Chapter 5: Torn Between Two Worlds

Following her devastating encounter with Rania, Aayat knew she had to gather herself and focus on her new journey in the bachelor's course in Medical Biotechnology. It was a field she was passionate about, and she was determined to excel in her studies. However, there was an added challenge – she would be working closely with the same group of people for at least three years.

Aayat's batch was small, consisting of only seven students, among whom there was only one guy. As she approached the group on her first day, she took a deep breath, trying to hide her inner turmoil behind a cheerful facade. She knew she had to put on a brave face and make the best impression possible. After all, this was a fresh start, and she wanted to leave her past behind.

With a smile on her face, Aayat introduced herself to her new classmates. Her heart lifted slightly when she recognised one familiar face among them – Layla. Layla had been in the same chemistry class as Aayat and Abyad during their A levels. They had shared many moments of laughter and camaraderie back then, and Aayat felt a glimmer of comfort knowing that a friend was here with her in this new chapter of life.

As Aayat got to know the rest of her classmates, she found that they were a diverse and interesting group. They came from various backgrounds, each with unique experiences and perspectives. Although she tried to be sociable and friendly, the heaviness in her heart still lingered. It was hard to completely let go of the pain that Rania had caused, but Aayat refused to let it consume her.

Despite Aayat's determination to be strong and move forward, thoughts of Abyad would inevitably creep back into her mind. The memories of their time together, the laughter they shared, and the love they once had were like a constant ache in her heart. She wished things had turned out differently, that they could have overcome their obstacles and found happiness together.

Aayat recognized that she wasn't blameless in the situation. She knew she had made mistakes, but she also believed that Abyad had his fair share of faults as well. The one thing that weighed heavily on her heart was how he never stood up for their love, never fought for their relationship. He let her go without even attempting to stop her, and that hurt her deeply.

As she replayed their last moments together in her mind, she couldn't help but feel the pain of his indifference. Aabyad's lack of action made her question the depth of his love for her. She loved him unconditionally, and she expected the same from him. But it seemed like he was content to let her leave without putting up a fight, and that shattered her trust and confidence in their relationship.

Yet, despite all the hurt and heartache, Aayat couldn't deny that she still loved Abyad. He had a permanent place in her heart, and he lived on in her memories and soul. The love they shared was something she couldn't erase, no matter how much she tried to move on.

Despite the moments of weakness she experienced, she was determined not to fall into the same traps and let her past mistakes consume her once more, all because of him. Aayat had learned the hard way that her happiness and well-being shouldn't depend on someone else. She wanted to break free from the cycle of self-destruction that her previous relationship had brought her.

On the other hand, Abyad's life seemed full of adventure and excitement on the surface. He was determined to achieve his flying license and pursued his dreams with passion. He threw himself into flying lessons, going on trips, and socialising with friends, trying to immerse himself in activities that would distract him from his inner turmoil. But beneath the facade of happiness and success, he was still haunted by memories of Aayat.

During his break time, while soaring through the skies, Abyad would find himself lost in thoughts of her. The candy floss clouds that surrounded him served as a bittersweet reminder of the softness of her smile and the warmth of her presence. He couldn't escape the memories that flooded his mind, no matter how hard he tried to keep himself busy.

As he navigated the aircraft, he couldn't help but think back to their time together. Her laughter, her infectious joy, and the moments they shared replayed in his mind like a never-ending loop. Abyad's heart ached for the girl he had grown to care for deeply, and he found himself wondering what went wrong and why she had distanced herself from him.

He remembered their first date vividly, the nervousness in her eyes, and how her smile could light up the darkest corners of his soul. The connection they shared felt undeniable, and Abyad couldn't help but wonder if she had felt the same way. Yet, despite their seemingly perfect time together, something had changed, and he couldn't fathom why.

As the days turned into weeks, Abyad's focus on flying became both a blessing and a curse. It gave him a sense of purpose and momentarily distracted him from the pain he felt. But in the stillness of the cockpit, his thoughts would always drift back to Aayat.


Aayat lay on her bed, trying to push away the negative thoughts, but they kept creeping back. She couldn't help but think about Abyad and how things went wrong. The pain in her heart was still raw, and it felt like her sacrifice had been in vain. Rania had succeeded in destroying her by taking Abyad away from her. Despite knowing that he loved her, she couldn't understand his actions, which seemed contradictory and confusing.

Aayat's mind drifted back to the time they had to part ways. It had been one month since the breakup, and she was completely lost without Zinat by her side. She had sought refuge at her cousin's place in the south, hoping for a change of environment to heal. But the pain was overwhelming, and she found solace only in writing poems about Abyad, an outlet for her emotions.

On New Year's Eve, while walking down the busy streets, she faced the unwanted attention of a stalker. But her mind was still filled with thoughts of Abyad, and she posted a poem she wrote about him.

Far from each other but close by heart, wished I could retaliate and tell you how I feel!

Abyad who was looking at her pictures and reading her WhatsApp stories came across the quote that she wrote and it hit him like a punch to the gut. It felt like she had stabbed him with those words, as if she had moved on so quickly, leaving him behind. The pain was overwhelming, and in his disturbed state, he sent her a text without thinking.

"I always thought that you were the one, but I was wrong. You are just like any other girl out there. I feel sick that I loved you. I cannot be more joyful that you are out of my life. Thank you for making me see how you are. Enjoy your pathetic life with your new boyfriend.”

As he pressed send, tears streamed down his face, and he wished someone would tell him that it was all a misunderstanding. But there was no one there to comfort him. He felt broken and alone, sitting by the window, hoping for some kind of solace that never came. The pain he felt was suffocating, but he knew he had to move on.

As soon as Aayat received the text, she couldn’t escape the heartbreak. The new year began with tears, and the absence of Zinat made it even harder to bear.

In the months that followed, Aayat threw herself into her studies, seeking solace in academic competitions and responsibilities. She was chosen for a study about the marine environment of the Pacific Ocean, along with two other girls named Ahaana and Vani. Aayat had to work with Vani, a bold and dominating personality, which proved to be challenging for her impulsive nature.

Despite resolving the issue with Raina, Aayat couldn't find the strength to reach out to Abyad and Zinat again. She buried herself in the lab, avoiding any moments of rest that might trigger thoughts of Abyad. Her classmates, Dafne and Alya, tried to help her, but it was futile.

* Flashback ends*

As Abyad continued his flying lessons, he found himself reflecting on the past and questioning his own actions. He wished he could go back in time and do things differently, to be more understanding and supportive of Aayat. He regretted not being there for her when she needed him the most, but he also understood that her pain ran deeper than he could have imagined.

Despite his internal struggle, Abyad couldn't escape the pull of his heart. He missed her, and the void she had left in his life was impossible to fill. He longed to hear her voice, to see her smile again, but he feared that it was too late to mend the broken pieces of their relationship.