POV Seth: I told you STAY AWAY!


I made my way to him quickly and pulled him off of Fiona and pulled him to the side, forgetting Fiona was even present.

"What the hell are you doing?! Do you have any idea what your doing?!."

He pushed me in response "Mind your damn business. Why the hell you even here?!" I shoved him back "I'm here because Magnolia said she lost sight of you! And I also came to make sure she didn't get herself in any trouble. But I guess she isn't the one I should be worrying about!" Fiona put herself between us "Okay, that's enough!!"

We both only glared each other down. I couldn't believe he nearly exposed himself. My mind was going a mile a minute, thinking if I wasn't here to stop him; would he have stopped himself?

I sighed "Ajar, let's just go. I bet this clubbing thing by now is getting boring for you." at this point, I'm trying to reason. Fiona was still there. I didn't want to say anything that could expose us but I was not even nearly done with what I wanted to tell him. He could've put all of us at risk tonight. If Magnolia hadn't called me, we'd probably be cleaning up Fiona's corpse by now.

He stepped to me "What makes you think I'd want to go anywhere with you?" I stared at him in shock. While cars drove by and the sounds of the city raved on. The music was still fresh in our minds. While everything was holding it's familiar place, Ajar was the only thing I didn't recognize. His tune was different. It sound more protective and dangerous. Like he had something to hide and something to protect at all cost.

Or more like, someone...

I look towards Fiona, and as we made eye contact; he moves right in front of her. Staring at me with deadly eyes. And that's when it hit me, Ajar was reacting on pure instincts. He's given into his desire to want to be with Fiona. But from the looks of it, he doesn't know that yet. I decided to take a more reasonable approach. If he wasn't going to respond to me asking, maybe he would respond to logic. That he and Fiona can't happen.

"Listen to me. I get that your mad I'm here but you should be more MINDFUL of Fiona?" his reaction changed quickly as I said her name. Seemed like he was finally coming to his senses. He moved aside, turning to Fiona, he almost looked like he saw a ghost. He backed away from her carefully. Making sure every move he made, was one he wanted to take.

He kept backing away from her more reassuringly "This is wrong.." he says to her. He looks at me like he's seen a part of himself he's never seen before, but only this time he saw fear. I can see he was scared, scared of what he could have done to her if I hadn't shown up when I did.

"Fiona.. we got caught up in the moment. This is wrong.." Fiona objects "No..No, you felt what I felt, Ajar. Don't do this. Don't pull away.." she pleads and looks to me "If only you didn't come. If only you didn't show up.." I stared at her stunned, it was the first time any girl has talked to me like that. I was obviously the golden boy in high school, while Ajar was the overall bad boy. Plus, I also knew Fiona always had eyes for me. What changed till now?

When I look at her now, I see a angry girl who I cock blocked. But I didn't want to be mad. For some reason, I cared what she thought about me. I took a step towards her "Fiona, things are complicated.. You won't understand.. his family is complicated.." she rolled her eyes at me and sighed "And you don't think my family is complicated? You don't think I have the same problems?"

No. Our problems were different. She's probably thinking some teenage family drama, that probably could be fixed with a bit of counseling. The problems we share are different, very different. They'll never be the same. Not by a long shot. I walked over to Ajar and lean into him to whisper "You need to leave. I'll stay here and try to calm her down. You being here right now is making it harder.. for her.." he looks to me as I backed away. I know he didn't want to leave but he had to. If he knew what was good, he would leave. When he took one last look at her, he began to walk away and Fiona went to stop him but I stopped her.

"Don't." she looks at me, angry "What did you say to him, Seth?!" I looked at her "I told him that his father wanted him to come home and that it was urgent. He left because he had to." she looks at me questionably "Well, I guess that means we are done here." she wanted to walk away but I blocked her path to the back door of the club "Can we talk? I know you don't want to but I think we need to clear something up." I know she didn't want to but I was determined to have her stay away from Ajar.

"You've got ten minuets." she says annoyingly.

That was more then enough time "Listen Fiona, I know you and Ajar has just got recently acquitted with each other but Ajar is not your friend. He's not the settling down type either. I know you feel this attraction towards him but it won't last. I get you have feelings for him but he won't ever take you seriously. Your nothing more then a distraction from his everyday problems. Your not special to him and don't think that you are.. I'm just trying to warn you before you get anymore deep.." she only stares at me for a moment. I wasn't sure if she was going to say anything or not but when she opened her mouth, I knew by just the way her heartbeat sounded against her chest.. that I had hurt her.

"You know.. People in school always said that Ajar was a bad guy. That he was a player, a loner, but he always only had two close friends but he was popular anyway... I liked you Seth. I mean, by all definition, I was in love with you!" tears filled her eyes "But there was never a moment that I thought you'd actually be the one to break my heart for somebody else." and just like that, she turned her back on me and made her way out of the alleyway that was in the back of the club.

"Damn.. I heard of people getting dumped Seth, but I never thought you'd break someone's heart. Why did you say that to her? I thought we were gonna stay clear of her?." Magnolia steps to me, and I turned to her angry "Why didn't you tell me that Fiona was going to be here?!" Magnolia shot back with a glare and eyes turned as crimson "I didn't know that she was going to be here! Instead of yelling at me, you should tell Ajar the truth!" I glared her down "You know, we can't do that!" She yells back at me "We can't keep this from him anymore! We all knew that this day would come! It was just a matter of time. Ajar and Fiona will happen. The devil will rise. And they will rule hell together. The attraction they feel for each other is what the devil promised." She took my arm into her hand and looked me into my eyes as her eyes turned back to her normal clear hazel brown "We can't hide this anymore. Fiona is the devils daughter and Ajar is the promised fallen son. The crimson moon is upon us now. We have to tell him."

The truth would do nothing but damage but what could I do when the damage has already been done? The truth was going to be our hell to pay. And Ajar would probably hate the whole clan for it. And I would do anything to keep my brother safe "We aren't sure if they are really gonna end up together!. It could all just be some stupid lame encounter..." I was trying so hard to make sure that whatever facts Magnolia was grabbing at wasn't there, I wanted to get rid of them. But she only looked at me with sad eyes ".... We can't deny the truth that's staring us in the face anymore, Seth.." she holds my face in her palm "It's time, big brother.." and she disappears.

If only I can actually be ready for what that really meant for all of us.