POV Ajar: What’s Best..

A couple days passed and everything seemed to have calm down. We finally decided to lie to the police and have Fiona make up a story, that it was just an unfortunate event. Which in no doubt, was not a complete lie.

Seth chose to take Fiona away to a house that would keep her safe.. Or more like a place where I'm not there.. But in all respect, since whoever attacked her house was still out there with a motive, I didn't argue.

Seth walks in and sighs troubled, as he descended into one of the kitchen chairs. We stayed quiet for a moment, taking in the stress of what's been happening and what probably could happen. Seth finally turned around in his chair and stared at me across the counter. Like a puzzle he couldn't figure out. I eyed him back and grew annoyed "What?"

He sits back in his chair "It's just.. a lot has happened.. Stuff that I'm going to have to get use to.. With you and Fiona.." he stately said to me.

I rolled my eyes "Don't do this man. She was just an unfortunate mistake." He glares at me "One that knows your a vampire—THAT knows we exist."

"You think I enjoy that." I said, reassuring him that I—myself didn't have much of a say either.

Seth takes in a breath and calmly said "Well that doesn't matter anymore..I tired to erase her memories." I looked at him in shock. First, I wanted to punch him. But second.. I wanted to know if she was the one that asked for it—if he offered and she had taken him up on it.

I swallowed back some of my rage "And how did that go? Can she return back to her normal life of being a human with dead parents at her wake?" I sarcastically said. While he wasn't having it "I said 'I TRIED,' I didn't said it worked." I eyed him to see if he was joking but all I saw on his face was pure annoyance. This sent me off.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN IT DIDN'T WORK?! IT ALWAYS WORKS!" he shouted back at me "IT'S JUST AS I SAID MAN! IT DIDN'T WORK!" we stared each other down in the heat of the moment. With nothing and everything that wanted to be said. Seth took this moment of calm and walked over to me; he turned on the pipe as water smoothly ran into the sink. I could only assume whatever he was going to say next, I wasn't going to like it and neither with anyone else in the house.

He turned to me "Look, I know I'm going to sound crazy. But, you and me both know that my powers works all the time. Either it being vampires, humans, or even werewolves." I nod, agreeing with him as he continued "However, I know where my powers have limits."


He glares at me to take this seriously "So! What I'm saying is, what if Fiona is neither of these things?" I almost laughed at his accusation "What are you trying to say? That she isn't human?"

"That's exactly, what I'm saying."

I stared at him and point my finger at his chest "Don't be stupid. You think I would've saved her if she wasn't?" I began to walk away but he stopped me "There is something I should tell you."

He was serious. It seemed everything he was going to say was going to change everything. I felt he was being weighted down and that he was losing his confidence. And this was Seth, he never loses his confidence. He was always in control-always knew what he was doing. This was not like him.

"What?" I said, trying to make what he was going to say easier if I asked.

"Your like a brother to me, Ajar. And I'm only telling you this because you should know.. You can't fall in love with Fiona.." Everything froze in place and I felt my heart stopped. There was many things I felt. First, it was hurt but then it was rage. He had the nerve enough to tell me not to fall in love with someone, I'M NOT EVEN IN LOVE WITH!

"Go fuck, yourself." I started walking again but this time with a destination in mind. He chases after me "Will you just hear me out man!" turning to face him, I felt my anger leave my body and poured on to him "I don't like her! How could I fall for her?!" Seth's eyes turned crimson with veins popping right out on his face, his anger was way pass his control "It was just a couple days ago, you had your tongue down her throat! Right now, I'm saving you from a mistake!"

"A mistake?! For fuck sake, you sound like my father. Are you really trying to save me from a mistake or is it just the fact you wish it was you kissing her and not me?!" I pushed him "Tell me?! Which mistake are you really saving me from?! The one where I could choose her or the one your dying to just let me hear?!"

"ENOUGH!" he stares at me. I could almost feel the whole room going to still; with just the pipe running in the background "Do you enjoy this, Ajar? Yeah, I like her. Is that what you want me say? Want to hear?" shaking my head in disbelief "Don't even try to make this about me anymore or even Fiona. Your only worried about me fucking up in the end. This has nothing to do with Fiona or what I possibly could be feeling for her-" he cuts me off "And what do you feel for her exactly? What is the feeling you can't resist when it comes to her, that could put all of us at risk?!"

"I don't know!.." I grow frustrated with the questions "If I could have explained it to you, don't you think I would have done something about it by now?! I don't enjoy this anymore then you do. Think about how I feel in all this! Your only worrying about the clan and what our fathers would think, that you haven't even stopped to even consider what the fuck I'm thinking and how all of this could be effected me!" Seth took a step back and sighed. I could see he was growing irritated but so was I. I was the one that had to deal with all of this. I was the one with the invisible string tied to Fiona's, and no matter how much I tried to cut that connection off, it would just come back stronger.

I knew better then anyone, this was becoming a push and pull game; and realistically specking, no one was winning.

"Tell me where Fiona is?" Seth gave me a 'you've gotta be kidding me' glare and turned to face me "No! She's probably the whole reason we're in this mess-" I cut him off asking again. I was more determined now "Ajar, we agreed that it was best for you two not to be around each other." I glared at him "I didn't agreed to that. You took her away to a safe location, which would keep her safe and I didn't argue with that. But now, I want to know where she is." Seth started walking pass me "Where your going?" he kept walking and said "I'm going home and wait till you calm down. We are obviously getting nowhere because every time we just reach a new point in the argument. So, I'm going home." I got angry and pushed him into the wall "Where is she?!" He pushes me off, fixed his jacket and glares at me "...She's in the old Hollow Mansion.." surprised shook me "She was so close?"

"If she's in danger, she needs to be close. But fair warning, I told you to stay away. When you go to her. You'll need to make a decision." he turns to me, fully determined to see what must be done "It's either her or us. You can't have both. No matter, whatever connection you feel with her. You have to choose." and he leaves.

I walked over to Hollow Mansion and stopped right in front of the door. The trees caved over the mansion, like it was to be eaten. Almost made me forgot why vampires stopped living here and just turned it into a vacation house to visit. Fuck! What was I even doing here?! What do I even plan to say?! All of this happened so fast. None of us didn't even have the time to adjust. I could only imagine how she's taking all of this.. I doubt I'm a face she wants to see..

I stood out there for moments, that felt like hours. I thought about different ways this conversation could go but all of them ended up with me sleeping with her. I groaned at my felt attempts to try to navigate a conversation that wasn't even happening. I felt like a loser. I sat outside on the porch. A second later, my phone rang; I took it out of my back pocket, I watched the caller ID and noticed it was my father. I shoved it right back into my back pocket in hopes he would stop calling. I already knew what he would want to talk about. I did after all ran out on him in a middle of a deep conversation. If my father means anything, he means to finish it and get an explanation but I have nothing to say. If I told him anything, Fiona would be in real danger and right now, I felt one problem was enough to last us a life time.

As I sat there, deep in thought. I heard a click behind me "Don't you move." I stayed still. I could feel the wavering panic behind me as I slowly turned my head "Fiona..put the gun down." I said gently. She looks at me frightened "I don't think so. I literally just had everything sink in and you know what I've noticed? My life is a complete mess. My parents are dead, someone is after me—or at least I think so, vampires are real and I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I AM!?!" I slowly got up from the porch and she tightened her grip on the gun "I told you don't move!" I looked at her, trying to reason with her "A gun isn't going to kill me, Fiona. I'm trying not to hurt you right now. And I'd prefer having a conversation face to face instead of you talking to the back of my head." her confidence in if the gun could do any harm was starting to fade. Her arm and the gun dropped to her side and she asks me "What am I?" I look at her confused "What are you talking about? Your human." she shakes her head in disagreement "Not according to Seth! He can't erase my memory! He can't make them go away!!"

"Fiona I need you to calm dow—"

"Shut UP!!" she looks at me angry "Don't try to control me. I need answers not your pity!" I rolled my eyes "I'm not giving you pity! Shit! If I could turn back time, I would have never even spoken to you! You think this is easy for me!? I had a simple life before you came along!" Angry punched through me, like a volcano after it has exploded and all that's left, is it's ashes.

Seth was right. I had to choose. If not her or them. I have to choose myself.

"You know what. Fuck this!" I got off the porch and began to walk off and she yells after me "This is what you do! Every time we get near just a bit of what we're feeling. You run away!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at her "There is nothing to feel. I'm helping out someone from my school. If anything else—" I drew the final words out of my mouth like daggers "I don't even like you! Your just a meeting gone wrong." She stares at me shocked at hurt and I knew what I said changed everything. I could see everything in her breaking and coming together.

She glares at me "If I'm such a mistake, why are you still here?!"

My mind finally came to a conclusion. This had to end. I had to make it end.

"I was just leaving.." Though I knew two hearts broke tonight; what I did was necessary. My only hope is that I wouldn't regret it later. It was for the best.. I had to believe that, if I wanted to walk away completely. And with that in mind.

I did.