POV Fiona: Demons Do Come Knocking.

That jerk!

I can't believe he literally said those things. As I'm walking down the street angrily, I know I'm not thinking staright . I actually left Tori back there.. I had half the mind to go back for her but the other half of my brain took over. What if Seth was still there? I didn't even want to face him right now, considering we didn't really leave that conversation on a good note. Besides, what the hell did he know?! I mean, I did have a crush on him but I've come to the terms that things have changed. Something is attracting me to Ajar and I don't want to fight it. And Seth seem bent on that not happening.. Why?

As I reach the front porch of my house, the door was open. I knew just in that second, something didn't feel right. As I walk through, walking right into the living room. I see my parents and a very handsome man, standing right across from them.

"Mom.. Dad.. What's going on?" I ask them protectively. My mom only looks at me with sadness in her eyes and my father refused to even look at me.

"Darling.. there is something we must tell you.." while worry crosses my mothers face, the man across chuckles "Let's not waste time. You humans and your emotional moment of grief." I looked at the man, there was something off about him. Something scary and out of place; like he didn't belong here. Like he didn't belong on earth. But yet there was something familiar about him. Something more closer then I had with my parents. Like.. I belong to him.

The man sighs as my mom didn't dare to speck "Well since it's going to be like that. These humans aren't your parents. I'm here to collect you. Your going to be coming with me." I look at the man in black "No! I'm not going anywhere with you! Who the heck you think you are coming in here and acting all justified?!" the man smiled, slowly walking over to me as my parents stared. He stands right in front of me "Who do I think I am?" touching my cheek softly, I stare him right into his eyes "I think you already know. I know you feel it." His words rang right through me. I felt my world change in one swift motion.

I know? What the hell is this man talking about? Like hell I knew!

I glared at him, with all parts of my body clearly engaged.

He smiles "What's the matter? Scared to feel something that you know to be your only downfall?" I stared around to find anything. Anything at all to attack just in case. But I can see that he was strong.. Impossibly strong.

The voice in my head screamed at me, telling me to run and get my family out of here. And foolishly, I obeyed.

He was within seconds at my parents throats and I watched in horror as he made their heads roll onto the floor.

"NOOOOOO!!!" I felt something inside of me break and spill out of me like a raging fire and before I knew it, everything literally was on fire. I looked around me to only find everything around me burning in a wind of chaos. And he only stood there smiling "You've broken the seal. Now you finally can follow your true destiny." he walks up to me, passing over my parents dead and still bodies. Tears filled my eyes as the man grabbed my face. His eyes poured into mines "You will leave this place. And you'll know this day to be, your darkest hour." and he disappeared into thin air. Like he was never there.

My body crumpled under the weight of my parents death, as smoke penetrated my lungs. I crawled over to my mothers headless body. The tears only filled my eyes more. As I layered myself near her body, I hear a voice call out to me "FIONA!!" At first I thought it was just the smoke clouding my brain but I heard it again "Fiona! Get up!" I looked to the side of me to see Ajar, looking down at me but this doesn't make me move.

My parents were dead. My house was on fire.. Everything was crumpling down.. I didn't want to live to the end to see it all unfold.

Ajar grabbed me and took my face into his hand, to look me in the face "Listen to me! Your not dying here!" he enfolds me in his arms and with amazing speed, we were outside. He puts me down as I stand on my feet and looks at me.

I saw him talking but all I could hear was nothing. I look and only saw my whole house burning in a smoke of inferno behind him. Nothing he was saying was getting through—I couldn't feel or hear anything. I was feeling numb; like none of this was really happening. And before I knew it, darkness took over and I felt the cold ground meet my body.

Though the ground was cold; I felt the burning heat of the gates to my own personal, living hell.

I woke up, feeling comfortable. Like I was laying in a bunch of clouds. I almost felt like everything that happened was all a big nightmare and I was just laying in my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. Everything around me held beautiful decor and paintings. Even, Mona Lisa hung proudly against the wall. I gathered myself and finally came to the conclusion that this wasn't my room. Sitting up, I turned to the edge of the bed and looked around to see if anyone was around but there was no sign of life anywhere.

I got up from the bed and explored the room I knew nothing about. I picked up a beautiful golden egg that was on the table. It was a very beautiful piece of decor that filled the room.

"You shouldn't pick up things that doesn't belong to you." I put it down to turn around to find Ajar leaning up against the door frame. The events of last night took place in my head, and it made the heat in my eyes bore into him "What the hell are you?" his once still face twisted with worry "Fiona.. you inhaled a lot of smoke.. Your in shock." my eyes didn't leave his. I knew what he was doing—what he was trying to do. But I know what I saw. My house was in flames, there was no way he would have been able to get us out without having to leave me behind. But we both got out. We both was alive with nightmares from that night.

I pointed at him, angry "Don't try to make me feel I'm suffering from a mental break. I know what I saw last night. You got me out of there.. Very fast. Like so fast to the point I couldn't see until we were outside.." he watched me try to make sense out of this. Watched me question how I could possibly be alive and why not a burning corpse with my parents?

He stepped into the room with calm "Fiona, I don't think right now is the time to have this conversation. You've been through a lot. You should focus on mentally trying to keep yourself together." I almost laughed at how rich that sound coming from him "I'm not crazy! My whole life just happen to fall apart in a matter of one night AND you just happen to be there. Why?" I pointed out. He knew I wanted answers—and he knew I wanted them now.

He walked to a chair in the corner and sat in it with dismay. He sighed, taking in what he would have to say and weather or not he would regret it later.. or more like, if I would regret asking it for later..

While a few moments passed, he finally looked at me "I'm a vampire."

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief.

He repeated himself as he got up "I'm a vampire, Fiona." he was in front of me in a matter of seconds, looking at me "I'm fast. I'm strong. I feed on human blood." He glares into my eyes "And I broke every rule possible by just saving your life. Do you have any idea what trouble I could be in right now, if anyone found you here?"

Everything inside me broke at the news. He is a vampire. He feeds on humans. And he broke every rule to save me..

"...You should've just left me to die." I said regretfully. He gets angry with me and walked over to the chair he sat on and threw it at the wall, making me flinch "I risk myself to get you out of there! I exposed myself just to do that!" I yelled at him, angry myself "I didn't ask you to do that! I mean, why did you even do that!—Why where you even there!?" He looks at me with his crimson eyes. Those eyes that was once a beautiful hazel was now running with blood.

"I don't know! One minute I was with my father and just a split of a second, I had the need to get to you. You think I wanted to be in this situation. Because of you, I'm going to have to make sure no one knew I was there!"

"I'm a orphan, Ajar! I have no one! Nobody! You exposed yourself to a nobody! God—just kill me already!" He looks at me hurt as his eyes turned back to his normal state of beauty "What?.."

I walked up to him and exposed my neck to him "Kill me. Drink every last drop of my blood.. I have nothing here for me anymore.." His eyes turned back to his crimson color, as the lines on his face showed visible veins. He turns away from me quickly "Fiona.." his tone was angry and scared that he could probably hurt me. I know he was warning me to back away, but if there was a way to stop my suffering. This endless hell, I would gladly take it.

I got closer and turned his face to look at me "Ajar..please.." his face was sad that everything seemed to stand still, despite everything that has happened since last night. I felt everything shift as soon as I looked into that hazel eyes again. I no longer was exposing my neck. We were just staring at each other. And for the first time since last night, I felt like everything was going to be okay.

We stepped a little closer to each other and our heads leaned in towards each other. It felt like magic pulling us together.

He spoke gently "Fiona... we can't do this." I looked at him and I didn't care about the rules anymore. I didn't care what people's opinion about us was anymore. I didn't care if he was a vampire and I was human. I wanted him. My life was already a living shit, so why not throw caution into the wind.

I grab the back of his neck "I don't care." and kissed him. He didn't fight me and didn't push me away.

He put his hand on the lower, small part of my back and bought my body closer to his, deepen the kiss. If there was a thousand words that could explain this moment. It would be hell and heaven meeting on the same plane.

As I pull away, Ajar was quickly ripped out of my grasp and thrown across the room and pinned up against the wall in amazing speed of light.

"YOU FUCKING BROUGHT HER HERE!!?!" a angry, looking Seth stood in the presences of the room. Filling it with unbelievable betrayal and hurt. But though, the guy I was kissing just a while ago was being held up against his will. Only one thought came to my mind.. Seth was a vampire..

Ajar fought against Seth's grip, breaking his wrist. Seth screamed out in agony while Ajar wasted no time reversing the roles. He takes Seth's arm and pinned him up against the wall with the same amount of force. Though Seth was struggle to get out, Ajar refuses him the pleasure.


Seth glares at him, like he was staring at someone that was a complete stranger "Tell me, why should I?! You brought her into a house fill of vampires! She's human, Ajar! That'll sniff her out and they will kill her!" Ajar looks at him and sadden at this fact. He wanted to say something but what could he say? He was in the wrong and he knew it.

Ajar unwilling let him go, upset. He paced the room almost looking for a solution but he instead he glares at Seth "She could have died today." Seth rolled his eyes in disbelief. I could tell he clearly didn't believe him "Dude, I understand if you want to have fun and maybe even see a girl or two. However, we have rules—You just don't bring a girl here just because you want to see her!—"

"Her house burnt down with her parents inside!!" He interrupts.

Seth stares stunned. He looks at me with complete loss for words and Ajar with complete understanding.

"Do the police know? Did you do damage control?"

He sighs "I went back. Firefighters and policemen's surrounded the place. Turns out some people a couple blocks down saw the fire and called it in. They identified her parents.. So, they know they had a daughter. I could only assume they'll look for her sooner or later."

I finally spoke but with complete horror "They're looking for me?" Ajar faces me "I meant to tell you but I didn't want you to worry until you were ready to speck about it.. But we got a little sidetracked."

Seth scoffed "You got more then sidetracked."

I spoke "They can't find—they shouldn't find me.. What I saw last night.." I look at both of them as the fear of the man in black settles in "I can't explain what happened. It happened so fast." I began to feel my breathe getting heavy "First it was the man—heads started rolling—fire burst out of me—house—fire—" Ajar quickly came to my side and turned my face to him and him alone "Fiona.. calm down. What do you mean? What are you trying to say?"

I closed my eyes and took calming breathes and finally opened them again.

I calmly said "How do I tell the cops, that a man in black killed my parents and I was the cause of the fire?" Ajar looked shocked but not as shock as Seth.

Seth stepped in "What do you mean, man in black? Like a vampire?"

Ajar quickly answered him "Couldn't be. I would have sensed one of our kind, if one was there-" I cut him off "No. This wasn't a vampire. Up till now, I only thought vampires to be village stories and folklore. But this guy.. he wasn't no vampire.. and if he was.. he was something more evil.. not human at all.."

Seth looks at me confused "What do mean?"

Horror lined in with my face "It was like... hell came knocking at my door.." Ajar and Seth only looked at each other but I could only assume that only meant trouble..