Chapter 16: Fluttering Hearts

Zinat and Aayat sat together on the bed, a shared aura of nostalgia and emotion enveloping them. Memories of cherished moments and beloved faces lingered in their thoughts, intermingling with the weight of their current struggles.

"Is he okay, you think?" Aayat's voice trembled with concern, her recent haunting dream still casting a shadow over her.

Zinat's gaze turned pensive, her heart heavy with her own worries. "I honestly don't know. But at least Abyad is still with us... Zubair..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes welling up with tears as she grappled with the painful absence of her true love.

Aayat's own grief found voice, her words a quiet admission. "I miss him so much.”

Zinat's hand found Aayat's, a gentle squeeze conveying understanding. "Your attempts to mask your pain, to be strong, it's clear they're not your true self. Aayat, you need to confront your emotions.”

Aayat's expression wavered, torn between the past and the present. "I know, but the wounds are still so fresh. I can't just let go.”

Zinat's voice held a mix of empathy and encouragement. "It's alright to take your time, but you need to communicate. Don't forget, Zubair and I faced our own challenges, yet we fought through them. You were our strength in those moments.”

Zinat's words triggered memories of the fierce determination Aayat had shown against Rania and her brother, a pivotal turning point in their lives. The memory hung in the air, a testament to Aayat's resilience.


Aayat stepped out of the house, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and anticipation. To her surprise, Abyad was waiting for her at the entrance, dressed in a matching attire. His black body-fit shirt accentuated his strong physique, and denim jeans completed his casual yet charming look. A slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she took in his appearance.

Her presence didn't immediately catch his attention; he was engrossed in a car game on his phone. She playfully tapped the screen to get his notice, and he looked up, his gaze meeting hers.

"Assalamualaikum," Aayat greeted, a playful laugh escaping her lips at his mock pout.

A smile graced Abyad's lips as he responded to her salaam, tucking his phone into his pocket. They started walking together, side by side, the air charged with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Abyad's hand occasionally found its way to the back of his neck as he smiled, his demeanour a combination of enthusiasm and slight shyness. Aayat couldn't help but find his gestures endearing.

As they strolled, Aayat initiated the conversation. "So, what do you want to do first?”

Abyad's question mirrored her own. "What do you want to do?”

A playful smile tugged at her lips. "Let's go with your plan!”

With a nod, he began to outline their day. "Okay, then we start with the haunted house, followed by the Ferris wheel, play some games, grab some snacks, and lastly, head to the nearby beach.”

Aayat's hand slipped into his, a silent encouragement for him to lead the way. They ventured into the haunted house, its eerie atmosphere and makeup of evil spirits triggering her screams. Clinging tightly to Abyad's arm, she emerged from the attraction, realising her own reaction had caught his amusement.

"You know, I should probably make you watch some scary movies on our future dates," Abyad teased, his voice laced with humour.

Her grip on him lessened, and she pouted playfully, prompting him to laugh and affectionately pinch her cheeks. "You're too cute, you know that?" he remarked fondly.

Their next stop was the Ferris wheel, where they shared playful banter and embarked on a game of 20 questions. The exchange revealed facets of Abyad's personality, each revelation deepening the connection between them. At the apex of the Ferris wheel, their gazes were drawn to the picturesque scenery below – the bustling fair on one side and the serene beach on the other.

Yet, amid the shared laughter and exploration, Aayat's gaze fell upon a familiar face in the crowd, a presence that cast a shadow over their idyllic moment. She instinctively drew back slightly, her mood briefly dampened.

After their descent from the Ferris wheel, Aayat seized an opportunity to discreetly communicate with Aditya, urging him to meet her. In no time, he stood before her, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"Why are you following me?" Aayat questioned, her curiosity tinged with exasperation.

Aditya remained silent, his expression holding a hint of mystery.

"Did Zubbu send you?" Aayat's tone carried a note of suspicion.

Aditya shook his head to indicate the negative.

"Zinat, then?" Aayat's voice held a mix of resignation and inquiry.

Aditya confirmed her suspicion with a subtle nod.

"Why the silence? Cat got your tongue?" Aayat's frustration was palpable, her questions met with Aditya's continued enigmatic behaviour. Before she could prod further, his phone rang, a call from Zubbu. Aayat took the phone from Aditya's hand and addressed Zubbu directly, her tone firm.

"Zubair Ahmed, you better have a good explanation for this.”

Zubbu's voice reached her ears, his explanation diffusing her annoyance. Aditya's involvement had been at Zinat's insistence, a protective measure to ensure her safety. As Zubbu assured her that this intrusion wouldn't be a recurring theme, Aayat's tense demeanour eased, and she handed the phone back to Aditya.

Resuming her evening with Abyad, Aayat rejoined him at the game stall, her earlier mood gradually replaced by the joy of being in his company. His playful offer to play games was met with a refusal, but their next stop – the food stalls – brought a renewed sense of enjoyment. Indian food and snacks, a shared love, became the centrepiece of their culinary adventure.

As they indulged in the flavours of the fair, Aayat's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. The laughter, the shared moments, and the undeniable connection between her and Abyad enveloped her in a warmth that transcended the distractions of the outside world.

Their final stop brought them to the beach, where the rhythmic crash of the waves against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to their lingering presence. Hand in hand, they revelled in the tranquility.

Abyad and Aayat found themselves engrossed in a conversation about the most trivial matters, the ebb and flow of their dialogue as comforting as the gentle waves nearby. Aayat's fingers traced idle patterns in the damp sand beneath them, a silent symphony of connection.

During their conversation, Abyad surprised Aayat with a soft teddy bear, a gift symbolising their blossoming companionship. He insisted that she keep it, a gesture that melted her heart and brought a smile to her lips. This was the first gift she had received from him, an innocent yet profound token of their evolving relationship.

As the sun gradually dipped beyond the horizon, the time came for them to part ways. Throughout the course of their date, Abyad had been a perfect gentleman, never overstepping boundaries that Aayat hadn't yet been ready to cross. The absence of any rushed advances to kiss her was something she appreciated, given her lingering unease at the proximity of someone to her heart. Before their separation, Abyad leaned in, his lips brushing her forehead in a tender farewell, his voice a whisper carrying the weight of concern and care as he urged her to stay safe.

Returning to the entrance of the fair, Aayat found Aditya waiting for her in his car. With a knowing glint in his eyes, he playfully inquired about her date. "How was your date, psycho?”

Aayat responded with a playful tease, "It was lovely until I realised that a psycho was stalking me." The shared humour between them forged a bond that went beyond mere friendship.

Aditya couldn't help but smirk, his amusement evident. "You know your safety wasn't the only reason they sent me, right?”

"Of course," Aayat chuckled, "considering the amount of time we spent wandering off, they were bound to get annoyed." Laughter erupted between them, a testament to the camaraderie they shared.

As Aayat and Aditya departed, Zinat found her way to the kitchen, her mind set on preparing a delightful dinner. She skilfully put together a spread featuring dhal makhani, butter chicken, and freshly baked naan, all of which held a special place in Zubair's culinary preferences. By the time the clock marked half-past five, Zinat had masterfully completed her culinary endeavours. Yet, she noted that Zubair remained ensconced in his room, likely engrossed in the intricate details of his legal documents, which he intended to submit to his university.

Determined to capture his attention, Zinat slipped into Zubair's room. A note found its place on his laptop, acting as her precursor. As her presence registered, Zubair promptly set aside his work, sliding his laptop onto the table before his gaze found her. In a tender gesture, he drew her onto his lap, his affections made evident by the softness in his eyes.

Curiosity danced in her eyes as she inquired, "What are you doing?”

He responded with an undertone of playful romance, "Romancing with my to be wife.”

A blush crept onto Zinat's cheeks at his endearing words, yet her understanding of the circumstances led her to withdraw slightly. She recognised the impending demands of his tasks.

With a hint of mischievousness, she gently chided him, "Mr. to be hubby, as much as I want to be the sole focus of your attention, your commitment to completing this work is equally important. You have one hour until dinner, and after that, I plan to whisk you away for some quality time.”

In the soft glow of the evening, Zinat's words danced through the air, an affectionate plea to her "to be hubby." With a tender smile, she encouraged him to focus on his pending work. "You have one hour to finish it before dinner, after that I will steal you for myself," she playfully added, her lips brushing against his cheek in a gentle kiss.

A warm chuckle escaped Zubair's lips, his eyes tracing the contours of her face as he replied, "Okay, my love, I'll try to finish this as soon as possible then." His fondness for her radiated as he pressed a loving kiss upon her eyes, a sweet gesture that spoke volumes.

Zinat gracefully moved away, her thoughts shifting to the evening ahead. She entered Aayat's room and began her preparations. Opting for a black maxi dress that shimmered under the soft light, she carefully curled her hair, letting the tendrils cascade around her shoulders. The dress, though elegant, held a comfort that suited her, and she paired it with high heels that matched Zubair's stature. Her makeup, meticulously applied, enhanced her features, with golden eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, and a touch of highlight.

Pleased with her appearance, Zinat ventured to the terrace, her hands expertly arranging flowers, candles, and fairy lights upon a small table. The evening breeze caressed her as she worked, lost in her task. Her concentration was broken by Zubair's voice, a surprise that caused her to jump slightly. He caught her with practiced ease, his arms enfolding her in a protective embrace. "You should be more careful," he murmured against her hair, his touch a reassurance of his presence.

Zinat stroked his hair tenderly, her fingers threading through the strands as she nodded. With a gentle pull, she eased away from his embrace, her eyes meeting his as they exchanged a wordless understanding. The evening awaited, and there was more to share.

"Dinner will be cold," she playfully chided, her fingers intertwining with his as she led him towards the meticulously adorned table. With only one chair, their closeness was inevitable, and Zinat settled herself comfortably upon his lap. Her laughter echoed through the air, a joyful symphony that matched the light in her eyes as she fed him a piece of naan mixed with dhal and butter chicken.

Their shared meal was a testament to their bond, each bite an unspoken promise of their unwavering connection. As they finished, the container was carefully covered, the remnants of their dinner preserved for another day. Zinat returned to his side, her figure fitting perfectly into his lap as anticipated. A playful smirk danced on her lips as she took the initiative, feeding him a morsel with a gleam of mischief in her eyes.

Following dinner, they moved to the balcony where they lay side by side on a, enveloped in a serene silence. In their world, even the absence of words felt comforting, a testament to the depth of their connection. Zubair's fingers idly toyed with Zinat's hand, his attention seemingly elsewhere. In this peaceful moment, he stirred the silence with a question. "Love, do you have anything planned after this?”

Zinat's playful response came with a raised eyebrow. "Does it appear that I'm harbouring secret plans?" She mirrored his playful demeanour. His answer carried a hint of affection and determination. "Even if you did, I would have persuaded you to cancel them with a smile." His eyes held a glint of mischief, a testament to his unwavering charm.

Curiosity tugged at Zinat as she probed further. "What's going on in that mind of yours?" She sought insight into his thoughts, sensing that he was cooking up a surprise. His response was cryptic, a tease for her curiosity. "You'll find out soon enough." A gentle kiss to her forehead accompanied his words. Recognising his tendency for delightful surprises, Zinat opted to relinquish her curiosity and let him carry out his plan.

A shift in their conversation unveiled his concerns for Aayat's safety. Zubair's query, hovering unspoken since Aayat's departure for her date, finally found voice. Zinat's reassuring response reflected her confidence in Aayat's well-being. "In terms of safety, she's in capable hands. If he dares to cross any boundaries, Aditya will be there to handle the situation." Zubair's protective instinct flared. "And I won't hesitate to join Aditya if need be.”

Worries extended to matters of the heart. "What if he breaks her heart?" Zubair's voice held a note of genuine concern. Zinat's response was a blend of wisdom and affectionate reassurance. She reminded Zubair of their shared belief in Aayat's strength, how they had always shielded her, but love and heartbreak were inevitable lessons. Her words carried a blend of compassion and practicality. "Our princess must navigate her own path, even if it means facing heartbreak. We'll be there to guide her, to support her. But if we smother her with overprotection, she'll suffocate.”

Zinat and Zubair's connection deepened with a tender "Hmm" as he enveloped her in a warm hug. Time seemed to lose its significance as they basked in each other's embrace.

Moments later, he effortlessly lifted her in his arms, carrying her to the enchanting backyard he had prepared. A small tent, adorned with plush red cushions and illuminated by delicate rose petals and twinkling fairy lights, awaited them. Positioned at the heart of this romantic setting was a small bowl filled with henna cones, a testament to Zubair's meticulous planning.

Teasingly, he addressed Zinat's anticipation. "You seriously didn't think I would allow you to proceed with your engagement without applying henna, did you?" He gently seated her on a cushion, his focus shifting to his phone as he searched for a suitable bridal henna design. His determination was evident, his commitment to the task unwavering as he lost himself in the search.

Finding the perfect design, he turned his attention to Zinat's feet, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns of henna with care. Zinat's heart swelled with gratitude, her appreciation for him growing deeper. He was her blessing, a radiant presence sent by a higher power to brighten her life. As he meticulously finished the henna on her feet, signs of fatigue started to show, his eyes heavy with exhaustion.

Gently, Zinat pulled him closer, careful not to disturb the freshly applied henna. "Every day, you make me more impatient to marry you," she confessed, leaning in to press gentle kisses on both of his cheeks. His touch lingered on her waist, a reassuring connection that made her heart flutter. His lips met her forehead, prompting her to close her eyes and savour the sweet moment.

Moving with tenderness, his kisses found her eyes, then her cheeks, before settling on her neck. "You drive me crazy," he admitted, his words laced with a mixture of affection and longing. Zinat sought refuge in his embrace, hiding her face in his neck as he held her close, their souls entwined in an intimate cocoon.

In that comforting haven, they remained, lost in their shared world, until a realisation dawned upon Zinat. Fatigue weighed on Zubair, evident in his demeanour. Guiding him with a nurturing touch, she gently suggested, "Why don't you get some rest? You've worked tirelessly today.”

Without a word, he swept her up in his arms, carrying her back to Aayat's room. There, he placed her on the bed and rested his head on her lap, a henna cone still held in his hand. Engaging in light, random conversation, Zinat began applying henna to her own left hand. As her task concluded, she looked over to Zubair, only to find that he had succumbed to slumber.

Carefully placing the henna cone on the pillow, Zinat used her free hand to stroke his hair. A soft sigh escaped him as he nestled his head against her belly, his arms enveloping her waist in a protective embrace. With every gentle caress, Zinat felt an enchanting flutter in her stomach, a sensation reminiscent of butterflies taking flight.

*Flashback end*