Alex turned his head around and locked eyes with the person standing behind him. The angel dude had followed him all this time? This was way worse than having a villager find him. This guy was a prince for god's sake! Alex turned pale just thinking about it. Ravi noticed and he smiled even wider than before. "Why are you scared, Alex? Did you think of what I could possibly do?" He was clearly mocking him and the boy didn't like that at all. "Shut up, angel. I'm not scared of you", he said scoffing a bit. He wasn't scared at all. It wasn't like he could pass out anytime soon. Ravi pretended not to have heard what he just said. He stepped closer to the smaller boy, who squeaked and avoided looking at him at all costs." I won't report you to my father", the angel said. Alex still didn't look up , so Ravi put two fingers under his chin and lifted his head up. "Why are you avoiding my eyes?", he said. The other boy slowly looked at him. The taller male gasped, dropping his hand. Since when did vampired have pure black eyes? "What the hell?!" Alex backed away from him, being startled by the scream the angel boy let out. The latter noticed this and started to apologize. "I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean it like that". Alex was very sensitive to loud noises caused by trauma. Of course Ravi wouldn't know. They only knew each other for like a day, and so much had happened already. Small teardrops started forming in his eyes. He started to cry. The small boy was overwhelmed by emotions and started sobbing. Ravi didn't know what to do, and awkwardly put his arms around Alex' shoulders.
They stayed like that for what seemed like half an hour. Alex had calmed down and the tears had stopped flowing. He felt a lot better now. "Thank you." It came out like a whisper, due to his sore throat from all the crying, but Ravi heard it loud and clear. "It's fine", he finally said. " Do you think you can stand up? We have to move to a safer place. People are still looking for you". Alex nodded, lifting himself up from the gound. He couldn't remember when he had fallen down but quickly brushed it off. He completely forgot that he was still wanted in the name of the king since he killed the old guard. The angel noticed that he was not paying attention an held his hand. " Stay close to me", he said. " It's not safe for you to walk alone or far away from me. People could actually bring you to my father and I can't help you if that happens". Alex frowned. Why was this boy so nice to him? Why did he even care for him? He had so many questions he wanted to ask, but decided not to do so. Ravi had noticed his questioning eyes, and as if he could read his mind he said:" I will explain everything later". He suddenly felt Ravi's hand tighten around his hand, so he looked up. The angel seemed to have noticed someone in front of them and was being cautious. "Ravi, what are you doing here?" The stranger stepped closer to the two , looking very confused. Alex guessed they were only 2 years younger than him. "Who is this?"
Alex wanted to punch the unknown man for being so stupid. How could he not recognize him from the posters that were spreading around the kingdom with his very own face on them? Was his IQ lower than that of a koala bear? The stranger held his hand out for him to shake." Hi , I'm Gabriel. And you are?" Alex hesitated before shaking his hand. "I'm Alex", he said. Ravi just rolled his eyes at the two interacting." We don't have time for this, brother", he said slightly annoyed. Alex could smell the jealousy all over the place but was surprised at what the taller boy had said. " He's your brother?!", he yelled. Gabriel started laughing. "Yes", he smiled. "I'm his younger brother, Gabriel Michaël. Ravi was getting more annoyed the longer the two interacted with each other and glared at them. Alex was getting scared for his life, but Gabriel didn't seem bothered by this at all. He only smiled and laughed like there wasn't a very angry angel ready to murder him and make it seem like an accident. " Can we talk later?", Alex finally said. He didn't want to get murdered in a forest." I am kinda on the run, so I have to hide?" He didn't sound very sure about it , but whatever. Atleast Ravi stopped glaring and took his hand once again. "You heard him, brother. Get lost". Gabriel looked at their intertwined hands ans started to laugh like a madman. Alex really wanted to dig a hole and live there for the rest of his miserable life. He started blushing like crazy. "I see how it is, brother. So you found a new one? Congratulations. I was getting tired of that Theo dude kissing your ass all day long". Alex frowned at the words coming out of the boy's mouth. Why did he have to mention his friend? What was he talking about? Is it the thing Theo didn't want to tell him? Ravi saw his questioning look, but this time he chose to ignore it."Well, can you atleast tell me why you two are on the run?" Ravi grimaced. Why did his brother have to meddle with everything and everyone? Couldn't he just live his own life?
"We can talk about it when we've found a safe place. Do you know one?" Gabriel seemed to think for a moment before he let out a gasp." I know one, and it's actually not that far frome here. I always hid there when father would ask me to run some errands. Ravi gasped. "You motherfucker, that's why dad always asked me to do shit!" His younger brother just laughed at his statement. "I have always been smarter than you, Ravi. You can clearly see it". Alex didn't feel comfortable anymore, so he tugged on Ravi's sleeve. "What is it?", the taller male said. "Cna we just go?", Alex asked with puppy eyes. Ravi smiled and nodded. "Sure." Gabriel took this opportunity to tease his older brother again." Someone's whipped", he whispered. "Shut up", Ravi exclaimed with a very flustered face which didn't go unnoticed by the other two. Alex blushed too, looking away from the brothers. "Come on", Gabriel said. "Follow the leader!"