair was disheveled. When he saw me, he immediately went straight to my bed.

"You're finally awake, love." He said in his soft voice while caressing the top of my head before kissing me on the forehead.

I nodded. I was about to stretch my lips for a smile when I feel pained.

"Aw," I grimaced in pain.

He held my hand and caressed it with his thumb. "Don't force yourself to smile if it hurts."

"Why am I here?" Nang naalala ang nangyari sa comfort room ng bar ay napasinghap ako.

I chuckled. "Oh, a catfight."

Revi glared at me. "That was not a catfight, Amelia. You were a victim of violence!"

I tried to sit when I felt pain all over my body especially on my arm. I heard Revi groan frustratedly before he helped me sit on my bed. When I successfully sat down, he adjusted the bed, lifting it a little just so I could lean my back comfortably.

"That was just a catfight, Revi. A typical girl's quarrel."

He heaved a deep sigh and poured warm water from the glass pitcher down to clean glass. "You've never been into catfights before so you were really at a disadvantage!"

He gave me the glass water which I immediately drink. When I drank half of the glass, I gave it back to him when the half amount of water in the glass already suffice my thirst. Revi placed the glass of water on the side table before he sat on the edge of my bed. He stared at me intently which made me conscious and look away.

I heard him sigh again.

"Do... I look bad?" I asked, hesitating. From the pain I feel all over my body especially the pain I feel on my face, I just know that I must have gained bruises and wounds from the fight I had with Aubrey. I knew that I look bad!

"What do you mean by that?" Revi asked in his serious tone while intently staring at me.

I cleared my throat. "I mean... from the bruises and wounds."

"That doesn't even count as bad," he answered. Even if he's the one who said it, I can't help but feel conscious. He sounds like he's just telling me that for the sake of my peace. I was never like this so I don't have any idea how do I look now with all these bruises and wounds.

"Why? Does that make you feel less pretty?"

I gasped for air. I thought he'll use the word 'ugly' because it's a dysphemism and as much as possible, I don't want to use that word ever! But this guy who happened to be my boyfriend was considerate enough not to speak of that word!

I nodded shyly which made him laugh.

"You're unbelievable, Amelia. You're still beautiful even with all the bruises and wounds."

I gave him a very little smile. I cannot smile that wide enough because my left cheek still hurts so bad! It was my left cheek who met the tragic fate of Aubrey's powder foundation!

"I've never seen you this way but seeing you as you are now, it made me fall in love with you more."

I felt my cheeks heated, not from the pain but because I am blushing!

"W-where's Aubrey?" I asked, diverting the topic and also to know Aubrey's whereabouts.

"In the prison," he coolly said like it was nothing at all!

I shifted my weight which made me groan. Revi automatically stood up from his seat, worried. When I assured him that I am okay, he slowly went back to sit.

"Why is she in the prison, Revi?! I mean, sure, I was overpowered and I ended up in the hospital but was that enough to put her in jail?"

Revi's brows furrowed. "You were completely bleeding when Aeone found you, Amelia! I thought I'm gonna lose you so what do you think am I supposed to do to the girl who did that to you? It wasn't out of my rash decision but it was right to put her in jail."

I took a deep sigh, calming myself. "How long will she stay in the... prison?"

"Until later in the evening."

I sighed."That's a relief."

"Why? Do you think it's wrong of me to put her in prison?"

I trust Revi as well as his every decision. But this is my issue and of course, it is my say on everything. Aubrey was my friend and we did share fun and happy memories. I cannot just neglect those once happy memories we had. But what she did was unfair. We were just talking and the next time I knew, my hair is already in her grasp. I admit that I am also at fault. Maybe that is why she got physical because I provoked her even if that wasn't my intention. I guess I wasn't sensitive enough.

"I trust your judgment, Revi."

His eyes squinted before he nodded. "Anyway, I already sent an excuse letter to your professors in every subject, major or minor. Good thing, they acknowledged your reason for an excuse."

That's good to hear. What should I do if Revi wasn't here for me? He was the one doing all the things I should've been doing. I bet that he's even doing my assignments for me. That's just so like him.

"How many days did I stay here?"

"You fought with that girl yesterday night and you just woke up. The doctor said that you still need to stay here tomorrow."

I nodded. So, I've been absent for two days of school. With just that period, I have to keep up with all the projects and lessons. I just hope that all the topics being discussed on the days of my absence, I've already studied it before.

"She has a name, Revi."

Revi snorted so I just let go of the thought. His phone rang for a call which made him stood up. He glanced at me after reading the name registered on the person calling him.

"It's Mom. I'll just answer this."

I nodded quickly. He turned against me before answering Tita Reeva's call.

Revi is still in his complete uniform and I then realized that he was from school and went straight here to take care of me.

I smiled while looking at his manly, wide back. I am so thankful to Revi and to everything he has done that I cannot possibly string enough words to express my gratitude.

He turned to me and covered his phone's speaker. "I'll step out for a minute," he said which I agreed. He went to me to kiss the top of my head before going outside the hospital room.

My phone beeped. I carefully reached for my handbag placed on top of the side table to get my phone inside.

Messages from my classmates, friends, and block mates flooded me, asking what happened and hoping for my immediate recovery.

Dorothy even sent me a PDF file, maybe consisting of the lessons of the days of my absence. I replied 'thank you' to her.

Several people left me a message but I couldn't take time to read them one by one. Most of them were asking what happened and why was I absent. Some were asking for clarifications but the majority were wishing me an immediate recovery.

From the major, obviously intrigued questions, I figured out that Revi and his friends kept the matter private. That's a relief and I don't want to steal attention. I don't want to receive sympathy from the people and I don't want the matter to get big. Apart from that, I don't want to put Aubrey in a bad light because if what happened leaks out in public, people will surely criticize and express their hatred for Aubrey. I don't want that to happen.

From: Mama

Revi called to inform me about what happened. He said that I need not come and that there is no need to worry so I didn't share what happened to you to your father.

From: Mama

I would like to visit and take care of you, especially because Revi is also busy in school but he assured me that he could manage to do two at a time. And I agreed eventually when he told me that Reeva sent someone else to take care of you whenever Revi's at school.

From: Mama

You might be sleeping and recovering but call me or at least text me as soon as you read my message.

From what I read, it is really obvious that Revi is the one who managed it all. He's a very responsible man.


Hi, Ma. Sorry to trouble you but Revi's right. There is no need to worry because I am now fine. You don't need to come here. I'll just visit you this weekend :)

When I placed my phone on the top of the side table, Revi went inside. My lips parted when I saw his bloodshot eyes, obviously because he was crying just a minute ago.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

I heard his soft sob before looking away, wiping his still wet eyes. He went to me and sat on the space on the side of my bed. He held my hand which was attached with infusion coming from the dextrose.

"Is Tito Demi..." I trailed off. I got a feeling that something happened to his father again.

"He had a heart attack again," he said wearily. His father's current condition always makes him tear up. Tito Demi and Revi are very close so I understand my boyfriend's reaction.

His hold on my hand tightened and his shoulders relaxed. "Is he... okay?"

"Our family doctor immediately tends to him. Mom said that he's already stable but he keeps asking for me, Amelia."

If that's the situation, Tito Demi was just confined in their house and their family doctor will take care of him there. From what he said that his father was looking for him, that's more of a reason that he must go and see him.

"Then, you should go. Tita Reeva sent someone to take care of me so I'll be fine, Revi."

"She's off since 1 pm so there's no one who would take care of you. I'm afraid Mom can't send anyone because everyone in the house was busy taking care of Dad."

I gave him an assuring smile while being careful not to be dominated by the pain all over my body again. He's already worried about his father's condition, I don't want him to worry about me more.

"I'm fine alone, Revi. You can go. Don't worry about me."

He groaned. "The girl who got you hospitalized will be released a few hours later. And if there's no one with you here, how could I possibly put my mind at ease?"

Aubrey is not that aggressive with what I've known her as but when I remembered our violent catfight that night, it made me think twice. She was the one who told me that she changed and there's a huge possibility that she grew more aggressive as part of her change.

"Wait, I'll call someone."

I nodded before he stood up from my bed and went near the window. He was talking to someone over the phone but after a minute, the call ended and he started dialing someone again.

I was just staring at him while he's having a call with someone. When he put his phone down, he went near me.

"Dehlia's knocked out. Aeone is out of reach and the others have an important errand. Anthony is willing but he's out of Durem and it looks like he will take quite a long time on traveling from there to here.

"It's okay. You've done much, Revi. Hospital staffs are checking on me from an hour interval so you don't have to worry that much."

"Well, one person accepted my request because I forced him to do so," he said.

My brows furrowed.

"Lincoln will arrive anytime soon."