Chapter 4: Broken Wings

Abyad stood in front of the mirror, dressed up and ready for his flight to Cape Town where he had just begun his flying lessons. Determination and ambition shone in his eyes, but behind that determination was a void – a space that was once filled with love, family, and friends, now replaced by the remnants of pain and resentment. A part of him felt like he couldn't care less about anything else, as if those once dear to his heart were now mere strangers.

The memories of everything he had been through with Aayat and her cousin, Rania, still haunted him. The wounds were deep, and he couldn't find it in himself to forgive or forget. The hatred and anger that burned within him seemed to consume every other emotion, leaving his once charming dimples a distant memory. The boy who used to smile effortlessly had forgotten how to, and he found solace in the escape offered by smoking and drinking.

Without Aayat, Abyad felt completely lost. Their connection had been intense and profound, and now that she was no longer a part of his life, he felt like a ship adrift at sea. The memories of their time together were bittersweet reminders of what he had lost, and he found himself drowning in the illusion of her presence whenever he drowned himself in alcohol.

But even with the weight of his emotions, Abyad was not ready mentally for anything. He knew that his mind and heart were occupied by someone – the girl whose life was entangled in chaos. A part of him resented the fact that he couldn't simply move on, but another part of him clung desperately to the memories, unwilling to let go of the love they once shared.

As he boarded the plane, he tried to focus on his flying lessons, but his mind kept drifting back to Aayat. He had dreamed of a future with her, and the pain of their breakup was still fresh. Each passing day felt like an eternity, and he found himself longing for the warmth of her presence, for her smile that could light up even the darkest corners of his soul.

Cape Town offered a new beginning, a chance to build a life away from the haunting memories, but it was easier said than done. Abyad threw himself into his flying lessons, hoping that the adrenaline rush of soaring through the skies would distract him from the ache in his heart. But each time he flew, he couldn't help but imagine Aayat beside him, her laughter carried by the wind.

He immersed himself in his studies, devoting himself to becoming the best pilot he could be. Yet, as he excelled in his flying skills, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. No matter how high he flew, there was a void that couldn't be filled, and it all traced back to Aayat.

During his free time, he often found himself wandering along the beaches, the crashing waves mirroring the turbulence in his heart. He had shut himself off from his family and friends, unwilling to let anyone close enough to see the pain he was carrying. He built walls around his heart, convinced that vulnerability would only lead to more heartache.

But despite his efforts to numb the pain with distractions and distance, he couldn't escape the grip of love. It was a constant battle between moving on and holding on, and he was torn between the two. A part of him wanted to forget, to erase the memories that haunted him, while another part held onto the hope that they would find their way back to each other.


Abyad woke up with a smile on his face, his thoughts consumed by the beautiful date he had with Aayat. He felt grateful to Allah for bringing her into his life, and he couldn't help but admire her sweetness and shyness, which only made him fall for her even more. She was like a ray of happiness, and he found himself mesmerized by her innocent and fragile nature, making him want to protect her from the world.

After offering Tahajjud prayers as a thanksgiving gesture, Abyad tried to call Aayat, hoping she would be awake as well, but she didn't answer. He decided not to push her and resolved to talk about it later when they grew closer, not wanting to scare her away. After completing his Fajr prayers, he helped his parents in their shop and then retreated to his room to study for his A-levels.

Around 10 AM, he received a text from his friend Adarsh, asking about his date. Abyad smiled at the thought and replied, telling him that he liked Aayat and asking him not to bother him too much. Adarsh was a good friend, but sometimes, Abyad found it challenging to appreciate his friend's perspectives. Just as he was about to put his phone away, he received a text from Aayat.

"Assalamu Alaikum, how can my morning not be good with such a cute wish?" she texted. Abyad's heart warmed at her response, and he quickly replied, "Glad you liked it. How was your beauty sleep?" Aayat's reply came after a few minutes, saying it was so good that she had missed Fajr, adding a hint of sarcasm to her words. Abyad didn't let it bother him and offered to be her alarm instead, a suggestion she eventually agreed to, bringing a smile to his face.

Over the next month, they grew closer, and their daily routine became a series of morning calls, with Abyad waking Aayat up and staying on the phone until she eventually got out of bed. However, lately, he noticed a distance in her, as if something was troubling her. He had been planning to propose that they stay together until they could eventually marry, but before he could do so, Aayat broke his heart with a heartbreaking line.

She ended their relationship, telling him that they could never be together. He wished he could believe otherwise, and he desperately wanted to prove her wrong, but there seemed to be nothing he could do. All he managed to reply was a simple "OK," trying to hide the pain he felt. He longed to know if she was lying or telling the truth, but he had to push aside those emotions and distract himself to prevent himself from breaking down.

*Flashback ends*

Zinat couldn't bear to see her friend, Aayat, in such a state. A heavy weight settled on her heart as she witnessed the pain and turmoil that Aayat tried so hard to hide. Aayat's once vibrant spirit seemed to be fading, but she put up a brave front, refusing to let anything deter her from her goals. It was as if Aayat had built a fortress around her heart, shielding herself from the pain and torment she endured.

Despite the numbness that engulfed her most of the time, Aayat persisted, hiding her tears and pushing through each day with a determined spirit. Zinat admired her friend's resilience, but she knew that beneath that strong facade, Aayat was breaking inside. Still, she refused to let her pain consume her, and Zinat couldn't help but be in awe of her strength.

As Aayat's best friend, Zinat felt a sense of helplessness. She wanted to ease Aayat's suffering, to erase the scars that marred her heart, but she knew that the journey to healing was one that Aayat had to undertake herself. Zinat's heart ached, but she knew that she had to be there for Aayat, to offer her unwavering support and love.

Thankfully, Aayat didn't push Zinat away like she had done years before during a particularly dark time in their friendship. Back then, Aayat had believed that distancing herself from Zinat was a way to protect her, but it had only caused more pain for both of them. This time, Aayat seemed to have learned from her past mistakes, allowing Zinat to be by her side.

Lying in the hospital bed, Zinat's heart sank when her mother told her that Aayat had left a letter. She knew that it meant Aayat had let the darkness take over her once again. With a sigh, she read the letter, knowing that her friend was hurting deeply:

Hi Zinat,

By the time you are reading this, I would be gone already. Please don't come after me; this is for the best. We cannot stay friends... She will hurt you again, and I cannot afford that. You are way too precious for me to let my friendship with you come in the way of your safety. Please take care of yourself.

Love you always,

K. Aayat.

Zinat was aware that Aayat's decision might seem irrational, but she understood the depth of her friend's concern. Aayat cared deeply for her and didn't want to see her getting hurt. While respecting Aayat's wishes, Zinat vowed to give her space until she could stand up for herself and face the challenges that plagued her life. Zinat was determined to be there for Aayat when the time was right and support her in her fight for justice.

Aayat, on the other hand, felt utterly shattered, but a newfound resolve simmered within her. She knew that it was time to fight back, to protect Zinat and all her loved ones. Raina's actions had pushed her to her breaking point, and now the darkness in her heart was fuelling a desire for revenge. She had endured enough suffering, and Raina would have to pay for the pain she had caused.

It was a dangerous game Raina was playing, for Aayat had awakened the dormant rage within her. A fierce determination took root, and she promised herself that she wouldn't remain silent any longer. The time for retaliation would come, but Aayat was patient. She would bide her time until the moment was right to strike.

*Flashback ends*