Chapter 9:Seeking Redemption

Abyad couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. It was as if an invisible thread connected him to Aayat, and he could sense her distress even from across the globe. He tried to focus on his daily routine, but his thoughts kept drifting back to her. The memories of their time together haunted him, and he regretted every harsh word he had said, every lie he had told.

Despite knowing that he had caused her immense pain and shattered her trust, Abyad couldn't ignore the pull he felt towards her. He wanted to erase the past, to undo all the hurt he had caused, but he knew that it was impossible. He had to face the consequences of his actions and find a way to make things right.

Determined to fight for their love, even if Aayat didn't want to see him, Abyad decided to reach out to her one last time. He knew it was a risk, and she might reject him, but he couldn't let go without trying. He gathered his courage and picked up his phone.

He sent her a text message that said, "Aayat, I know I messed up, and I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you. I wish I could turn back time and undo my mistakes, but I can't. All I can do now is tell you that I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. I'll give you the space you need, but please know that my feelings for you haven't changed. I'll be here whenever you're ready to talk. Take care.”

Sending the message felt like a weight lifted off his chest, but at the same time, he felt anxious, not knowing how she would respond. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, checking his phone every few minutes, hoping for a reply.


Zinat's heart raced with worry as she followed Aayat outside the library. She could tell something was wrong from the way her friend's expression changed upon reading the text from Adarsh. They stepped outside, and Zinat's fears were confirmed when she saw Rania hugging and kissing Abyad. It felt like a stab to her heart, knowing that Abyad was making all the wrong choices.

Aayat's emotions boiled over, and she couldn't contain her anger as she slapped Rania. Zinat wanted to intervene, but she held back, trusting that Aayat could handle the situation. Rania had a smug look on her face, and Abyad seemed distant and emotionless. The argument escalated, and Zinat finally stepped in, warning Rania about the consequences of her actions.

Rania left, and Aayat ran off in the opposite direction, leaving Zinat worried and furious with Abyad. She confronted him about his reckless behaviour, and he seemed shocked by the situation. He claimed that he didn't know Rania was the same person from their past, but Zinat couldn't believe him. It felt like he was just making excuses.

Soon after, Zinat received a distressing text from Abyad. He revealed that Aayat was unconscious and had cut her wrist. Zinat's heart sank, and she rushed to find Abyad and Aayat. She was torn between her anger towards Abyad and her concern for her best friend.

When she finally found them, Aayat was lying on the ground, pale and weak. Zinat's heart broke at the sight of her friend's fragility. Abyad looked horrified, realising the extent of the damage his actions had caused. Zinat didn't waste any time and called for help, knowing that they needed medical attention immediately.

As they waited for help to arrive, Zinat couldn't help but scold Abyad for his thoughtlessness. She questioned why he didn't realise the impact his actions would have on Aayat, especially knowing her past struggles with emotional health and eating disorders. Abyad looked remorseful and filled with regret.

When the paramedics arrived, they quickly attended to Aayat, and Zinat stayed by her side throughout the ordeal. She held Aayat's hand tightly, hoping that her friend would be okay. The incident served as a wake-up call for Abyad, making him realise the severity of the situation and the pain he had caused.

In the following days, Abyad and Zinat spent every moment they could by Aayat's side, supporting her in her recovery. Abyad took responsibility for his actions, vowing to be there for Aayat and prove that he had changed.

As Aayat slowly regained her strength, she saw the sincerity in Abyad's efforts to make amends. He was patient, understanding, and supportive, and she began to see a glimmer of hope that they could mend their broken relationship.

*Flashback ends*

"Hey Abyad, this is Zinat again. Aayat is in the hospital, and she's not in a state to talk to anyone right now, including you. She needs time to heal and process everything that has happened. If you truly want to fix things with her, I think it's best if you come here and give her the space she needs. Actions speak louder than words, and being here with her might show her how much you care and are willing to change. But please, don't rush into anything. Let her recover first. Take care.”

Zinat sent the message, hoping that Abyad would understand the gravity of the situation. She knew that he loved Aayat deeply, and she also believed that he had the potential to become a better person. But she wanted him to understand that it wouldn't be an easy journey.

Abyad's reply came almost instantly, filled with a mix of determination and remorse. "I'll be there as soon as I can. I need to see her, even if she doesn't want to talk to me right now. I'll respect her wishes and give her space, but I want to be by her side and support her through this."

Zinat smiled, feeling hopeful for her friend's future. She knew that Aayat and Abyad had a long road ahead, but she believed that they could make it together.

Zinat placed a hand on her stomach thinking of the one person she shared a similar bond with- Zubair.

“I wish you were here to handle this,” she whispered,With tears streaming down her cheeks.