Chapter 9

Tossing and turning around my comfortable bed I began to yawn and snuggle more to the warmth. Do you know that feeling when you're awake but because its so comfortable you're going to want to sleep again?

Yeah that's the feeling that I'm feeling right now.

This big hard but warm and soft body at the same time that I'm hugg-..

Wait- what?!

Without further ado I opened my eyes shocked to find an angelic but masculine face literally inches from my face.

Slowly, the events yesterday came back. I can't believe I stayed again in the Lycan pack house!

"Good morning beautiful"

I gasped when I heard his husky and deep morning voice.

This definitely isn't helping my hormones!

"G-good morning Elijah" I said slowly inching away from him. But he holds my wrist and wraps it to his torso.

"Just stay here for a bit" his eyes still closed probably enjoying the way our limbs are tangled up.

Well, I don't blame him, I do enjoy it too..

What!? No! I don't!

Feeling my bladder screaming. I slowly raise my body aiming to stand up. But then again he pulls me against him so that he is cuddling my body.

"Um, I kinda need to use bathroom real quick"

I said blushing profusely.

What the heck is wrong with him! He is so clingy this morning!

'But you enjoy it'

'Shut up!!!'

After doing my business in his bathroom I decided to freshen up a bit.

My heat is gone. A usual heat lasts for at least three days but mine is gone.

That's so weird. Also the fact that I'm feeling better when I'm with Eli is weird. I must only feel that way with Jasen because, well he is my mate. Although he never act like one.

After freshening up, I opened the bathroom door only to be welcomed by an empty bedroom. No Eli. Deciding to search for him, I opened his bedroom door and proceeds on the hallway which lead me to a stairway down.

Following the staircase I began to smell something heavenly.

Definitely bacon and pancakes! And some hot chocolate!

Waving my hand to take a whiff of the smell I began to whisper to it like a perv.

"Hmmmn take me to your master" I said.

"You don't need to ask an aroma to take you to me" he said chuckling. His voice is coming from what I think is kitchen which is located just a little bit more steps from me.

"I-.. " I quickly walk into him "y-you heard?!"

"Well yeah, I kinda am a werewolf" he turned his attention to me with an amused smile. "Or in my case, a lycanthrope" he finished with a wink and his signature heart stopping smirk.

"Oh .. Yeah right a lyc- what's that smell?"

I said sniffing the air. After some seconds if smelling I realized that the pancakes are getting burned.

His smirk quickly turned into a frown ad he turns around and saw a pan with a burnt pancake, the fire quickly seeping up the pan.

"Oh my!" He said quickly snatching cup of water.

"No no no! You will make it worse!" I said while stopping him. Water isn't that good with that kind of fire. It will just get bigger and bigger and hotter and... Okay you get what I mean.

I quickly snatched a cloth on the counter, wet it and slaps the fire with it continuously. After some seconds the fire died out and I let a sigh of relief.

Turning around I found an amused smirking Lycan behind me.

"What? Why? You almost just burned your house and you're smirking at me?!"

I said trying not to stomp my feet like a child.

"N-nothing pfff" he said clearly stopping himself from laughing.

"Whatever, so no breakfast?" I try to act as mad as I can but he is just so cute I can't stay mad at him.

"Well, I have some bacons here and some hot chocolate perfect for Saturday morning?"

He said smiling, turning around I saw his 'bacons' and 'hot chocolate'.

Those bacons are so pink! Probably uncooked! And I'm not actually in the mood to open the burnt kitchen now.

"Umm.. Isn't kinda uncooked?" I awkwardly asked him.

"Oh it is?" He said proceeding to take the plate.

When I realized that he is going to put it in trash I stopped him.

Ignoring the sparks that are igniting in out contact.

"I- I um.. I will eat it." I said.

"No! You'll have salmonella! This isn't healthy"

"Eli I'm a werewolf our pain tolerance is almost 5 times as humans same as our immune system. And besides, you cooked it I can't let it go to waste" I said trying to hide the small tinge of blush in my cheeks.

"Yeah, high pain tolerance, says the woman that is screaming yesterday"

I rolled my eyes at that. Low blow Mister.

Anyways I proceed on taking a taste on his bacon.

It doesn't taste that bad, it just tastes like.. Medium cooked ham or something.

"Stop! We'll just eat outside"

He stopped me throwing the bacons on the trash.

Well at least I have a hot chocolate here.

I took a large gulp of hot chocolate. I mean what could go wrong? Its hot chocolate.

Realizing the taste I unconsciously blow it from my mouth to Eli's face.

"Oh my gosh! Why is it salty and chocolately I don't unders- oh my gosh! Sor-"

I stopped mid sentence when I noticed what he looks.

He has some black charcoal in his face probably because of the burnt pan and some brown liquid thing that is probably the salty hot chocolate.

"Haha haha your face! Hahahaha"

He just playfully shakes his head at me dragging me to his bathroom to change.

"Told you we are eating outside"

I didn't miss the small smile that is lingering in his face.

Wait.. Why is the hot chocolate salty?!