Chapter 8: The Road to Healing

Aayat's condition had deteriorated rapidly, her emotional health and eating disorder had taken a toll on her fragile body. She became a shadow of her former self, barely eating, and pushing herself beyond her limits to hide the pain she was going through. Her once radiant face now bore the marks of exhaustion and sadness, but she refused to let anyone see the cracks in her facade.

One day, as she was walking with her friends, her legs gave out from under her, and she collapsed to the ground. Her friends were alarmed and rushed to her side, trying to wake her up. Aayat regained consciousness after a few minutes, but she dismissed it as mere exhaustion and assured her friends that she was fine. She didn't want them to worry about her, so she hid the truth about her frequent fainting spells.

However, things took a turn for the worse when Aayat lost consciousness once again, but this time it was in front of her friends, and they knew something was seriously wrong. Without wasting a moment, they rushed her to the nearest hospital, panic and concern etched on their faces.

Meanwhile, Aditya and Zinat had just landed in Malaysia after hearing about Aayat's deteriorating condition. As soon as they received the news, they rushed straight to the hospital where Aayat was admitted. Their hearts were heavy with worry and guilt for not being there for her earlier.

In the hospital room, Aayat looked pale and weak, hooked up to machines that monitored her vital signs. Aditya, Dafne, Layla and Zinat surrounded her, their concern evident in their eyes. The doctor explained that her condition was critical due to severe malnutrition and emotional distress.

As Aayat slowly regained consciousness in the hospital bed, she felt disoriented and weak. Her vision was blurry, and the world around her seemed to spin. As the fog in her mind cleared, she saw the worried faces of her best friends, Zinat and Aditya, hovering over her. Concern and relief mingled in their eyes as they saw her awake.

"Aayat, thank goodness you're awake," Zinat said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Aditya nodded in agreement, "We were so worried about you. You scared us.”

Aayat managed a weak smile, trying to ease their worries. "I'm sorry for making you all worry. I didn't mean to.”

"Don't apologise," Zinat said, her voice choked with tears. "We just want you to be okay.”

Aayat's heart swelled with gratitude for her friends' love and support. She knew she had neglected her own well-being, and seeing the pain she had caused them was unbearable.

As Dafne entered the room, concern etched on her face, she gently approached Aayat. "Aayat, I know this is hard, but you need to talk to Abyad. He's hurting too.”

Aayat's eyes filled with sadness and pain as she thought about Abyad. The memories of their love flooded her mind, and she couldn't bear the weight of it all.


Aayat couldn't fathom the whirlwind of emotions surging through her as Alya jerked her awake, scolding her for her condition. Her mind felt hazy, trying to grasp the situation she found herself in. Slowly, she began to realise that Dafne must have informed Alya about her emotional struggle. She sighed inwardly, hoping that Dafne hadn't revealed more than necessary. On the other hand, Alya's concern was genuine, threatening to hit her if she refused to eat. Despite her resistance, Aayat found herself too weak to push Adarsh away when he hugged her tightly, apologising with a guilty expression.

Trying to catch her breath, Aayat gently tried to pry herself from Adarsh's embrace. "I'm fine, Adarsh. You're suffocating me," she managed to convey, hoping he would understand.

"I should have been there for you. I know it must be difficult," Adarsh confessed, his eyes reflecting empathy.

Aayat shook her head, "It's not your fault. You couldn't have known. But why are you suddenly here?”

Before Adarsh could respond, Dafne appeared with a smile on her face, causing Aayat's curiosity to grow. However, her thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang, and Abyad's name appeared on the screen. Her heart raced at the sight of his name, her hand trembling, and yet she felt a sense of peace at the sound of his voice. It had been months since she last heard from him, and now, in this moment of vulnerability, he reached out to her.

With a frustrated groan, Aayat walked towards the backyard garden, the designated meeting spot. Her emotions were in turmoil, knowing that Abyad must be hurting deeply as well.

As Aayat left, Dafne was ready to follow her, but Adarsh held her back, urging her to give Aayat some space. Dafne's annoyance at his presence was evident, but he didn't take it personally. Instead, he tried to engage in a conversation, hoping to build some rapport with her.

"Feisty much? Anyway, I know where she went. We can see the most award-winning show in a few minutes, but first, how about we chitchat for a while?" Adarsh suggested, hoping to establish a connection.

Dafne raised an eyebrow, taking Aayat's seat. "You already know my name, so what else do you want to know?" she asked, appearing guarded.

"I'm Adarsh, and I'm sorry about earlier. I couldn't resist talking to a cutie like you," he said playfully, attempting to break the ice.

Dafne cringed at the word 'cutie' and retorted, "Hold on, will you? I know I'm cute. I don't need to hear it from you."

Adarsh sighed, realising that Dafne was indeed a challenge, but he was intrigued by her feisty nature.

"If we're going to help those two get back together, you need to be nice," Adarsh suggested, trying to keep the focus on Aayat and Abyad.

Rolling her eyes, Dafne stood up to leave, and Adarsh followed her. They silently searched for Aayat, allowing her some time alone with Abyad first.

"Assalamualaikum," Abyad greeted with a warm smile. His smile was infectious, and Aayat couldn't help but smile back. "Walaikumasalam," she replied softly.

As Abyad embraced her, she felt a mix of emotions flooding her. She could hear his heart beating, and it felt like their hearts were in sync, despite the distance that had grown between them. It was a hug that both of them needed, a moment of solace amidst the turmoil.

"Abyad, we can't be..." Aayat started, her voice catching in her throat as she remembered the painful reason she had left him.

He gently pulled away, his eyes reflecting his own pain and turmoil. "I know," he said, his voice tender yet filled with determination, "but you can't keep hurting yourself like this. You need to take care of yourself, Aayat. Please, eat.”

Her heart ached at his concern, and she realised that Dafne must have told him about her struggles with food. She wanted to tell him that she was fine, that he didn't need to worry, but his stern expression stopped her. Instead, he made her sit on the grass and took out his food, a plate of fish curry and rice.

Aayat was surprised that he remembered her likes and dislikes, even amidst their emotional turmoil. She knew he had gone through a lot too, but here he was, taking care of her, just like he used to.

"You don't have to pretend," she tried to say, her voice wavering with emotion, but Abyad's intense gaze silenced her.

"Let's not talk about that now," he said softly, handing her a spoonful of fish curry, "just eat.”

As she reluctantly ate the food he offered, Abyad sat beside her, watching her closely. The silence between them was both comforting and heavy with unspoken words. A part of her wanted to pour her heart out, to tell him how much she missed him, but she held back. The pain of their past was still too raw, and she didn't want to hurt him further.

When Abyad finally left, Aayat tried to process everything that had happened. His presence had brought a mix of emotions - joy, sadness, and longing. She knew they couldn't be together, but she couldn't deny the love she still felt for him. The memory of their time together haunted her, and she wished things had been different.

*Flashback end*

"It's too late," Aayat whispered, her voice barely audible. "I can't go back to him, Dafne. I can’t."

Dafne took Aayat's hand in hers, offering comfort and understanding. "I know it's difficult, but you owe it to yourself to talk to him. Closure is essential for healing.”

Tears welled up in Aayat's eyes as she tried to put her emotions into words. "I don't know if I can face him, Dafne. It hurts too much.”

Dafne nodded, empathising with Aayat's pain. "I understand, but avoiding him won't make the pain go away. You need to confront your feelings and find a way to move forward.”

Aayat felt torn between her desire to hold onto her love for Abyad and the fear of getting hurt again. The emotional turmoil inside her was overwhelming, and she felt like she was drowning in a sea of conflicting emotions.

Zinat placed a gentle hand on Aayat's shoulder. "We're here for you, Aayat. Whatever you decide, we'll support you."