Lotus stared at the window. It had been raining for several days and she was sick of it. They were supposed to be on vacation, but the weather was ruining it.
It irritated her so much that she wouldn't talk to anyone for days. Not that they cared. The were too busy with themselves to notice her existence.
Her sister suddenly stood up and left the room. She didn't bother to look up, why would she?
Nobody in the house cared about her anyway. "Medusa, sweetie?" Lotus looked up to see her concerned mother.
But that look wasn't meant for her. " She went to her room, mom", she said before focusing on the rainy scenery again.
" Ok, thanks." Lotus just nodded. The poor girl knew her mother wouldn't pay any more attention to her anyway.
It has always been like that. Her older sister got all the attention. It's funny how it's normally the opposite in other families.
It was always Medusa this, Medusa that, Medusa here, Medusa there. She eventually got used to it and faded even more in the background.
Even her boyfriend would talk about her sister everytime they went out together. He - and her parents- would always compare her with Medusa.
'Why aren't you like your sister?' 'Stop embarrassing the family with your existence.' 'Why did I even give birth to you.' 'If only you were as pretty as her.'
When he told her he only dated her to be close to Medusa she wasn't even surprised. Hadrien had always been interested in her for some reason.
When they broke up, he immediately tried to go out with Medusa but she turned him down.
She cracked up at the thought of his horrified face when it happened.
That was the only thing she liked about her sister. At least she had some dignity.
Unlike some bishes. Suddenly she felt something wet on her cheek. When she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she smiled sadly.
There it goes. The tears she tried so hard to surpress had broken trought her facade. They rolled down like the little droplets on the window before they dried up.
She gently wiped them of with her sweater paw.
Her family shouldn't see her like this. They already thought of her as a weak person.
If they saw her like this , it would prove them right.
All of a sudden little bird landed right before her. She cooed at it before reaching out to tap on the window.
The moment she touched the glass, the little thing stops chirping and looks her dead in the eye before exploding.
Lotus screams in horror. She hopes her parents didn't hear her. When she's calmed down a little bit she looks at the window ,only
to find it completely smeared with blood. If she focused long enough she could even find its guts spread over the surface.
She felt extremely nauseous and tried to comprehend what happend to the bird before everything turned black.