Chapter 10: The Pursuit of Revenge

Abyad desperately wanted to be by Aayat's side, but his application for leave was rejected due to his upcoming finals. He silently prayed that he could find a way to be with her as soon as possible and wished he could let her know about his intentions. However, before he could act, he received an unexpected text message from Rania, updating him on Aayat's condition and even rejoicing about it.

Abyad confided in Zinat about the message and their plan to keep quiet until Rania made her next move. Zinat agreed, knowing that they needed to be cautious and strategic. Abyad's heart ached to see Aayat suffering, and he felt a mix of anger and helplessness toward Rania. But he knew that acting impulsively wouldn't help, and he needed to trust Zinat's judgment.

Days passed, and Abyad continued to focus on his studies while keeping an eye on Aayat's situation from afar. Rania's messages to him became more frequent, boasting about her influence on Aayat's life and how she was manipulating her emotions. It was clear that Rania was trying to provoke him and taunt him about his inability to be with Aayat.

Abyad found solace in talking to Zinat, who acted as a pillar of support during this trying time. She reassured him that they were doing the right thing by waiting for Rania to make the next move. They both knew that confronting Rania directly could worsen the situation and put Aayat in even more danger.


Abyad couldn't bear the sight of Aayat lying lifelessly in someone else's arms, her wrist cut again. The guy with her seemed extremely concerned, pleading for her to wake up. Abyad's heart ached, knowing he was responsible for her pain. He had pushed her away, punished her for something beyond her control, and now, the consequences were devastating.

Feeling overwhelmed, Abyad sought solace in Dafne's company. She was perceptive and offered him some filter coffee to ease his nerves. In a moment of vulnerability, Abyad confessed his inner turmoil to her, admitting that he couldn't bear to see Aayat with someone else and wanted to make her hate him to protect her from further pain.

Dafne, with her wisdom, advised him against such drastic measures, knowing that Aayat's love for him was genuine. She suggested a different approach, the "hot and cold" tactic, to gradually make Aayat drift away from him. Abyad was torn, feeling unworthy of Aayat's love and not knowing how to cope with the pain he caused her.

As the days went by, Abyad struggled with his decision. He missed Aayat terribly but knew he had to stay away to protect her. He tried to distance himself, ignoring her messages and calls, and even spreading false rumours about himself to push her further away.

Aayat, on the other hand, was left bewildered and hurt by Abyad's sudden change in behaviour. She couldn't understand why he was avoiding her or what she had done to deserve this treatment. The pain of losing him was unbearable, and she couldn't help but wonder if she was the cause of his sudden coldness.

In the midst of her emotional turmoil, Aayat found comfort in Zinat and Aditya, who were always by her side. They knew about Abyad's plan to distance himself, but they kept quiet, trusting that he had a reason for doing so.

Abyad's heart ached as he watched Aayat suffer, but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't stand the thought of causing her any more pain, even though it tore him apart inside. He kept reminding himself that he was doing this out of love, wanting her to be happy and free from the torment he inadvertently brought into her life.

The days turned into weeks, and the pain of separation grew for both Aayat and Abyad. Each night, they would lie awake, their hearts heavy with the weight of their unspoken emotions.

*Flashback ends*

Aayat was slowly regaining her strength, but along with the newfound energy came a burning fire for revenge. She couldn't forget the pain Rania had caused her, and the thought of Rania's happiness at her suffering only fuelled her desire to strike back. In her semi-conscious state at the hospital, Aayat was visited by Rania at night, relishing the sight of her pain and the destruction of her happiness. Rania's cruelty seemed to have no bounds as she revelled in her victory.

During this visit, in a moment of carelessness, Rania let slip something about Zinat and an accident that caught Aayat's attention. As she tried to piece together the events that had recently unfolded, Aayat's mind couldn't help but question Rania's intentions. After all, she knew that more than anyone, Zinat was Rania's main enemy.

Following Rania’s departure, Aayat clutched her phone tightly in her hands, scrolling through the pictures of her and Zubair. Each photo captured a moment of pure joy, laughter, and love between the siblings. Tears welled up in her eyes as she relived those memories, wishing she could turn back time and have her brother back by her side.

Zubair was not just a brother to Aayat; he was her protector, her confidant, and her guiding light. He had always been there for her, offering support and love, no matter what challenges life threw their way. But now, he was gone, leaving a void in her heart that seemed impossible to fill.

As she grieved, Aayat couldn't help but feel utterly alone in the world. It seemed as though everyone she loved had been taken away from her, leaving her adrift in a sea of pain and sorrow. She questioned why life had been so cruel to her, why it had taken away the people who meant everything to her.

But amidst her grief, Aayat also couldn't help but notice Zinat's resilience. While both of them were suffering, Zinat had not given up on life like she had. It was as if Zinat had found something to hold on to, a glimmer of hope that kept her going even in the darkest of times.

Aayat admired Zinat's strength, even though she couldn't fully comprehend what it was that gave her friend the will to keep moving forward. Perhaps it was the love and support of their friends, or maybe it was the belief that life could still offer moments of happiness and solace despite the pain.

As Aayat continued to look at the pictures on her phone, she realized that she needed to find her own source of hope. She needed to honor the memories of her brother and find the strength to carry on.

As the days went by, Aayat's determination for revenge grew stronger. She knew she needed to be cautious and gather evidence to expose Rania's true nature. Despite her own struggles and fragile emotional state, Aayat was now more determined than ever to take down her nemesis.

Rania's heart burned with envy and hatred as she watched Aayat's emotions unravel. Seeing Aayat immersed in love, even if it was a tumultuous one, brought a sinister smile to Rania's face. It reminded her of her own unrequited love, the love she had for someone who had never reciprocated her feelings. She blamed Aayat and Zinat for stealing away the one person she had yearned for.

Sipping her drink, Rania relished in the bitterness of her thoughts. She couldn't forgive Aayat and Zinat for snatching happiness from her grasp. In her twisted mind, she believed that they were responsible for her own misery, and she was determined to make them pay for it.