Chapter 15: Whispers of Destiny

A peaceful slumber enveloped Aayat as she lay in her bed. Yet, tranquility quickly unraveled, giving way to a haunting nightmare that gripped her subconscious.


"Abyad!" her voice echoed across the dream, carrying a sense of urgency and desperation. She jolted awake, chest heaving, her mind racing to piece together the fragments of the unsettling vision.

In the dream, Aayat had found herself on a tranquil beach, the cool breeze caressing her skin. She basked in the embrace of an arm that enveloped her, a touch she knew instinctively. Leaning into the solid, muscular form, she felt a sense of comfort and familiarity. A hushed confession reached her ears, a whispered admission of missed moments. She smiled, recognising the voice as Abyad's, her heart dancing with joy.

However, as the scene unfolded, joy gave way to horror. Abyad, the figure she'd embraced, suddenly staggered, a gunshot shattering the idyllic calm. Blood spilled from his lips, staining the pristine sand crimson. He crumpled, the once-vibrant backdrop now tainted by a cruel twist of fate. Rania's chilling laughter pierced the air, a haunting backdrop to the tragedy that unfolded before her eyes.

Aayat's scream tore through the dream, echoing into reality as she abruptly awoke. Beads of sweat clung to her skin, her trembling form a testament to the potency of the nightmare's grip. In rushed Zinat and Aditya, concern etched into their expressions. Zinat, intimately acquainted with Aayat's recurring nightmares, enveloped her in a reassuring embrace, attempting to soothe the turmoil that still clung to her even in wakefulness. Aditya stood by, his heart heavy as he watched his best friend's sister struggle.

In a small voice, Aayat requested her teddy bear, Sana, seeking solace in its comforting presence. Zinat sighed, understanding the significance of this simple act. She handed over the stuffed bear, allowing Aayat to embrace it tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

With Sana held close, Aayat gazed at the cherished toy, a soft smile breaking through her tears. "Zinat, do you remember when I got this?" Her voice held a bittersweet nostalgia.

Zinat's own smile was tender, a reflection of shared memories. "It was the day before I got engaged to Zubbu. You caught us, and he transformed into the overly protective brother he always was." Her eyes glinted with warmth as she recalled the memory. In that moment, they were both transported back to a time of carefree laughter and innocent moments, a stark contrast to the turbulence that now defined their lives.

Together, Aayat and Zinat longed for the return of those simpler days, when joy flowed freely and the weight of tragedy had yet to cast its shadow over their hearts. As they clung to one another, seeking solace in each other's presence, a shared determination ignited within them – a resolve to navigate the darkness that had encroached upon their lives and find their way back to the light.


A new day began with Abyad's call, pulling Aayat from the depths of her slumber. She stirred, her lips curling into a soft smile as she reached for her phone. The screen displayed Abyad's name, and her heart skipped a beat at the sight. A sense of warmth enveloped her as she answered, his voice a soothing melody that sent shivers down her spine.

"Assalamualaikum habibti," his greeting flowed from the phone, eliciting both a smile and goosebumps from Aayat. She responded with a gentle "Walaikumsalam," her voice carrying a mixture of delight and shyness. As she moved to end the call, Abyad's words halted her intentions. "Before you cut, meet me at the fancy fair downtown at 3," he requested.

"Okay," she agreed, her heart racing at the prospect of their impending meeting. The morning sun was already casting its glow when Aayat disconnected the call. In the house, an air of activity had begun. Her parents were away, leaving her brother Zubair at home along with Aditya and her dear friend Zinat, whose cheeks were tinged with a telltale blush as she engaged with her phone, seemingly texting Zubair.

Curiosity got the best of Aayat, and she leaned in, whispering teasingly in Zinat's ear, "What is Zubbu saying that made you smile like this?" Her playful antics startled Zinat, who responded with an amused yelp. However, their exchange was cut short by the sudden appearance of both Aditya and Zubair in the room, their presence accompanied by scolding words from Zubair.

Their early morning pillow fight was met with sternness, Zubair's reprimand resonating with authority. His words, though not loud, carried enough weight to make the mischievous duo obey. Aayat, however, approached Zubair, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace.

"Assalamualaikum Zubbu, you forgot your little sister once you got a girlfriend," she playfully teased.

"Aayat!" both Aditya and Zubair chided. Aayat's laughter filled the air as she playfully darted into the bathroom, leaving the lovebirds alone in the room. After the morning prayer, the scene shifted to the kitchen. A culinary endeavour was underway, the boys preparing pancakes while Aayat and Zinat engaged in a conversation.

The breakfast table became a canvas for bonding, shared laughter punctuating the morning air. Aayat, not particularly fond of food, took her time with her meal. Eventually, she retreated to her room, only to be halted by an unexpected sight—Zinat and Zubair in a tender embrace, their lips inches apart.

Caught off guard, Aayat's voice faltered as she stammered, "Zinat, I need your help for my—" Her sentence trailed off as her eyes widened, processing the scene before her. Blinking away her surprise, she quickly excused herself, leaving the two alone. Her heart raced as she considered her impending date with Abyad.

However, her plans to consult Zinat about the matter were sidetracked by a heartfelt conversation with Zubair. Cupping her face gently, he reassured her, "Aayat, you know you can share anything with me." She hesitated, her eyes searching his for understanding. "Zubbu, promise not to be angry?" she implored.

Aayat was bursting with excitement as she entered her room, eager to share her newfound happiness with her protective brother, Zubair. She couldn't contain her words as they tumbled out in a rush. "I am seeing a guy named Abyad for 3 weeks now, and he asked me out on a date today. Can I go?" she blurted out, the anticipation evident in her voice.

However, her request was met with an unexpected and unwavering refusal. "No!" Zubair's response was firm and resolute, leaving no room for negotiation. Undeterred, Aayat's determination flared, and she attempted to challenge his decision. "But..." she started to protest, only to be silenced by the unyielding gaze her brother fixed upon her.

In that moment of uncertainty, Aayat's eyes darted toward Zinat, seeking solidarity and support. Zinat's silent affirmation was like a beacon of encouragement, and Aayat's heart swelled with gratitude for her loyal friend. Zubair's exit from the room left behind a whirlwind of emotions, and Zinat enveloped Aayat in a comforting embrace, their unspoken understanding binding them even tighter.

Seeking clarity and guidance, Zinat cut through the tension with a pragmatic question. "At what time is your date?" The practicality of the inquiry brought a sense of grounding, allowing Aayat to share the details of her upcoming rendezvous.

"At 3, but I don't know what to wear and my hair... how do I tie it?" Aayat's concerns flowed freely, revealing her mixture of excitement and anxiety. The final hurdle was her brother's disapproval, a formidable obstacle that cast a shadow over her anticipation.

Zinat, the ever-supportive friend, assumed the role of a confidante and advisor. She assumed responsibility with ease, offering a plan to tackle each challenge. "Leave it on me. Go and do a face pack, some skincare, and have a hot shower. I'll convince your brother and help you select your clothes as well," Zinat reassured, her words laced with a sense of determination.

A surge of gratitude and relief overwhelmed Aayat as she hugged Zinat tightly, her heart brimming with affection. With newfound energy, she rushed to the bathroom, her steps light and purposeful. The promise of a supportive friend and the allure of a potentially transformative date filled her with a renewed sense of excitement.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, a different scene was unfolding. Zubair, a pillar of strength and affection, stood amidst the tranquil atmosphere. He wore a tight-fitting shirt that accentuated his muscular physique, a testament to his unwavering dedication to his family's wellbeing.

The room seemed to come alive when Aayat exited, leaving Zubair and Zinat alone. The charged silence was quickly broken by Zubair, his steps carrying him toward Zinat with a purposeful determination. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, a gesture that conveyed his affection without the need for words.

The tenderness in his voice was a symphony of emotions as he whispered, "I can't wait to marry you; you make it hard for me to stay away from you." His confession held a promise of shared tomorrows, where their love would flourish despite the trials that lay ahead.

Zinat, no stranger to expressing her heart's desires, responded with boldness, her words carrying the weight of her emotions. "Let's get married as soon as I am 18... I don't like being away from you." Her courage surprised even Zubair, his laughter resonating with a sense of genuine adoration. "You know, normally girls shy when their fiancée is this close to them, but you... you are something else," he remarked, his heart swelling with a mixture of admiration and affection.

After their prayer session, Aayat, Zubair, and Zinat headed to the kitchen. Zinat's craving for pancakes drew her to the culinary adventure, and she began her breakfast-making mission right after the prayer. However, her solitude was quickly disrupted as a pair of strong arms encircled her waist from behind. It was Zubair, his playful nuzzle against her neck sent shivers down her spine.

"Remember, cooking is not in your jurisdiction," he teased, his voice a gentle caress against her ear.

A pout graced Zinat's lips, reminiscent of a child denied a treat. She spoke her protests, voicing her pancake craving. There was a unique comfort in Zubair's presence, one that allowed her to reveal her playful side. She turned to him, her head finding its natural place on his chest.

With a tender smile, he declared, "Consider it done, my queen." The endearment tugged at her heartstrings, warming her from the inside out. A shared kiss on the cheek sealed their silent understanding, and she embraced him tightly as he set to work on the pancake batter.

Their intimate moment, however, was short-lived as Aditya's sleep-ruffled appearance disrupted the kitchen's tranquility. His playful jab reminded them of the impending return of their parents, a reality that seemed worlds away in that fleeting moment.

Zinat couldn't help but retort with a playful remark, emphasising their desire to seize every moment before their parents' arrival. Her words caused a subtle blush to grace Zubair's cheeks, a sight that made her heart flutter. Aditya's parting comment about Zubair being fortunate to have her was met with shared laughter before he left them alone.

With the batter ready, Zinat moved to give Zubair space near the stove, yet her lips found his cheek once more, sealing their connection. She settled at the dining table with Aditya and Aayat, sharing the meal together amidst cheerful conversations.

As breakfast drew to a close, Zinat gracefully shifted her attention to tidying up Aayat's room, a task that soon became a shared endeavour with Zubair in tow. Their steps synchronised, they entered the room, and as if guided by an unspoken force, Zubair softly closed the door, cocooning them in their private sanctuary.

Focused on her task, Zinat paid no heed to his presence, her hands carefully folding the duvet with precision. Yet, his proximity couldn't be ignored, his touch electrifying as he drew her closer, his strong arms encircling her waist. The intimate distance between them was palpable, his warm breath grazing her skin, a tantalising invitation.

His voice, a velvet whisper, roused the quiet air, a tender inquiry about her satisfaction with the pancakes they had just shared. His lips brushed her forehead in a gentle kiss, eliciting a soft nod from her, their unspoken connection intensifying. Zinat reciprocated his affection, her lips pressing lovingly against his cheek, a silent exchange of devotion.

Time seemed to dance on a different rhythm, their surroundings fading as they surrendered to the embrace of their shared intimacy. Lost within each other's touch, the world was distilled to the sensation of being together, a moment suspended in time.

In the wake of Aayat's unexpected intrusion, Zinat and Zubair swiftly disentangled themselves from each other, the tender bubble of their closeness abruptly burst. A charged atmosphere lingered, heavy with unspoken emotions, as Zubair directed his displeasure at Aayat for her persistence in wanting to meet Abyad despite his refusal. The room seemed to crackle with tension.

As Zubair left in a mix of frustration and concern, Zinat took charge. She turned her attention to Aayat, guiding her to prioritise self-care by indulging in a skincare routine and moments of relaxation. Zinat's nurturing nature came to the forefront, her protective instincts for her best friend and sister-in-law evident.

With determination, Zinat decided to confront Zubair and his anger. She ventured into his room to find him engrossed in his laptop, a virtual barrier between them. Undeterred by his apparent indifference, she endeavoured to capture his focus, a testament to her unwavering dedication.

Despite Zubair's initial resistance to her attempts, Zinat persisted, finally closing his laptop and setting it aside. She seated herself on his lap, her touch soft as she stroked his face, seeking to soothe his anger. Her whispered plea for him to let go of his frustration melted the barriers around his heart.

In the warmth of her embrace, Zubair's tension gradually dissolved, replaced by a more receptive demeanour. Zinat felt the moment was right to offer her perspective on Aayat's desire to meet Abyad. Their connection was one of mutual understanding, and she encouraged him to consider Aayat's feelings.

Zinat leaned into Zubair's towering frame, her voice a soft murmur designed to soothe his agitation. Wrapping her arms around him, she embraced him tightly, the closeness between them a balm for his simmering emotions. Gradually, she sensed the tension easing from his body, his distress yielding to her comforting presence.

Satisfied that his anger was subsiding, Zinat drew back slightly, her gaze meeting his as she issued a gentle plea, "Let her go, she likes him." The air hung heavy with uncertainty as Zubair contemplated her words, his thoughts tumultuous and conflicted.

Her fingers played through his hair, a tender gesture meant to offer solace and reassurance. Zubair's voice wavered, his concern laid bare, "How can I let her go when I never met this guy? What if he hurts her?" His voice held a hint of vulnerability, a glimpse into the depth of his love for his sister.

Zinat's response was resolute, her determination unwavering. "Let her get used to him first. When she's ready to introduce him to the family, she will. And if he hurts her, then I'll personally punch him in the face," she declared, her fiery spirit shining through.

His brows furrowed, Zubair remained skeptical, unable to shake off his apprehension. "But still, I cannot let her go alone, to meet someone I've never met. What if it's a trap?" Seeking comfort, he rested his head on Zinat's shoulder, finding solace in her unwavering support.

A playful glint danced in her eyes as she retorted, "Who said she's going alone? I'll send Aditya to stalk them! After all, this is our Princess." Her response elicited a reluctant chuckle from Zubair, the corners of his lips turning upward.

A tender smile graced her lips as she leaned in, her voice a soft caress against his ear, "And this means we have 5 hours to ourselves with no one to interrupt." The promise of stolen moments hung in the air, igniting a spark of desire between them.

She pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek before slipping away, her steps purposeful as she left the room. The minutes ticked by as she embarked on a mission to persuade Zubair, her unwavering determination guiding her. With a stroke of luck, Aayat's preoccupation in the shower worked in Zinat's favour, affording her the time she needed.

A sense of anticipation filled the air as Zinat meticulously sorted through Aayat's wardrobe, her fingers grazing fabrics and colours. Her careful consideration culminated in the selection of a black knee-length dress and a thick pair of black leggings, a combination that exuded both style and comfort.

Aayat's startled gasp greeted Zinat's choice, a reaction that elicited a playful smirk from her. The camaraderie between the two was evident, a testament to their close bond. A light-hearted exchange ensued, with Aayat's playful protest over her brother's hypothetical reaction serving as a reminder of their shared experiences.

With unwavering confidence, Zinat countered Aayat's concerns, her voice laced with mischief, "Not if you wear these thick leggings and your high-heeled boots." The unspoken understanding between them was palpable, a testament to Zinat's intimate knowledge of her friend's desires.

Aayat's attire was finalised, and she embarked on the journey of preparation. Zinat's skilled hands guided her through the application of makeup, accentuating her features with a touch of elegance. Dark, smoky eyes and a deep red lipstick added a touch of glamour, enhancing Aayat's natural beauty.

*Flashback end*