Finally the bell rang.
Unfortunately not the last bell, but the one for lunch break.
Alex didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Or both.
His annoying seatmate had been talking to him the whole time.
He couldn't concentrate and didn't take any notes at all.
Grabbing his hair in frustration, he started packing his stuff.
After 4 hours of his least favorite teacher and a new parasite,
he was very hungry. Just when he was about to leave, someone grabbed his arm.
Great, what did they want now? This whole situation was driving him nuts.
"Wait!" He looked at the male holding his arm. "You're not mad at me, right?"
God, he wanted to punch this idiot for wasting his precious time.
"Could you let go of me?" The other male shook his head. "No, I'm not going anywhere until you answer my question.
Despite being taller than him, that Michaël dude was extremely childish.
He didn't have time for this. So he pulled away with all his strength and started running down the hallway.
He ran until he wasn't able to hear the voice calling him.
Finally, he crouched down to catch his breath when he felt a light tap on his schoulder causing him to punch the person in their face.
"Fuck!", they shouted out in pain. He suddenly recognized the voice. "You didn't have to be so aggressive Alex."
"Sorry Theo", he answered feeling a little guilty.
"You just really scared me. I thought you were that annoying Angel boy.
"Oh, you mean Ravi?" "You know him?" Theo scratched his head smiling a little. " It's nothing important."
Alex just glared at him. It was obvious he was hiding something.
"I swear to god Theodore, that if you won't spill it right now I will bite all of your fingers off and shove them up your ass.
"Fine, fine." He held his hands up in surrender. "I'm waiting."
"We were childhood friends, but his father was strongly against our friendship. He loves his father more than anything because his mother neglected him since birth.
He wanted attention and his father gave him all the attention in the world. Even his siblings didn't get that much.
He basically looks up to him, Which is why is why he chose his father over me.
I didn't have a choice but to leave. So I left. We haven't talked at all since then. Didn't you say he was following you?"
Alex looked surprised. He didn't know what to think. His friends, befriended an angel? That's the same as putting two male lions together and hoping they won't slaughter each other.
Theo always complained about the angels and said he despises them. On top of it, angels never associate themselves with other species.
They think so highly of themselves.He despised them too, but not only for that reason. There was also a personal matter.
What got an angel interested in his friend? "Alex? Are you okay?"
He looked at Theo and tried to get rid of his thoughts. "I'm fine. What were you saying?"
His friend just looked at him and started laughing. " What's so funny?" He really wanted to murder the boy for laughing at him but succesfully held it in.
Theo just shook his head. "You looked so cute when you were spacing out."
Alex gasped. Did he hear it right? He started frowning. He wasn't cute. How dare he call him cute?
"I'm not cute, he said as he tried to punch his 6 ft tall friend, who dodged all his attempts to punch him.
"I know, I know.I'm sorry, ok?"
Alex nodded. Atleast he knew he did something wrong."Good, as I was saying before you spaced out: Was he following you ?"
"Erm... yes, why?"
His friend looked serious. He has never showed this type of emotion. He was always rainbows and butterflies. The type to joke around and laugh.
This kinda made him scared for what he has to say. " He has never showed interest in anyone except me and his family."
"Really? Not even in other angels?"
The other male shook his head. "Listen Alex, you need to be careful around him. He isn't like you think he is."
"What do you mean?"
"I can't tell you, but promise me to be careful, okay?"
He didn't have a choice so he said yes.
"Aleexxx!!! I'm here!!" He turned his head to see a girl running to him.
Before he could even utter a word, she engulfed him in a bonecrushing hug."Maria, I can't breathe."
"Oh, sorry Lex. I forgot how strong I am for a second." Alex couldn't help but smile. She was as silly as always.
"Stop apologizing. Are you even a siren? You're supposed to be mean", Theo said annoyed.
"Oh, I can show you how mean I can be", Maria bit back.
'Lord save me' , Alex thought. He thought that he would get some rest now that that annoying angel wasn't there to disturb him anymore.
Boy, was he wrong. He forgot how much his friends fight.
"No fighting in here , you're annoying the other students."
The three of them turned around to see a red silver haired boy coming their way.
"Daniel! Oh god, you always come right on time", Alex said feeling relief wash over him.
Daniel was his second best friend and he was the future leader of the Dragon clan.
His older brother Brody was supposed to be the next leader but he passed away on his last mission on Forbidden Island.
It was the only island in kingdom Alehysia, but it was the most dangerous place.
It is full of the strongest demons. He wasn't that surprised when they announced his death but he still felt really sad.
He was really attached to his brother. He had no choice but to replace him for the sake of his clan.
He smiled a little at Alex' words. If anyone would've seen him they'd think he lost his mind.
That's because he was always cold to everyone, and he didn't smile often.
His special smile was only reserved for Alex. He has a soft spot for the short boy. "Don't be so dramatic, Alexis. We both know you could stop them without even trying."
Alex started laughing. It was true. He did know how to stop them from fighting, but he was too lazy. And he liked creating and watching the drama between his friends.
Plus, Daniel was the parent of the group. He always took care of them like his own family.
He was the responsible one. "Alex, do you wanna go to that new snack bar at the end of the street?", Maria asked him looking very excited.
"Sure, why not? If you guys don't mind." He looked at the other two for approval.
Theo and Daniel looked at each other, before nodding. "We don't mind at all."
"Great, then let's go", She said before dragging Alex with her.
When they arrived, they were greeted by the nice smell of pizza.
His appetite was immediately gone when they sat at their table.
Right next to their table sat a rich looking old man , a royal guard with a small girl probably their age on his lap.
She didn't look comfortable at all, and she had a collar on that looked too tight on her.
There were bruises all over her body, which he assumed were caused by the man.
She looked very malnourished. When he looked closer, he saw little fangs sticking out.
A vampire slave. For a second he wondered where her wings were but then remembered they were most likely cut off.
This happened to every single vampire after the Battle of Alehysia. The vampires were enslaved as punishment for their betrayal.
If they dared to do anything without permission of their master, they would cut their tongues off or get beaten.
He shivered at the thought of someone cutting his tongue off.
It's so disturbing. He then did something he shouldn't have done.
Alex looked at the dead old man in front of him and the blood on his hands.
What happened? He couldn't remember what he did. A second ago he sat next to his friends.
He couldn't comprehend the situation and tried to figure out his actions.
Before he could even blink , he was dragged by his friends who looked scared.
What had he done? Why couldn't he remember anything at all?
He wanted to save the girl. Wait, the girl ! Where was she?
He frantically began to look for the tiny vampire when he felt a light tug on his shirt.
Alex looked down to find her looking even more scared than before.
Despite her fear for him it seemed like she trusted the boy enough to get close to him.
"Alex", one of his friends spoke. He still couldn't figure out who it was, because of the chaos in his head.
"Alex!" This time it was another voice. "We need to run , right now! Can you do that?"
He nodded. If he opened his mouth, he was most likely going to throw op. The poor boy felt so nauseous.
Everything happened so fast. Luckily his feet seemed to work on their own, and they ran and ran for god knows how long.
As long as they were far away from the city.